Sunday, December 30, 2007 @ Reflections
2008 is coming in 2 days time. Lets reflect what I had done in the 2007.
January: The most significant about this month is that I passed my Class 3 Driving license. Haha. Another racer was born on this particular month. I also passed out from NPCO training and posted back to division where I was then attached to Woodlands NPC for the rest of my PNS life.
February: This month is like workaholic month. Starting to adapt to shift work and the toughness of keeping the neighbourhood safe and sound. I was so engross with work that I forgot some people's birthday. So sorry ya! And I spent my Valentines Day at work too. I was having night shift. See how engross I am with work?? But on the 11 Feb still marks in me. If not it would had been 4 years together. I was sad but content.
March: The 6th day of that month is my growing a year older month. Yup, you know it. Birthday. If you don't know, get it stuck in your head. Haha. And what a better way to celebrate your birthday working night shift..hahaha..Luckily no one in my team knew about my B'day and got escaped. Thanks to everyone that wished me on that special day. On the other hand, this is the month that I let her go. Sad.
April: I missed her Birthday. That special someone. But its ok. Because I'm learning to get over it. Especially with a hectic life at work. Glee.
May: My mum's bdae. But I didn't get for her anything.
June: You kids at school are having your holiday and create trouble. So I got to work extra hard because of you kids!!
July: Farhan's Birthday! Got him a red Adidas Shirt. I was looking for a liverpool FC shirt but couldn't find one. But still looks like the REDs.
Aug: ORD mood. Clearing my leave enjoying my time at home and hang out with Jackass. I was rotting so much that I was beginning to collect dust on my head.
Sept: ORD oh!!! 12 Sept 2007. I am a free man!! PINK IC!! I MISS YOU!! And the next day was the beginning of fasting month. And also my first day work at NUH.
Oct: Hari Raya! haha. my relatives from Indonesia came down to Singapore to celbrate with us. Haha. And I had my first experience in driving in a convoy travelling around Singapore. This was the month that I met Faiz. He is a good guitar player and also a great friend to talk with especially with your problems. He would lend his ears. What goes around comes around. So be prepared to listen to him talk!
Nov: Rocker chic bdae. Got her a necklace and some chocolates. haha. I guess she likes it because she called me and sound so happy..ahha. ape la. And on that day also I signed up as an Amway Distributor. haha. Acheiving my dreams. I know what it got to offer. So I jumped in!
Dec: Went for moving up seminar at fraser hill. That magical place. No words can describe the environment mixing and meeting positive people that have humungous dreams. I'm so blessed. And I'm going keep on dreaming until my dreams come true!
So that was my highlight of the year. Happy and sad. And I am excited on what 2008 will bring!! Together to the TOP!!!
@ Argh
Sad la...
I missed today's workshop on heart health just because my eyes is seeing red. I got saw eyes la dey. Irritating. And I can't even open my eyes. So I was at home listening to successful people speaks until I dozed off. Grr
The speakers are so inspirational. Talking abt their challenges in life and the solution. To think about it, their challenges are even worst then mine and yet they can acheive so much. Who am I compared to them??
Ok so I still went down to my supervisor's child Bdae party with Din. And then went for teh tarik. Talk about the business. And life. Haha. Talking to him makes me refill my positivness from my soring eyes. And then went to yishun and lepak with the JackS. Hah.
And now I'm back home..ladada..tomorrow bola ade match. Tiredezz.
Thursday, December 27, 2007 @ Its a Challenge.
Life is full of challenges.
I hate my work place. It is full of negative people where they stab you right at the back. Dammit. If you don't like it so be it. I did my work on time and on target. Its not my problem if you have an extra load just because of somebody else's mistake. All I care is that I did my basic job as being paid. No more no less.
Because of these negative people that I dragged my feet to work. Knowing that travelling took most of my time and money. What the heck la.
I dream to retire early and be rich. No more alarm clock
S! Haha. Wake up watching the waves crashing to the shore and birds singing in the wonderful world. Having to feel the sea breeze. Hug my most adore tight and just feel love. Aww. haha. Sweet huh??Everyday, drive around singapore shopping on fine clothings and furniture or other luxury items. Drive around town and hunt for the best makan place. Take the Duck tour and be like a tourist. Go for nature walks. Do some adrenaline action sports like wakeboarding, Skydiving, diving, Bungee jumping.
Wow. If only my everyday is like my dream.
A qoute I like to share. Success is a journey. Not a destination.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007 @ back back back
Back from Fraser Hill. The place is so best i tell you. I learn something valuable there. It is call the Human Touch. because over there is just nature and basic technology. No such thing call the internet and I dont see a computer at all.
Serious. And the coldness there, its like walking and living in the clouds. Dalam keawang-awangan. woo. gerek la. I wanna go there again. Actually I went there for a seminar. Seminar on the business I'm in. It was a fun seminar, not like those boring type talk nothing but business. This one, there is life's valuable lessons. And we dance, sing, on the chair. And basically have fun.
I was also on the stage for the 3 days talking infront of pple. Successful pple. I was like a small fry compared to them.
Ok. Lets talk abt dreams. Do you have a dream? Let me share you my dream. My dream is actually from someone else. She dream of this one night and told me abt it. And until now I still remember every single thing she told me. And that makes it to be my dream.
She told me that I was driving a black car and spotted her by the street. It was like a long time since we last met. So I was driving a black car and went slowly up to her and said "Hi!". She was surprised to see me. So I invite her for a ride on my car. She agreed. So we catch up stuff and I bring her to my house. It was a 4 storey cosy home. No one was at home except the both of us. My parents are having their holidays and will not be back soon. And then something else happen that I do not wish to elaborate any longer. haha.
Her dream is like a 4 in 1 dream for me.
Own a luxury black and sleek car that zoom around town.
Have a huge 4 storey house which is cosy for me and my parents.
Send my parents for a long vacation around the world. They had enough of suffering. I want them to relax.
Have her back. Because some part of me is still attached to her.
Yes that is my dream. At first my dreams are all materialistic and monetary. But now I realise its the human value that makes someone happy. Yes that is my dream. And this is why I'm doing the business. Thank you.
Thursday, December 20, 2007 @ Holiday
Dear Peeps.
I'm going to Fraser Hill tonight and will be back on Sunday.
Don't miss me and just pray that I reach there and return back home safely. Since the news on floods and the bad weather I'm kinda reluctant to go. Too bad I already paid for it. So yeah.
I will be enjoying my time. I try to snap some pics with bad quality photos with my phone. haha.
Ok I got to prepare some last minute stuff.
I see ya when I see on sunday. =)
Tuesday, December 18, 2007 @ 27!
Ok is the pictures to the gathering at seoul Garden and the cam whoring moments...haha..are a few of them..the rest you can check it out at my photobucket or multiply.
Links are at the side yeah...

Yo mama!

Next gay Model??


4 of us

RaY Ban

The 3 of them


Say shhessh
@ losing end
Karma...what goes around comes around..
but why does everything goes around me never come back?
why am I always at the losing end?
I will just let time destroy me.
Monday, December 17, 2007 @ For the first time..
For the first time in my whole 19 years of life...
I feel torchered to eat. Its so unlike me. Haha.. So this is what happens;
Had dinner at Ayer Rajah Food court somewhere near west coast with my collegues. Ordered Fried rice pataya and Nescafe Gajah. And had a side dish of rojak. Eat and talk about NS life and the funny stuff we did and experience. haha.. Funny when the 3 different uniform groups shared our experiences. Was there for about an hour before leaving home.
In the MRT Farhan called me to meet him as he is craving to eat Rice with Red beef near my house. So I went home first and waited for him. So meet him and he had his dinner while I accompany him. He wanted to buy me food but I rejected. I was still damn full from the dinner at west coast. So ordered teh instead. haha. I felt that I eat to much that I was dying from over-eating. haha. swollen lips had went down a little but the inner wounds is still looking bad....
Sunday, December 16, 2007 @ sexy swollen lips
Hello pple!!
How is your weekends?? I'm sure you all are watching the asian idols and voting for the best singer~!
Well my6 weekends had been great. Saturday's main event was Dinner with old Sec school mates. We meet at town and window shopping for PSP. went through all the shop at Lucky Plaza asking for the price. HAha. ANd then off we go to Seoul Garden at Ngee Ann City. Eat and have such great times. HAha...Telling jokes about our past, our ex-partners and stuff. Haha. Cooolalala...
And we cam-whore non-stop. HAha..Pics will be uploaded soon yeah..SHaran and HAna!! Pls upload the pics at facebook and tagged me!! haah
Sunday is the holy soccer day. Early morning, book a car and off to eastcoast for FUTSAL ACTION!! haha..Scored 4 goals, that is what my team mates told me!. haha.,Afternoon, to Irsyad to play with Farhan's family team. Played 2nd half though. Let the family play first..haha..And when I was told to take the left back, Ain't my favourite position though, but what the hell.ITS GAME ON!!. .While playing I bumped my head to the opponent and got my lips swollen. I got my whole jaw and nose bridge hurt beside the swollen lips. Damn..
We won 6-4 i think. haha. And I got praised for closing in very fast and marked my man very closely. Haha.
After the match, went to costa Sands resort and have a chill out with farhan's family and relative. Haha. Get to know the family better i guess..hah.. As if I'm going to be part of the family gitu loh.
Ok man utd beat Liverpool 1-0!!! wooooohoooo...glory glory man Utd!!
Hady Mirza won Asian Idol!! unexpected!! well S'porean are reach pple and they can afford to vote millions of time..haha..
Tired la..wanna zzz...
Wednesday, December 12, 2007 @ Condolence.

Dear friends. Today we gathered to give our last prayers and respects to 2 most brave sweethearts that scare away evil nightmares that lurks in the night. But sad to say, they were murdered by the evil nightmare. So together, lets say our prayers to them. May they rest in peace. Their memories will still be here in our heart.
Pictures may be harsh on some of you, therefore viewer descretion is advised!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007 @ convincing confused
oh hellloooo..
Full time of Soccer sea game match: Sg 0-3 Thailand.
I predicted 1-4. haha..the Thais are more neat and organized with their attacks unlike Sg team. I wanted the young lions to win but with that kind of play, they are no match against the mighty thais. Better luck in the 3rd and 4th placing guys...I notice that the lions are made up of 100% malay dudes on the starting lineups. haha. The malay community are proud of them. But too bad they are out of reach on the gold medals.
I feel that this week is the most relaxing week at work.Eventhough my work load is getting heavier. Well because the supervisor is not here..haha. And of course I'm not short of laughter..laugh and laugh and laugh until rolling on the floor with stomach cramps. haha. Joking is never ending similiarly with my work. Its never ending. So people, keep on laughing!
Haha..mepeks..anyway if you notice my tagg board, I mention that I'm a regular with loneliness. Well its kinda true. The moment I set my first cry until I'm typing this entry. Everyday is a lonely day. This is the story:
I met my first friends when I was 4. And that was my neighbour. play soccer and go for silat practice. But we shifted our homes when I was 10.
During kindergarden met more friends. Was there until we step into pri sch. Even if there are some of my friends in the same school, but I was in a different class from the rest.
Secondary school, same thing happen.
Sec1 met new friends for 2 years in the same class. We bond really well. Had fun. sec 3 I was in a different class. I went to 3EB while the rest in 3EC. And gaps were seen. Met my first love in my class. Thought I was never gonna face lonesome again but I was wrong. I was also doing part time as a crew at Mcdonalds. And met a group of people call colleagues. Aquintance during working hours but strangers after punching out. People that comes and go.
After O levels, I went to NaFa but luck wasn't by myside and I was out of school and go through NS. That was when my love left me. And once again I met up with loneliness.
NS was the time I grew matured. I was the youngest everywhere I go. Strangers becomes brothers. They really thought me how to face the real world. Its not as easy as it seems. There are ups and downs which had never been in my mind. And of course, they thought me how to be loneliness best friend. So I fill up my time with work and volunteer for duties. Just to keep me occupied as not to drown under loneliness. Office hours was not as busy so I decided to request to shift work and I got it. And Loneliness only fills my journey through and back home in the MRT.
As time passed, I realise that people who I least expected to stay around my life stays with me. And they are the collegues from the fast food giants, McDs, people like Farhan and gang. They thought me one simple thing call fun. Where I was lagging of it. From there I learn to laugh and crack jokes. Not a stiff nerdy me. And I would advised them how to go through the ups and downs. And how something are just not ours to keep.
Really appreciate them and look where I am now. A guy who is a regular with loneliness but never fail to laugh every single day. Before, people comment that I don't act my age since I'm kinda matured for my age. But now I'm balanced with both matureness and also fun. I loike. Haha.
To rocker Chic: Life is a neverending ferris wheel. Full of ups and downs. Just be strong okay girl!
Monday, December 10, 2007 @ Cute!!
oh ya I almost forgot... I got a cute nose!!
I would like to thank my mum and dad for giving me a life with a cute nose. And also Almighty for giving me a life to live. Love you!!
@ Lonely
Change the song to what I'm experiencing now. Unexpectedly falling in love and just hoping that she loves me too.
Yeah right.....As if...
So pple..its another rainy day...another wet day. another day to sleep your hearts out. Especially those of you having their holidays..
Can't wait to get back to school. ahaha..I'm missing school...missing having fun with schoolmates. Getting to know some chiicks. hha..and getting involve in school work and projects. I donno what my new school is offering. Looking forward to learn!!
So today was hurrying back home to eat dinner as mum told me my elder bro is treating pizza. But from the moment I reach home until now (approx 3 hours), not a smell of the pizza nor his nose. he is back and finally the taste of pizza is melting in my mouth. But bloddy hell its freaking cold dammit...
To Khaii...Get the outing plan confirm at least there won't be any cock ups or atleast a small tiny one..
Sunday, December 09, 2007 @ Mabuk...
Mabuk mabuk mabuk.
Got headache. Haiz. Wanna eat dinner before taking some pills and sleep.
Anyway the headache is also because of missing smiley. What should I do? Wait for her appearing at MSN again? I'm bad at phonecalls.
And I'm afraid. Afraid to take the risk. Afraid to make the first step onwards. Afraid that it will not be a happy ending. Afraid that everything will break into pieces. Yes, I'm a coward when it comes to this.
"Jauh di lubuk hatiku masih terukir namamu. Jauh di dasar jiwaku, engkau masih kekasihku"
@ Apologize.
"Its too late to apologize". I hope not.
First and foremost. I would like to apologize to Farhan for what had happen at the pitch just now. I almost give a swing at you. Guess I was out of my mind. Yeah. I play rough. I slide and tackle to win the ball and don't care for the players.
I guess the Roy Keane in me is BACK!
2ndly I wanna apologize to Diamond to be Khairudin because I cannot make it for the Facial Demo at your sister's place. I'm sick now. Having headache. I won't be surprised if I got fever later on.
Another lonely boy walking the street back home under the rain.
Saturday, December 08, 2007 @ Sparkling
Happy Evening!!
how are you guys doing??
Gee..what an intro..haha.
Ok not much to talk about. It was saturday it was "lets us rot" day. But turn out to be something of an unlikely rotting day cos here is what happen.
I was teaching my little bro doing his assesment and got a call. was from Farhan. Asking if I'm free wanna join the family to AMK to watch Ria's Band Remix Semifinals. And he told me to get ready immediatly as they are on the way to oick me up. I was just up from bed and had to rush. Shower and get ready. Luckily there are some clothes that do not need to iron. Haha. Received another call like 10 mins later and was told that they had reached. I was just out from shower and getting ready. No time to style my hair, so I just did normal side parting. Yeah. SORRY IF YOU WAIT SO LONG pakcik and makcik. Bujang ni slalu bangun lambat especially on weekends.Haha.
So caught the bands playing their own cover songs. Mostly they play rock and heavy rock. Ok la. No new stuff. If only there are some playing jazz or bossa nova or even ska would bring the whole competition to another level.
Then it was lunch time and hit to eat. the skies was getting darker and rained eventually.
Inside the car was joking around and the siblings taking pics and stuff. Then while driving, saw a young couple ( I guessed sec school) hugging and kissing while walking. Farhan and his dad winded down the window and shout "HELLO" "BODOH!!" haha. I was laughing all the way. Didn't join them as I was busy laughing! But actually I was hit badly. Caused that what i did when I was younger. I guess love is not about hugging and kissing everywhere. Its the heart that count.haha
After that go back to my 2nd home. There watch soccer sea games. SG vs MY. draw 1-1. Plenty of chances by Sg. but luck not at their side. But they got through the semi finals though.
It was fun joking around with them. Pakcik is still young at heart. Ye a police officer, you'll always mixed around with young NS guys and mostly guys. so the young at heart attitude is still there. The 3 sibilings jgn cakap ah. kecoh. haha. And even I got laughed at. But there is always another time to counter that. Haha. Farhan da kene kan..lagi2 kat airport. haha. But Today or should I say yesterday, I was badly teased.
After that went to Abg Jamal place to watch the motivating speech and also do some product demo. Learn something abt the product I'm selling. Like magic ah. haha.
Anyway..Rocker chic (actually she prefer hip hop) got something new. A black Nokia 5300 music Xpress! woooo...sweet la sey..both of us have the same model. Haha. you rock my world with your smile...weeee
Thursday, December 06, 2007 @ T3!
TOday!! I skip work to get some fresh air! I hate my office and I hate my job. Hate everything. but met some cool friends.Friends that showed me alternative route to having a great future and live.
So today I met farhan. And we went to Terminal 3 Changi Airport for a visit. Do some silly stuff. Be a teenager. Laugh and do silly stuff. yup. Been a long time since I went to the airport and T2 change.haha. Went there was suppose to collect Farhan's pay. But it got better as we got to see the new Airbus A380. It was Huge i tell you. It was like 5 times the small silk air plane. and twice bigger then the boeing i presume. But heck. When will I got a chance to fly??
here are some of our sillyness taken:



CAUTION..Read the sign!!

hmm..after that went home and met our friend.Had a heart to heart talk with her. I donno la. but it seems that people took her kindness for weakness.Pity you girl. Be strong la. And like we advise you. Think of the right stuff. I know you can.
I pity when a girl got tricked or used or beaten up her guy. How caring the partner is. to me girls are suppose to be treated like a queen and not being abused. Thats how I always treat my precious girl. She was the most pampered one. Oh well. Its ok if she broke my heart but I will never break her's. This is my principle that I will stand until the day I die. So I wonder who will mend my broken heart.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007 @ One life. Live it.
Have you ever thought of your future?? Your ambitions? Your dreams? Your wealth? Your health? Your family? Your life.
I donno whether you notice this, everyday you go to school or work in the morning. You see many working class people packed into the bus just like a can of sardine. Everyday doing the same work. See the same boss. Have the same office politics. Everyday curse the same old shit out of your work. Not spend enough time with your love ones. And every month get the same pay. And spent on the same bills. And save the same amount of money.
A daily routine to earn money. A daily routine that will bored you out.
Don't you think we need to change our concept of earning the money?
Change our lifestyle. Change our way we travel. Change our life for the good, better and BEST. Don't you have a dream?? Own a 3 storey mansion, owning a supercar. Have a luxury lifestyle. Its nothing wrong being luxurious right? Why not start a business and change for the BEST!!
PEOPLE.. we are not robots that program to do daily routines. We are humans that have a life and there is only one life. SO why not grab the chance to change to live your dreams??
Monday, December 03, 2007 @ Your smile is my stairways to Heaven
Hola peeps...I realise that blogging at multiply will also be published on my blogger..coolness..
Ok peeps..just now after work, went to Spize somewhere along river valley road (I think) to have dinner with my colleague. And we talk about business and money. I know boring stuff. But to think about it, its kinda true of what he said. Maybe you don't realise it now but after reading this your eyes and mouth are going to open wide. Really wide.
Lets take this as a senario..You are 23 years old guy just ORD from National Service and had graduated from Poly. So you set out to join in the work force. With the Poly cert you attained, your gross pay is $1800 (average market price now) and your nett pay will be estimated about $1.6K (after deduction of CPF and other nonsence that you will soon discovered in the working force).
After spending on your bills, loans and essential needs and also your lifestyle, your savings will be what is left. And lets be frank. For those poor discipline on saving, its hard to save $100 every month. Isn't it true??
And then you meet someone to be your soulmate for life. And decided to get married, to settle down and start a family. For the malays especially, Dowry money doesn't come cheap, unless the family really want to get rid of their daughter. Just joking. They can come up to a hefty $10k for duit hantaran (dowry money) alone. And that does not include your wedding ceremony and other expenses. Today alone the wedding ceremony can reach up to $30K.
So you are saving $100 every month and decided to get married.Her parents, being generous as they like you, wants $8k for dowry money. With $100 every month, how long must you save to get $8k?? Lets work this out.
1 year = 12 months = $1200
$8000/ $1200 = 6.8
So you have to save for 6 years and 8 months before you are able to get married. And by that time you are already 29 years old going 30. That is ONLY the dowry money. And by that time, GST will go up and price are also going UP. The only thing that remains the same is your pay and your saving.
So you only have a few options to choose from: beg, borrow, or steal. Or you can work your ass off by doing multiple work or overtime and not get a life. Or start saving every penny from now. Of course being a good child to your parents, you don't want to burden them right??
Isn't this kinda worrying??. To think of it I'm only 19 and 5 years down the road, will I be in this situation??
Well because of this I've decided to build up my business properly now. Aiming to get my foundation solid before school starts. And when school starts it will be easier for me.
Just a note of account. Your smile really get me hook!! Thats the reason why I love to stay around...
Sunday, December 02, 2007 @ I dream of her last night!
Hey there peeps..this is the first time I'm blogging on blogger got something against me I I'll be using this site to blog...oh yeah...
Been alot of things going through. Something fun and also something that I'm looking forward. Hmm yeah...hahaha
First of all, I"M GOING FOR A HOLIDAY!!! Thats right holiday to Fraser Hill with my colleagues.. It will be fun...It's been more than 2 years when I last went overseas and my passport still alive. Wohoooo....
2nd thing wanna tell you guys is that, yesterday morning, I had breakfast with the Deans..Khairudin and Rasyidin. Catch up on things and had a good breakfast eating roti pratas and teh. haha. And we planned to have an all you can eat dinner on the 15 of December with our close peeps. It will be yet Sakura International Restaurant at Down Town East.haha..yeah.. It will sure be a heck of a fun catching up with each other. Since we split to our own path after graduation. Hmm..should I invite Jalilah along?? I donno whether meeting her will hurt the healed wound. But I guess inviting her will also be useless cos she will never come. Haha. Invite her a few occasions of gathering but she decline both of them. So I guess courtesy wise I'll invite her..but I don't expect her to come anyway..hahaha...What the hell.. this morning there was the standard chartered marathon at the Padang and my sis woke me up to send her there since it was the wee hours. So yeah..I drove her there. Sending her there was ok.. cos I know the route. Missed a turn but still managed to get there. But after sending her and her friends, things got worse. I missed a lot of turn, beat the red light and stopped when the light is green. Was thinking of heading to East Coast to catch some sea breeze but I ended up at Clementi. Took the wrong side of AYE. Luckily I know how to get back to BKE before heading home. Driving at night is surely something new to me especially when driving alone.
So after reaching home hit my comfy bed. And there she was waiting for me. We went to some place before she and her sis went to take the lift up. And I surprised her with a kiss on her cheek. Then I went to meet my friends. Had some guitaring session before I woke up for soccer...
Haha..she was there in my dreams......