Monday, December 29, 2008 @ next stop: Mt Kerinci

"the highest
volcano in
Indonesia, and the highest peak in Sumatra(3805m).
Kerinci is more active than most Indonesian volcanoes, with nearly annual
phreatic eruptions. Kerinci last erupted in 2004, and continues to spew clouds of sulphurous smoke, with plumes reaching as high as 1,000 m (3,281 ft) above the summit"
Ok so officially, training started today with strength circuit. Honestly speaking, I SUCK! seriously. Ok knowing that I wasn't feeling well this morning. Even when I'm excited about today's training. After the first set, body fluids were flowing nonstop, like a water tap that had a loose head. Fluids from all the holes were like flowing like high tide. And for a moment, my lungs were giving up on me. Like balloons with holes. I swear I did not touch a stick of cigerrette for a month!!
Suspect that I wasn't having any breakfast and my eating habits is getting lesser is the main problem. I wasn't having enough water and I still yet to recover from flu and cough. I was adding to the pain by eating chocolates. And also a dusty home.
House toilet under renovation. sponsored by HDB. ok. its like 2 weeks of misery without toilet and a dusty house. I'm like a refugee and the toilets are warzones with enemy from the east and west, shooting drill and hacking on one another. ARGH!! I need peace. To find inner peace, I would seek shower at the temporary toilet under the block. Don't laugh. I felt and doing things like a refugee. Eating packet food and drinks and using the common toilet. I feel what the people in Gaza are feeling, except for the violence part.
Some of the things I have to do this new year. I got to earn more money. Save more money. Pay up my debts. Step up on my trainings. Get 6 packets of tea bags implant on my stomach and two ostrich eggs on my biceps.
Till then buhbyee!!
Monday, December 22, 2008 @ Back home again
Finally. I'm back in singapore again. I dont think I'll be out of town until the next expedition.
So Ubin was a steep learning experience for me. Learning about the outdoors, the risk, and the main subject, leadership. Learning with the team made it so much meaningful as these people are the ones that I will be with on the next expedition. Bonds that we created and the things that we shared, form us a team.
Learning about Earnst Shackleton and his journey to the south pole and was trapped was facinating. Especially when he got all his crew to safety after trapped for 3 months.
I still haven't got the photos yet. So will update with photos.
Yesterday was 27! with the gang. Had lunch, at turkey restaurant. Walk around town. lepaks at Esplanade and had dinner at macdonald. Before gg home.
Pics too to be uploaded soon.
Total days without sunshine = 5 days.
Total time thinking of her = everytime
Therefore. I miss her totally.
Hopefully, I will meet her today. *finger-cross*
Tuesday, December 16, 2008 @ check who's back
BACK from Jakarta.
It was an awesome holiday week.
Had fun knowing the culture, lights and sounds, and the special things that our neighouring country got to offer. Things that Singapore will never offer.
The Kampung Life
A Villa on top of the mountain facing active volcanoes
Crossing a heavy traffic
Natural hot spring waterfall

The most important thing is getting together a big family =)

Mind you this is only half of the family OKAAYYY!! Oh ya. the one in red and yellow is the bus driver. hahahah.
i'm too lazy to blog about every day. So I'll upload the pics to my photobucket and you view from there yaww!!
2 more days, ALPS leadership camp @ Ubin. 3 days 2 nights.
I'll bet it will be fun.
I can also bet that I'll miss Miss Sunshine AGAINN!!!
Thnkz for spending yr time with me and entertaining my irritating-ness. Sorry if i went overboard. And now you know that behind the coolness is actually a rainstorm.
Saturday, December 06, 2008 @ A note for Ms Sunshine.
Due to my ignorance and enjoying life, playing games, watching movie and FB-ing, I lost my last few hours of my time spending with Miss Sunshine. Without realising, she msn me before she went offline.
"i didn't wanna leave so soon just now.time flies blardy fast when i'm enjoying my time with you.irritating. nw i have to endure for one week without your irritatingness,no calls from u,no msgs,no hugs, no kisses, nothing. =( I WILL MISS YOU. tc when you reach Jakarta tmr. make sure you cn speak javanese when you come back.
haha. nites syg.
love you love you love you hafiz love you love you love you"
So here I am regretting what I've done. There's no way I'm gonna get back the time I've lost on entertainment.
Miss Sunshine, I'm sorry for not spending enough time with you. Time flies fast, but I got to admit, we were in our own world and I am glad that we "runaway". I will try my best to reach you when I'm there alryt dear. All I want is you focusing in class, to catch up with A's, your madrasah exams and have fun and enjoy yourself with the 3 Fs. Family, friends and FOOD. Don't be naughty-naughty and get yourself into trouble. Can syg?
Speak javanese when I come back??? I will be looking like Irwansyah too dear..HOT KAN!!! =) Mentang-mentang die orang Jawa. Haha
I'm really gonna miss you brighting up my days. Your smile, your cheeks, your eyes, your curl eyelashes. I will miss adoring you and going speechless. I will miss your never-ending stories, your touch, your smile, your laughter and your irritatingness. I miss you more today than yesterday. But not as much as tomorrow.
Hugs and kisses.
I L Y!!
Thursday, December 04, 2008 @ Human touch,
Having Enterprise Skill module. Now mostly touch on Human management. It is much more better learning on the human touch of business than products.
Talking about this topic, I kinda hate one of my manager at work. He is kinda new to the place, but his PR sucks big time la. Operation style also macam Paham.
First of all, it is already stressful with long queue of order. That FaT Man had alot of wrongly keyed order. Not helping much to me. And lastly asked questions that is OBVIOUS. Like a malay phrase,"Dah terang lagi bersuluh". So I attitude him and making noisense (noise + nonsense).
Luckily Paolo was there to help me with the order. He is like super Chef la. Do kitchen then help out at Bar and take order from the dining. It was chaotic I tell you.
At the end of the day, we had our briefing by this FAT man, and he said this
FAT Man:You should learn food caller. Don't just because you hot, the kitchen also hot, you don't do.Hafiz: *nod-nod* (like hello!!! I was the food caller!! It when Paolo come in and then I move away. It would be messy if things wasn't organize)FAT Man: How long you work already??Hafiz: 6 months =) (9 actually. Plus minus Sat&Sun and PH total 6 months!)FAT Man : Why give me the attitude? You animal is it? Human or animal??Hafiz: ....(I heard animals know how to cook and work at a cafe. Why don't you hire an animal unstead. I know one animal. ALEX THE LION!!!)FATman: BLA, BLA,BLAHafiz:...(Yada,yada,yada FAT ASS!!!)So in the way, he humiliate me infront of all. Thankz la eh =) Appreciate it alot!!
So on Wed, I pai tao work. I told Hazri abt it already. Actually I want to find a replacement, but the guy replacing me wants me to repay on Friday. FRIDAY??!! C'mon. So i decline. SO I call the manager and said I got project and unable to come for work. I'm Sorry Ma'am Glaeza. Its not you. Its that FAT MAN.
Things are getting worst when that FATman around.
As much as I dowan to leave the place, I think I'm leaving.
Its OK. Going to Jakarta at the end of the week. One week there..woooo....SO its cross culture time. I'm going to experience my Hari Raya Haji with my fellow relatives there. Its Hand on time.
Ok. So some events coming up.
JAKARTA: 6 Dec to 14 Dec
Holidays: From 15 Dec to 4 Jan
SG outing:17 Dec
Pulau Ubin Camp: 18-20 DEC
27! : TEntativly on the 21 DEC,subject to change =)
I don't think I'm going to get enough money to survive again.
I'm gonna find alternative.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008 @ my sunshine.
I forgot what to blog about but yeah.
Get Well Soon Miss Sunshine. I'm missing you
My Girl - The Temptations
I've got sunshine
On a cloudy day.
When it's cold outside,
I've got the month of May.
Well, I guess you'll say
What can make me feel this way?
My girl. (My girl, my girl)
Talkin' 'bout my girl. (My girl)
I've got so much honey
The bees envy me.
I've got a sweeter song
Than the birds in the trees.
Well, I guess you'll say
What can make me feel this way?
My girl. (My girl, my girl)
Talkin' 'bout my girl. (My girl)
Ooooh, Hoooo.
Hey, hey, hey.
Hey, hey, hey.
I don't need no money,
Fortune or fame.
I've got all the riches, baby,
One man can claim.
Well, I guess you'll say
What can make me feel this way?
My girl. (My girl, my girl)
Talkin' 'bout my girl. (My girl)
Talkin' bout my girl.
I've got sushine on cloudy day
With my girl.
I've even got the month of May
With my girl.