"Don't waste your time on me, You're already the voice inside my head" I Miss You - Blink 182
Thursday, January 29, 2009 @ 25 stripped naked things about me
Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you.
People thought I wear a very expensive Puma watch that cost more than $180 while I got it at RM10. hehe. Talking about spending cheap yet stylish. Hahahaha
I got my driving license for FREEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Thanks for all your taxes, You just get yourself a new road rash driver, i mean racer =)
I'm a low profile guy. My girlfriends makes me popular.
My ambition was to be a doctor. I'm not even qualified to be a nurse!!!
I like to search for golds in my nose.
My Handphone bill this month is $140
I have always been working in the F&B line. This time I'm working at Breeks Cafe Causewaypoint. Don't look for me for discounts =P
I fall in love with guitar hero!! The first time I played it, I knew that it was love at first button
I listen to Ska, Punk rock, metal, rock & roll, emo, indonesia rock, trash, and old skool music.
I want to be a rock star \m/
I want to try bungee jumping, sky diving and twisting and turning not for the faint hearted roller-coster!!!
I'm not water confidence. I can swim but I got tired easily and once I got panic thats it. bloob-bloob
I laugh when people laugh. Just do not want to be left out.
I love to hang out at places with calming waters. Like the Esplanade, jetties, dams, beaches and the latest favourite, Marina Barrage. Its a must go there place. Really!
A 20 years old virgin.
A fan of Manchester United FC. They just owned!!!
i'm counting how many more things I have to write.........
18 years old, many people first impression on me is that I'm 18....
I got my own recording of my own original song. Not release bcos it sucks
I'm climbing mountains. You peeps cannot believe it ryttt..haha.. If everything goes well I'm going Nepal in 6 months time.
My childhood favourite hero is Batman. I just love his dark and mysterious manner and bringing justice to Gotham City.
And I used to call batman "Mak-mak" when i was a small little kid
I am a fan of Michael Jackson because of his sleek moves and curly hair.
And I adore his curly hair so much that when I was a boy, I twirl my hair so that it can be curly like his.
It took me 3 nights to complete this. Thank you Sharan!
So thats 25 random things about me.
@ "Looking forward" to work
I'll be away from blogging for these few days.
Not going anywhere but busy working.
There are some things to settle.
There will always be.
Too much things that I'm neglecting those precious ones.
If I could only see your face today,
I miss you super duper badly =(
Tuesday, January 27, 2009 @ debate
I had a debate with my mother earlier today. The topic was "Why people will streotype a musician after he had done his pilgrimage?".
I was the defendant. The debate had a good build up that I can see that my mum just do not want to lose after she keep repeating the same old reason with her volume increase. haha.
Her point was
Musician makes music that entertain and makes people lost track of time for prayers
they play at a bad reputation place (etc night club )
people who had done pilgrimage are suppose to be pious and holy
My point was
Musician are not to be blame for the audience to lost track of time for prayers. Your life your responsibility(taken from dengue advertisment)
there are other place to play other then nightclubs
even if they had done pilgrimage whats wrong with them doing what they like?
If music does make people to lose track of time for prayers, isn't playing game does the same thing?
What's your point of view??
Sunday, January 25, 2009 @
Wishing everyone a prosperous CNY! Its the year of the Ox ryt?? So may this year we all bull-ing around!
CNY, school hols and the first thing that comes to a normal youth is ENJOY! I think I'm not a normal youth, cos I have to work more than 12 hrs everyday, train harder and the only time I have for myself is on the bed snoozing....
My cough is getting worse every single time. I almost vomit late last night because of the cough. It was really bad. Today at work it wasn't that bad la. The moment I step in the house there goes the coughing like mad cow diseases with a throat infection.
Thats it. I'm not meeting GF this whole week. How great.
Thursday, January 22, 2009 @ Drained....
Everyday, there must be something after school. Its not the end of the week but I'm drained for sure. Drained like my balls had been suck dry and there is nothing left to be proud of. Hah! Super-duper tired. And my days are packed till Monday. CNY! HangBao!!!!! ya ya ya....as if I'll get one. So i'm free on Monday and Tuesday. Anyone wants to make a date with me?? =)
Wednesday, January 21, 2009 @ LAzzzYYY..
2 more days to end of Year 1. Wow. How time flies when you are having fun.
So here I am sitting down here typing and listening to the presentation at the same time. Other than getting a diploma, I picked up skill to listen to the presentation and type without looking at my keyboard! haha.
So lazy. End of hard work. Now to play hard. Haha. Dota Dota Dota. I need to learn the new map and some new heroes.
I think I'm chao-ing tmrw lesson, and go for a date???
I <3 You!
Saturday, January 17, 2009 @ Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish
Steve Jobs. CEO of Apple and Pixar animation. Inspiring!
From Yishun to Pasir Ris via SLE, TPE PAsir Ris to Jurong East via PIE Jurong East to Bukit Timah via PIE Bukit Timah to Marina Barrage via AYE, ECP Marina Barrage to Yishun via CTE, SLE. Starting time 4 pm. Ending time 11pm!
Where to next?
@ Down and Out.
It all started with a pain at the back of my left ribs. No sign of bruise or cut or stratch. I don't remember getting hit, cut or scratch there. I have difficulty in breathing and it hurts when I laugh. My diagnosis, muscle sore. I think i use that muscle when i went swimming with the Jackasses.
Then, Mr Irritating came to pay a visit. I was very irritated that my team mates wasn't helping enough for the problem. I know its tedious, but put in effort can. I hate people doesn't take in the initiative or doing their best. I kept my cool and finish up my work.
I decided not to go for training and went home after the ALPs briefing about the upcoming expedition to kerinchi. I'm not taking the risk to hurt myself even more. But getting hurt was inevitable. Jealousy kicks in and yada, yada, yada. Not gonna elaborated about it.
My body wasn't feeling too good neither. I was in pain with the muscle sore, stomach gone haywire, there is a riot in my head. That have not include irritating and jealousy.
And why does the wind nowadays so chilling? I got to wear 3 layer of clothes. A t-shirt, jacket and to top it off, a windbreaker with hoodies and I still can feel the chill. But it is good enough to keep the warmth to the core of my body.
I hate cold. Period.
Sunday, January 11, 2009 @ Imperfection.
All the time we just wish that we have the perfect everything. Everything in this world. The perfect house, the perfect car, the perfect job and most importantly the perfect person that walks with you through your entire perfect life together.
However, it is inevitable to have imperfection. Nothing in this world is perfect (different people different perspective doesn't apply here). So are we still going to be sad or unhappy to have what we have even if they are not perfect?
Imagine in a situation where your love ones was convict. He/she may done her time in prison and had faced the consequences. And knowing her deepest secret just made you feel that he/she is imperfect. What happen then? Leave him/her and find someone better? Even after he/she plays a big part of your life?
I wonder how many of us can look at imperfection perfectly? How many of us can accept the life as what it is? How many of us really understand love and respect?
Neither am I such a perfect person. But i'm learnung to accept imperfections and flaws.
"We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but bylearning to see an imperfect person perfectly." -- Sam Keen
Thursday, January 08, 2009 @ Holiday mood
Holiday mood. Still am. Never ending. Lazy to do work. After a month, of holiday. nice. I think I left my brain in Indonesia. Haha.
So here I am in class being physically present and did nothing to contribut to the collaborative learning. haha. Bored la. Why must RP have to squeeze in a 3 weeks break and then another 3 weeks of school befor 10 weeks of vacation. I think I'll just scrape through this final school period.
I need to start working my ass off. NOW NOW NOW HAFIZ!!!
I have to start serious training, and serious fund raising.
Sunday, January 04, 2009 @ Thank you 2008, Hello 2009 *with Pics*
I would like to take some time now to give my gratitude to those involve in my life in 2008.
First of all, I would like to thank the Almighty that had given me strength to keep moving on with alot of Ups and Downs.
Going back to school is not that bad afterall after more than 2 years in the working world. In fact, with my working world attitude placed in my school, it makes school time so easy. And Poly life. I just loving it.
A special gratitude to Hazri for helping me alot when i'm in trouble and need seek help. He was there to help out in school matters and made me feel at home in school. With him also, I manage to get a job that can help with my personal finance. With him also, I found new friends regarded as brothers and sisters, basically, the SG family (Jannah, Noreen, Zul, Is, An, Man, Yaty and Fidah, Nadia). Next special gratitude is to Team ALPs. Thank you for the opportunities to be at the outdoor. Its rare for me to be under the sun or star gazing at night. So be able to be somewhere I love with bros and sis in arms is great. Without them, I would already given up and I won't be able to watch the sun rise at 2000m high and above. Thank you Jane and Abg David for sharing this opportunity with me and the gang! Together we will climb higher! Next is class mates of w26J and W26R. thank you for making life in RP so fun and enjoyable. Lessons would be boring without your nonsense. And I may not be able to cope with studies. without you, my grades won't be this good. Next on the list is my family. The dearest. Thank you mum and dad for your unconditional support and love. Your son had been going home late. And when he reach home you were sleeping. When I woke up for school, you may already left for work(dad) or still sleeping(mum). I do not want to be a burden to you both, and I do not want you to be worried. As long i'm able to do whatever I can to survive. To Ms Sunshine who had shown light in my heart again. The time I spent getting to know you is the best time I ever had. Listening to your never ending stories, your hopes and dreams. Even when there was a moment to give up on you, I'm glad that I didn't because It would be a waste. Lastly to all my friends and people who had walk this year with me. Thank you for your support. 2009! My resolution: keep smiling =)
This is my blog (like duh);
JusT anoTher matured Kid with tOo mUch dreaM aNd WithoUt No PaSsIon to achieVe...
RocK ON!!!
The reflector
His name is Muhammad Nur Hafiz;
Currently studying in Republic Polytechnic March the 6th is his day; iPod-ing is his obsession.
Msn: zorro1822003@hotmail.com Hafiz Fizzy's Profile Create Your Badge