Sunday, April 27, 2008 @ Weekends Escapes!
Weekends, weekends. How do you love the weekends to just chill and relax with a few good pals and some awesome entertainment.
Friday after school went to Esplanade to with Faiz to catch OAG, a malaysian indie band, perform live on stage. I didn't know much about them at first but hearing them play their songs with catchy tunes got my head swaying and my feet tapping. Cool lio..

So now I'm addicted to some of their songs. Like Permysuri, akustatik,Slumber, Generasiku, Biru and lots more. Wooooo...dld dld...haha
Sat went to town again. This time with Hafiz and Redzuan. My classmate. Went out to look for some guitar parts. And then to Esplanade Library. This time we suppose to stdy but end up making alot of noise with our stupid jokes practically to everyone in our class. Haah. Even the 3 of us were not spared. haha. Got to know that Redzuan are the type that doesn't go out often as his father is strict kind. He even doesn't know how to get to Suntec City from Cityhall MRT. Goodness. Haha. There will always be the first time for everything.
Sunday is back to work. Ok la. Work is not that stressing or bad when you are with a gerek bunch of people. Sacrifice my soccer time to earn the extra cash. Farhan went down to meet me after work. So not expected. HE told me about the soccer match earlier on. they won 7-4. He scored a hat trick. Missed another great game. Argh..
Tomorrow school. I miss school.I beginning to love the RPoly system. Its so much interactive rather then just studying. hahaa..chiows
Thursday, April 24, 2008 @ Ohyoyo
How's Everyone?
Merah Band came to campus earlier on. They rock the forum with their numbers. Who said that S'pore local malay bands are dead?? They are rocking all right.
Today was like I did most things for the first time.Blahh. Nerve wrecking as I'm afraid it might be wrong. I will be held responsible. So if I did any mistake please forgive me.
I'm getting slack in class as days passed by. With school in the day and work at night, I'm like seeing the sun during going to school and going to work after school. The resat of my time was spent indoors. My daily routine is like 7 to 12 everyday. I'm so tired.
Oh ya, my hp screen cracked. Should I get another hp? or should I get a MP3 instead? or maybe getting a PsP again? Ohyoyo. Should I get the Samsung F330? Ipod?
Tomorrow enterprise module. Luckily I'm not working. Cool
Wednesday, April 23, 2008 @ Not you, not me but US.
module today was science. Learn about density. And I don't understand. My brain is like jammed when thinking of the link and stuff. ArGHH!!
And kids these days are no better but to irritate me. When I burst into flames they say I fierce. When I get along their jokes they say I'm like a kid, playing and joking around.
Why can't they see the importance of knowing when to be serious and when to play around? Come on dude and dudettes. Grow up and be a little matured. There is time to play and there is time to be serious. So know it well and you will get the best of me. Period.
I don't go around and bursting into flames for the likes of it. However, when work has to be done, please do it. If you want to gossip around or laugh at some stupid jokes or even internet shopping, please do so during the break. It is so annoying to get distracted with your "cute" little sidetracks. And when you are assigned to do some work, please do so. Because your effort will cause the team to get a good grade or a bad one.
I'm not saying all this because it is a rule. But it is for our own benefit. Our grades depend on each other. Not you, not me but US.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008 @ Tissue box and handphones
Title got nothing to do with today's entry. I got no idea what to put on the title so I just see my hand phone and tissue box that is right infront of me.
Today was a pretty A.Ok. Summary: School was fine. Humiliate myself with a retro dance on a hip hop song. For one main reason. I can't dance hip hop. haha. Work was also ok. New staff in. A senior citizen. 3 weeks in a job and I'm teaching someone new? haha.
Not much to say. A class mate of mine finds me matured but still funny. I find her rather blur and get easily distracted. Especially about emotions and relationship. Not going to elaborate further. Its her life anyway. I just give the best advise for her. Take it or not is her problem.
I tend to observe people especially is class. Some of them have the same attitude as some people I know. Some are rather annoying and some just want to be the cool kid in class. Whatever you want to be, go ahead. I've been through all that crap. Punk rock, relationship crisis, Dota or CS. It opens up my heart to wonder what am I like during those years. Hah. But surely I was a punk rocker, having a relationship crisis and played Dota or CS.
Seeing their behaviour makes me think that I am a few steps infront of them. But I still got to learn new stuff.
Monday, April 21, 2008 @ Blue blue blue.....
Monday blue.
What a way to start the week. *yaawnn* Presentation now. 4th team to present. Mine was the first team to present. Computing and stuff. Was a headache at first but then get it all done and right. Yawn
This whole week working and working. Mon to thurs work. Fri and Sat off. Phew. Lucky What will I do this weekend. Get some time for myself or go out for a date? Or get some things done? Argh...Yawn
Working later today. Work till I fall sick. Yawn
Saturday, April 19, 2008 @ Denying.
I got a confession to make. I am living in denial. Living with the "I moved on" when I'm not even close to starting the engine.
Can someone etach me how to move on? how to change? Its not as easy as I thought it would be. And it is so frustrating to stuck in a moment and cannot get out of it. II am still the same 3 years back. I am way out of time. Out of my acheivement. Time doesn't wait. Why am I still waiting?
I need to read up about enterprise 6P. The part about how people change. Suddenly I can relate school to my personal life.
Friday, April 18, 2008 @ Another looooooooooooonnngggg week...
Another looooooooooooonnngggg week finally end. Well not exactly. Weekends I'm like a full time cook. bahh. Work work to earn money. These sweet things I need to fill up my empty stomach.
I realise that I've been busy occupying myself with things just to run away with unsettled problem within myself. I'm avoiding my own self to prevent self inflicting pain. I think I should change. Instead of avoiding, I should overcome these challenge. It was no different 3 years back and If I don't change now, it will still be the same 5 years down the road.
Something I learn in class today. Knowing yourself is half battle won. Knowing Heaven and Earth, winning the war is inevitable. Sun Tzu art of war. He is the coolest Chinese war lord to come up with the art of war. His Art of war can be related to any context. At school or work or even at home. So I'm going to google for the Art of war.
Thursday, April 17, 2008 @ Stop and Stare.
This town is colder now, I think it's sick of us
It's time to make our move, I'm shakin off the rust
I've got my heart set on anywhere but here
I'm staring down myself, counting up the years
Steady hands, just take the wheel...
And every glance is killing me
Time to make one last appeal... for the life I lead
Stop and stare
I think I'm moving but I go nowhere
Yeah I know that everyone gets scared
But I've become what I can't be, oh
Stop and stare
You start to wonder why you're 'here' not there
And you'd give anything to get what's fair
But fair ain't what you really need
Oh, can u see what I see
They're tryin to come back, all my senses push
Un-tie the weight bags, I never thought I could...
Steady feet, don't fail me now
Gonna run till you can't walk
But something pulls my focus out
And I'm standing down...
Stop and stare
I think I'm moving but I go nowhere
Yeah I know that everyone gets scared
But I've become what I can't be, oh
Stop and stare
You start to wonder why you're here not there
And you'd give anything to get what's fair
But fair ain't what you really need
Oh, you don't need
What u need, what u need...
Stop and stare
I think I'm moving but I go nowhere
Yeah I know that everyone gets scared
But I've become what I can't be
Oh, do u see what I see...
Deep in me, i've stop and stare.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008 @ weird weird weird
Today was tralala day.
Reason being, I was feeling tralala. haha. I was feeling weird actually. Got something in my heart that say it is different. From the start of my day till now.
My intuiton is telling me to be prepared. I just hope that it is not something bad. I feel so calm when praying. i wish I am that calm every single second of my life.I'm like having mood swings. Now i'm calm, the next moment i went stressful, and the next I went rocking and head bangging.
Nehow. Today is brokenity Bday. I wished her bday ok. I not scared anymore. HAaha. but she replied during my team presentation. For the first time my sms tone is very damn loud that the whole class hears my Power ranger tone and laugh. Paisey for the moment. hahaha.
Work was aokay I guess. Thanks to Double X for giving me energy. I was half dead after school. Lucky DX gave me the extra oomph. haha.
Oh yawn. Getting sleepy. Anyway, I receive comments that I am SMART. Which part of me is smart? Am I really smart. I don't even noe I'm smart. Tralalala
Monday, April 14, 2008 @ Cheers!
Sorry for the lack of updates. Been busy with school work and work. It was tough balancin both. Tough,but I've got to do this for myself. For my pocket money and bla bla bla.
Working was tough. learning how to cook the dishes, controlling the stress level. But it was a good tthing I got F&B experience. I could move well in the kitchen. doing a few dishes at one time. Taking the heat. But my manager said there wasn't energy in me and there was no passion and love in making dishes. Yadadadadadadadada.
I want to write a song. About a girl who is in "its complicated" and I'm not the superman that girl is looking for. I do not want to be in a position where I'm the one to be blame for the mishap that happen to them. I do not want them to be in my shoes 2 years back.
2 years is a long time. To me it was just like yesterday. The past 2 years was like a standstill. Memories are still fresh in my head. I can't believe that 2 years had past. Just because brokinity. Her Bday coming soon too. Haiz. I hate April. dArmn
Wednesday, April 09, 2008 @ Rushing....
From the start of my day till a few minutes later, I was rushing from one important stuff to another.
Early morning rush to school after spending like half an hour to find my black tee. But to no avail. Rush down to the bus stop, but I miss the bus. Waited for like another half an hour for the arrival of a fully packed bus to arrived. Decided to take 965 instead.
In class had meetings and discussion about the blood group and the function. There are so many information that we after evaluating every point and searching every information, we had little time to do the presentation. So rush on the presentation slides with 20 minutes left before presenting. My team was lucky team number one to present. How great.
After school, rush down to CWPT to look for a black tee for work later. Get it and change. Finally had a bite for dinner. Which is like 30 minutes before reporting for work.
Work was also rushing. First day, did kitchen. I was stationed at the pasta station. Do pasta and dressing. Met some new people. Sorry if your pasta was a disaster. I am still learning. I was suppose to finish up my work by 10 but got dragged until 11. I was feeling uneasy as I have not done my school work. So After work rushed back home.
Phew. Managed to do everything with 5 minutes to spare. Argh...rush here rush there.
Tomorrow work again. The guy at work ask me to quickly learn all the stuff so that I am steady. Working in F&B line is like nothing to me. I know what the basic things to do. Haha. Like keeping the station clean and etc. However I still cannot bear the heat. Panas beb.
Tuesday, April 08, 2008 @ Did I tell you?
Hello all. Some updates here.
I got a job at breeks causeway point. Tomorrow my first day. blaahhh.. See how it goes.
School was ok. Learn about conflict. The moral of the story. In the team, they are bound to be conflicts. Its how we handle them to acheive our goals.
After school went shopping. Shopped for a black jeans and cap. Haha. Thats all for tomorrow first day at work. I was looking for the best deal. First time I'm looking for something cheap and hopping from shop to shop and getting the best deal. Haha.
I need someone to talk to. Someone who can I can relate very well. I want to talk remove whatever that bothers me. Lighten up my burden. It would be nice to have someone to listen to me. I had been the one listening to people's woes. Its my turn now. Who wants to listen?
Monday, April 07, 2008 @ Can I borrow your ears?
I need someone to talk to. Its ok if you dowan to listen. I just need someone to be beside me and hear my life's crap. So that people will not think I'm out of my mind if I talk alone to myself.
I need you.
Saturday, April 05, 2008 @ The last day of orientation.
The third and last day orientation starts rather slow. It starts with my the gang was pulled into another team. Worst part the team leader mixed only with the people he knows from the SEG Orientation camp. OK so Ice breaking, yadayadayada. Then is the crossword puzzle and amazing race. Didn't actually complete. Got some chops free. The team was lazy. My gang had no mood to involve also.
Then was the LeapFrog breaking the world record. Practicing jumping. My thigh huts from jumping and jumping. Then we proceed to the lawn to jump jump. First attempt, we didnt make it. Had to jump two set instead of one because there is still time. And alot of them was disqualified due to hands and knees touched the ground. 2nd attempt we made it. baik pe?? Saw me on the news?? haha
Then the party begins. Wohhoooo...
Listen to the bands performing before having dinner. Then the mascot competition started. Tough competition. RSH had some *screams* dance moves. The stage was filled with girls and they groove to the beat. Hawt!!. The rest was normal. SHL was another dance performance. But this is all guys. First they did the Haka. The moves done by Newzealand All Blacks before their match. They are like hunks. Then they start to stripped and dance. OMG. Fcuking gay. hahaha. And they only look hunky with clothes on. Behind that clothes was just another flab of fats. Hahaa. Calling themselves Spartans. Hahaha. So far out.
RSH won the overall school championship. SEG had another fun day. Wohhooo.
After that the party continues. With Hip hop dance moves and QED, a rock band, By student from RP itself. The jamming was awesome. Jump jump, shout shout, mosh mosh. Lost my voice in the mosh area. Anyone saw it please return it back to me yah. haha.
Went home after that. I can't believe school is starting next week. Haiz. Still holiday mood. BAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, April 03, 2008 @ Orientation day 2
Day 2 of orientation. Was another draggy day. Haha. I now remember had always been draggy.Today had nothing but just talks. Diploma talks, Course talk and also the Crivya IG talk. Yada yada yada.
My SEG orientation team meet up together before entering the Lecture Hall. And we are the last group to enter. Haha. Cool ke pe. We bond really well. Haha. We meet up together, hang out together, have lunch together, went home together. Only different class. boo. Hopefully we some of us are together in the next semester.
Best pe.
I thought I could sleep through the talk. In the end I sat right infront of the Programme Chair a.k.a HOD. He looks like nutty professor. haha. yadadadada.
Met some new guys. Nazrul, Hady, Wendy, Joel, Viktry, Eugene. These are all guys in the same course as me. But different class. Haha. But its okay. Have to get use to meeting new people.
Haiz. They should be on their way to Fraser Hill..Have a safe journey through and back. Let the magic bedazzled you there. Because it is simply a magical place. Sad I'm not there to experience it.
Lastly. Take really good care of yourself Ms Nurse. Get well soon. Drink lots of water and eat lots of fruits ya. See.. Nurses also do fall sick!!
Wednesday, April 02, 2008 @ RP Orientation..
It was a bore.....hahahahahahhahahahhahaha..
There was no one familiar in class. I was late. Pop-ed in the class, the the Facilitators, your term as teacher, said "HI!! Please take a seat anywhere you like" So I just dived into the nearest table and seated promptly. Hah.
Class was quiet. Only these two girls that made the noise in the class. The rest like minding their own business. I almost fell asleep as the Facilitator talk abt the system, where I already explored during my free time.
But learning experience in RP is really different. No lectures, no tutorials. No books, no notes. Its daily problems, presentations, group discussion. The learning part is like class, I guess. I donno. Still awkward with it but it takes time to get everything settle down.
Met the rest of Team Love and hang out during the break time. The canteen was jam packed. And its only the eager year ones. Not including the fun and happening year twos and threes. If these 2 years combined, I think I will buy food outside.
Tomorrow Diploma talk. Planning to bring my small pillow. Hahahaha.
Tuesday, April 01, 2008 @ Chapter 6.
So its a new chapter of life for me now.
School starting tomorrow with orientations. New bunch of people. New environment. New expectations. A best of all new Experience. Poly life. Like finally.
I had been called up for reservist already. 6 months so fast. Then school starting. They cannot wait is it? Wait long long la. call me during my hols.
Hang out with PNS boys just now. Like after a month. Catch up on stuff. Share problems. Sharing is caring. But I just seems to have a very heavy mouth to talk about good stuff. I'm not stingy la. Only erm...I donno how to talk abt the topic. BS.