Saturday, February 28, 2009 @ Big Bad Boy in a Big Bad World
I have been a big bad boy lately.
Life is back per normal after Kerinchi Expedition.
I am having wishful thinking that is achievable. My problem is I do not know where to start.
No. I know where to start but I am just PLAIN LAZY. period.
"We'll do it again"
Tuesday, February 17, 2009 @ 7 hrs
7 hrs till i get on the plan and go for a week lond expedition.
So long peeps. Have fun while I'm away. Cos I will be having fun!
Kerinchi! Here I ccccccccccooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeee
Sunday, February 15, 2009 @ The fight is still on.
And you thought I would stop and stare? Crying over the bleeding wounds? Give up and admit losing? After the pnching and blowing I went through.
Think again.
I'm fighting back.
Friday, February 13, 2009 @ The finale.
One question.
Why can't you accept my imperfection like how I accept yours.
Don't bother reading again. I've moved.
Thursday, February 12, 2009 @ iRock
iPod + Hafiz = iRock
People say that you are your own enemy. True. Only you can bring yourself down.
I say, you are your own Rock Band. You set your beat, your music and how loud the fans will be screaming!!
Positive-mindedness got me through a lot further than I thought. But it won't work if I didn't put in the actions.
I face the music that I play. And I play Rock
Tuesday, February 10, 2009 @ I am imperfect.
I am imperfect. I am not the perfect guy for you. It felt so wrong yet it felt so right. I give in. I lost. I hope you had the time of your life.
@ Brain detergent
Anybody knows where I can get some of this??
I'm still lingering with the past. Those rotten past. Argh! I can't seem to move on even when I'm moving. I would still slot some bits of the past.
Wondering. Reminising. Hoping.
No point. Its useless.
Saturday, February 07, 2009 @ Its been awhile (Random!)
Sorry for not updating for a while.
Well actually there is nothing to update about..
School close. We'll be on vacation till April. For now I'm just spending my days at work or at home or with someone close.
10 more days for Kerinchi Expedition. I donno what to expect, but I bet it would be better than Tahan!!
I'm kida sad to those who are unable to join the climb this time round especially to Atiqq who had went for an eye surgery..But she is doing quite well now. And I bet she is getting better. =)
Oh, my mum had been baby sit another neighbour child. Wahhh!! He is so naughty? haha. He would grab my legs and do not let me go out from my house to work. But he is cute la..
Oh-oh!! I need to set my goals and piorities. I feel that there is a change in myself and I need to set it so that I am clear on my destiny.
This week I've been to the mosque twice and I felt so in touch with my spiritual side. Every single word that they preach kinda amazed me and got me thinking (well there are some that I dont understand what they are talking and I end up building my own castle). I got to admit that my spiritual side is at the all time loww.
Okok..Got to go and meet Izza!!
Keep Smiling!!
This is my blog (like duh);
JusT anoTher matured Kid with tOo mUch dreaM aNd WithoUt No PaSsIon to achieVe...
RocK ON!!!
The reflector
His name is Muhammad Nur Hafiz;
Currently studying in Republic Polytechnic March the 6th is his day; iPod-ing is his obsession.
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