Sunday, September 30, 2007 @ Filled the blanks
Its 2 weeks of the fasting month...2 more weeks to go..
Well this year, I really felt what is it like to be going through hardship without food and drinks. I really felt that I'm lucky enough to have a roof above my head and pillow on my bed. Imagine those unlucky ones out there. How do they feel? obviously they already seasoned enough to sleep on the street and eating mudcakes. But at the end of it all, when both of us cut our wrist, the blood that come out is still red. There is no difference between us the fortunate ones and them the tough lifes.
So this year, Hari Raya will still be fun and happening. Its gonna be at my place again as my Grandmother are living with us. Meeting the relatives, updating with each other. And my cousins are all hot especially in the Baju Kebaya. Pheeweet..haha..Even my relative from Jakarta coming down. The whole seven of them. Can't wait to meet the other Hafiz. Haha.
I'm waiting for pay day to arrive. Hopefully this coming Friday. then I can go to Geylang and get in the festive mood. Wanna get a pair of chapal. My sandles broke into 2. haha. So yeah.
I finally update my multiply account. Import my blog, pics and other stuff there. If you wanna look at it just search zorro1822003 at the search bar. You'll find my site..haha..
Like I told you yesterday, today is rotting day. Heh. the only time I went out is to get some groceries. That was all. haaaiiYooo...Whole day did photoshop and watch bleach..
Tomorrow start of another week. Jina last week of work. It won't be kecohrable any more. nyaaha. Hopefully her replacement is great..
@ Edit edit
Engross with this is what I've done..enjoy..

@ cam whore
Nothing much to talk here are some cam-whoring actions on friday at work...


The Plain White Tees

The Crazy Taxi girl...'ve been scanned.
So yeah..Weekends are here again..I guess its Bleach Day for me. Not having any other plans. So yeah..rotting time...zzzz
Thursday, September 27, 2007 @ I need the laughter treatment...
Do they sell Panadol Laugh?? Caused I really need to laugh my head off..

I really miss laughing like a mad man and caused my stomach to jam break in cramp. I miss joking around with the Jack S. Haha. In fact, I miss them loads. its like 2 weeks since I met them. 2 WEEKS of NO SERIOUS LAUGHTER. 2 Weeks of un-maintaining my laughter.
No wonder for the past 2 weeks, all my entries were like depressing and boring. And Zyla's tag saying I'm a drama mama really starts my laughing engine back after 2 weeks. Thankz Zyla.
Farhan been busy going to and fro to SGH to visit his Granddad who is in ICU.

Din in Tekong. Left Right Left Right BERHENTI!!

Haqim also having training as a Police Coast Guard at Pulau Brani. Making our sea safe and sound.
Anyway..Today morning was stuck in the dream therfore I was kinda late. Miss the train where the couple of hot MI student. But its ok la. Some weird people I saw early in the morning. Want to laugh my head off rolling. Saw a mid-thirties man wearing an Argentina Soccer jersey. His hair styled in a mohawk style and have it dyed red. This man still want to get attention even he had been living for 30 years..haha..
Then when the train reach Woodlands MRT Station, a young lady, who in the early 20s or younger step in the train. She was well make up and had a figure. Hot. But her dressing is off the catwalk runway. She was wearing the grey army singlet and black tight pants. Alamak. I was laughing while reading my book. nyahaha. And the book is about crime scene and investigation.
When going back home, there is this man who is a head taller then me. One whole head. Haha. And he is chinese. I thought chinese are small people compared to the westerners?? haha..And when he hold the pole, an indian lady was standing right under his armpit. hahaha...
The tall fella
So yeah, I need to get my laughing engine rolling again..someone please make me laugh!!
@ Ain't much to say
this is the list of event I did today
0430hrs: Woke up for sahur
0645hrs:Get ready to work
0710hrs: In the train proceeding to work. Saw a couple of MI student. Kinda hot. Motivations to wake up early in the morning.
0825hrs: Punch in for work
1200hrs: Lunch break. They eat lunch I go sleep one corner.
1400hrs: Woke up and proceed back to work.
1735hrs:punch out from work. Proceeding back home.
1905hrs: Reach Yishun. Bought a couple of Curry O's from Old Chang Kee and a can of Nescafe Iced Latte for break fast
1925hrs: Reached Home.
2400hrs: Closed Diary on 26/09/2007 (Wed)
0001hrs:open Diary on 27/09/2007 (Thurs)
0012hrs: End of story.
haha..It look like the format to write pocket book for official reasons.
Oh ya.. I took a pic of the full moon..woah!!!

A week more to pay day and 2 weeks to Hari Raya..wohooo~~!!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007 @ Time will tell...
Today start up all weird. After Sahur, I climbed on the bed and I heard the phone rang. I was like asking who the hell would call early in the morning. So without any concern, I went back to sleep.
And had a dream....
One of my collegue told me that one of my team mate will not live long. And his last wishes is us not to join the force as our career, especially one of my other team mate. It was like so hard to swallow especially from someone you had worked with before and had great bond between us.
Then my alarm rang but it was difficult for my eyes to open. Then when I woke up cos I was late, I saw my mum getting ready to go out of the house. And it was like 645am. I asked her where she was going and she answered that she and one of the neighbour is going to a funeral of her friend's husband. I was dumbstruck.
Working today was normal. Went to ward 41 to look for her but she wasn't there. So back to the corner to sleep. nyahaha.
Then during work, one of my collegue saw the logo of my shirt which is the J Division logo. He asked me about my NS and I told him I was from J Div. He told me that my face look familiar, and ask whether I attached to HQ before. I told him I was in PNS office before going to Woodlands NPC. He was like no wonder la. He was a reservist there. Haha. Looking back, I think I saw him before. nyahaha.
Then another freaky thing happen. Well I thought it was. My phone rang and it was from an unknown number. I answered and was answered with an errie sound.. "LaaLaaaa, LaaLaaaa." I was like Oh no..who the hell know my nick name in Team Bravo?? Is it some kind of stalker who wants me??
Then there was a sense of relieve when the voice is familiar. It was Alvin telling me tonight DotA match. Haha. They miss playing with me..haha..Reading too much thriller books made me think of killers and kidnappers that torcher their victim first before killing them. But the police and detective works are wounderful. woohoooo..
So went back home. Didn't managed to break fast on time. Get waffle and bubble tea and indulged it while walking back home. Reach home and I realise that the wound from the fall into the drain had healed and like other wounds, there is a scar.
Is this God answer to my letter addressed to him last nyt?? Is he trying to say that bad things do happen and it will hurt so much. But not to worry, it will heal. It just take time. and when it heals it will left a scar for you to remember. Scar reminded you what had happen and the mistake you had done. So that you can avoid it next time round. Every scar has a story to tell. And it ain't differ from the scar in your heart. A story to tell and the pain that you had gone through. Thank you God for the answer. Really appreciated. Thank you.
Monday, September 24, 2007 @ Letter to God.
Dear God,
You are the reason for our existance in this world. You gave everything to mankind and all you want us to repay that is to pray and believe in you. I always believe in you and you had set a path for me to take. Everytime I took the wrong path in the crossroad, you showed me dead end and I walk back and pick the path again. I had never doubt your abilities to enlighten your creation and a lowly life of mine. You had and will always shows the light in the path that every single one of your creation walks.
I admit that I had not done what is suppose to be done diligently. I made sins for no one but myself. And I am responsible for it.
However, The Almighty, there is one thing that I always been disturbing my mind and affecting my inner self. Your Honourable, it been years when two of your creations, myself and her, been living our own way of life. Why, up till now, I have always been thinking of her and bump into her? What are you trying to tell me?
I had told myself that this is fate and no one can change that as fate is your own secret. Your own plans for each individual future.
You remember the last few months with her? You showed me signs of the inevitable. And I thought I could prevent it from happening. But everytime I tried, it got worst. All I want is to see her smile.
Remember when it was Chinese New Year and I brought her to Jurong Point to window shop at some sports shops there and all the shop were closed? How pathetic and useless I felt. Remember when I wanna treat her movie, but I was late and she bought the tickets first. And the movie sucked big time and I felt like leaving. Remeber the time that I met her after booking out from camp and she didn't even smile upon seeing me? I was lost and my other bros were asking whether we had an argument. I was just as curious as them. How about the times when some good friends of mine saw her going out with some other guys without my knowledged? How about those things I bought for her? In the end I just felt being used and cheated.
At the end of the day, it was all frowns for both of us. And yes it was inevitable. No use going against you.
But what is it now? What are you telling me? Why with the bum with her everywhere I go, Appearing online, and also in my mind? I know you know what is best for me. And I should learn not to hope on the hopeless eventhough you do create miracles.
Please guide me through this. Because I'm not strong enough to handle emotions.
Yours Sincerely.
@ nyahaha...
Man Utd beat rival Chelsea 2-0. Nyahaha...
The blues were down to 10 men in the 30th minutes when Chelsea player, Mikel, gave a block tackle to MU left back, Evra. Referee straight away produce the red card without hesistant or sympathy.
Mikel,in blue trying to protest the decision
Man Utd scored the opening goal sheet with Carlos Tevez headed home from a corner on the 47th minute, 2 minutes of extra time during the first half.
Team-mates Ferdinand (no 5) and Brown (no.6) celebrating Tevez (centre) first goal in Man Utd colours.
Louise Saha, who subtituted Carlos Tevez in the late 70 minutes seal the victory on the 83 minute with a penalty, when Chelsea defender, Ben-Haim, brought down the striker in the danger zone.
A well played on both side. However Red Devils took control of the possesion most of the game. And the Blues have to defend back to back from attacks coming from all angels and creativity by the Devils.
Man Utd are now in second place of the table with 14 points, 2 points behind leaders, Arsenal, who won 5-0 against Derby County on Saturday. Chelsea move one notch down to 6 position with 11 points.
This is the first league game that Manchester United won with more then one goal. And this is the first defeat as new boss, Avram Grant, for Chelsea.
A hot news brought to you by HAfizo_0. Pictures thanks to
Sunday, September 23, 2007 @ Boredd
Weekends are precious to some. To me, Its rotting day at home. Why?? I simply bcause I got no money and no friends to go out with..
So today do nothing but to watch bleach and play dota.
And guess what, I signed up for VSC. its Volunteer Special Constable. Lay man's term: Part time police force. least I can fill my weekends with something. Haha.. Like I told you before, I miss the job, but not going to sign on anytime soon, caused I wanna study. hehe..unless my Diploma result sucks that I can't be in NTU. Unless I can get my degree, I won't be in the force. Haha..
Haiz..I guess tomorrow will be another rotting day at home again...nytz!!
Saturday, September 22, 2007 @ goooood Friday
Its friday its friday
and i just got my pay
96 bucks for 2 days
hip-hip hooray
lame poem to start with...
I want to go shopping...
but thinking of the bills and other yai yai
thinking of going geylang or JB...wishful thinking only la..
Thursday, September 20, 2007 @ aaahhhh bandung
Yummy..sipping the icy cold bandung...haha
Kinda have alot of things to share. Especially about this phrase, "you know yourself best".
First of all I got this kinda eerie recording. Its in malay. The introduction was pretty long. The narrator was saying that this group researcher in Russia insert a super sensitive microphone in the ground to hear the movement of the earth, but they get something else. The recording is heard like people screaming and shouting in pain and agony. not one or two. Its sounds like million of them shouting. Then heard a one outstanding voice that shout "Allah the Almighty". And it is so outstanding that it felt as if there is a different rooms in the earth. And this may call hell? eeeerrriiieee...if you wanna the clip I can send it to you...
Ok so moving on
I got to get to look at that girl again at the children ward again. Haha. I was getting a time out session and my partner decide to go to the toilet outside our office. So we go out and she said "If I don't come out in 10 mins time you go first" so after doing the toilet, I go straight to the ward. Since I still kinda new to the place, I kinda walk around and following the signs. Got lost and go different directions. then finally found the place. And I saw her busy writting down something. Didn't approach. Haha. Just let fate do the work. hehe.. Maybe one day...
So now the thing about "you know yourself best".
I chat with a old friend of mine and we discussed about life and stuff. So she had been through alot with her partner. Ups and down and probably worst. So she ask me what was my reaction after knowing that they are back together.
So yeah. I gave my most honest and sincere answer.
Obviously I was like "What the F
(fill in the blanks)k" and how about those that really showered you with their endless love and support after you made a choice to be seperated??
But then after much thought, I realise that she is the only person who knows him well. Been with him for a long time. And she grew up with him. She knows what is best if not perfect. Not me. Caused I'm not in talking terms with him yet knowing him. Isn't that impossible. So Instead of advising her, I believe in her that she had made the right choice for now. And yeah. Look where they are now. A bright future ahead.
So there. Sometimes as friends or buddy or even blood brothers and sisters, you can't expect them to follow all your advised. Sometimes they themselve thinks what is right. And you as the buddy, have to give them your full support and believe in them. Even if you don't like it. But if he/she is happy with it, don't you feel happy for them too??
A qoute from Peter Russel, the stand up comedian, "Be a man, do the right thing" =D
Wednesday, September 19, 2007 @
nothing much for this entry..
didnt managed to see the girl at the children ward. Got info that she is in year 2. Haha. Cos today the staff lounged got book for mooncake roadshow or something. so didn't sleep there. Slept along the corridor with sofa. haha. Thick skin ah...haha
oh ya...i read in Sharan's blog and got this from one of her entry, "These guys are friemds that any girl should be lucky to have" and the "guys" she was refering was me and Aravind. So girls, now aravind left to Ohio, USA for further studies and left me alone...
so what are you waiting for??...
anyway. about my new work place, I dont feel any job satisfaction at all. All i did was file and scan. I wanna help people. I felt so satisfied in NPC even a long day work. 16 hours of non stop crime prevention and helping out on public safety and peace. That is what I always want to do. I felt happy even though sometimes it sucks getting back remarks from the public.
See where my flow of life brings me....
Tuesday, September 18, 2007 @ hearts.....
what is love??
lets check wikipedia. it states:
Love is a constellation of
emotions and
experiences related to a sense of strong
affection or profound
oneness.[1] The meaning of love varies relative to context.
Romantic love is seen as an
ineffable feeling of intense attraction shared in
passionate or intimate
attraction and
intimate interpersonal and
sexual relationships
.[2] Though often linked to personal relations, love is often given a broader
signification, a love of
humanity, of
nature, with
life itself, or a oneness with the
Universe, a universal love or
karma. Love can also be construed as
Platonic love,[3] religious love,[4] familial love, and, more casually, great affection for anything considered strongly pleasurable, desirable, or preferred, to include activities and foods.
[5][2] This diverse range of meanings in the singular word love is often contrasted with the plurality of
Greek words for love, reflecting the concept's depth, versatility, and complexity.
Had love at first sight. actually not really la. haha..its like I saw her in the NYP nurse dress having attachment in one of the children ward at NUH. And that was at the first sight. Second sight its not her. hehe. realise that she still lingers in my mind...why?? can some good soul please let me know. I need to know. because of one simple reason.
I want to move on with life!!!! thank you.
Anyway I kinda want to get to know her..that real girl in that uniform at that ward...but kinda shy la..heheToday kinda a hectic 2nd half at work. My partner father got involve in a traffic accident. Though he help me for a while the rest of it is one man show. Luckily got some other kind soul to help me out. If not, can die. die of over-fasting. haha. I just hope that her father is alright.Hmm this month of Ramadhan, had many bad stuff happen. Like the earthquake that hit Indonesia, the budget jet crashed at Phuket and now my colleague father met with an accident. Is this any good sign or something? This is suppose to be a good month..but why with all this happening?? hmmm...only He knows...
Monday, September 17, 2007 @ Early in the morning

Early in the morning da buang tebiat...haha..Took this pic when I was getting ready to go to work. Saw a pair of sunglasses and try it on. and its like 630 AM. haha.
And take a look at my work place...
messy giler with the files on the shelves. Saw those pile on the floor?? I got to put them accordingly in the shelves. And this is only one number. I got from number 00 to 39 to shelve.
I am learn most of the stuff i'll be doing already...hehe. The people there are friendly and I am the one being quiet. hehe. One thing to do is always ask questions and its ok to make mistakes. Really. I did plenty of mistake. However you know how to make mistake you must know how to cover up la.. hehe..
ok...adios...have fun!
Today reach home just in time for break fast. Hah. But still a little late. Wish i got my own vehicle. I wish I wish. got my choice of car. I want a hatch back car. Like Honda Fit or Jazz, or Mitsubishi Colt. I envy the white Honda Jazz parked below. The owner changed the body kit and rims. Really nice..when will I gonna get one??
@ S.O.S
I need to save my soul.
I can't sit at home and do nothing.
I can't wait to go to work tomorrow.
Yes I need a life.
Someone told me I need a girlfriend.
But all I need now is some cash.
I need to get myself some inner peace.
I already have it.
What do I really need??
I need to have some fun.
Thats right.
I need to have the 4 Cs.
But wait.
Its the fasting month.
so only with 2 Cs.
Argh!! Somebody save me!!!!
Sunday, September 16, 2007 @ Heh
What stereotype do you belong to? Your Result: No stereotype not preppy yet not a complete loser. has good friends and doesn't revolve life around their looks or social status. All around good person. usually liked by everyone |
Punk | |
Emo | |
geek/nerd | |
Loner | |
Jock | |
Preppy | |
Gamer | |
What stereotype do you belong to? |
@ Random Pics
Saturday, September 15, 2007 @ Bored..
@ Back to the drawing board
haiz haiz haiz...
Got to know my pay will not be as what I had expected earlier. Damn.
Now back to the drawing board to get my finance right again. This time I put up a monthly report on my finance and for myself to refer. Haha. Me my own boss.
I really need to find a weekend job..... any lobangs??
Thursday, September 13, 2007 @ The first day
The first day as a members of public after 2 years. Feel good.
Working at NUH is kinda lepak not like I expected. You just have to work smart. Pandai wayang. All the skills learn in NS is useful. Haha..
The thing that is stressful is that you have to clear all the files and arranged it.
One thing I hate is that it is so farking far away from home. Had to break my fast late. Its ok.
I love mix!! with a little bit of here and a little bit of there. Haha, Hafiz is talking nonsense. =p
Wednesday, September 12, 2007 @ KeDengs
Hey oh...How is it today? Sunny and a pleasant weather huh??
Got my little pinky back. Yayness. I miss youu little pinky. We had been seperated for 2 whole years and now we finally meet. Haha. Still remember the day that we had to be seperated. Got to stripped down naked for tattoo checks, lining up and following instructions like one gong-gong and surrender my Identification Card to the authorities.
Now I'm a member of public. A whole new life begins now. A whole new chapter to my life. Can't wait for school to start. haha. Now I wanna work. Tomorrow start working at NUH. But I feel like being a workaholic. Working somewhere else on the weekends. I got to help my family out and myself.
Tomorrow is also the start of Ramadan, the fasting month. I'm so blessed that it falls the day after I ORD so that I no need to spend money on lunch as I am fasting. Since I do not receive my September pay. Its Ok. This is life of an NS man. Suffering hardship is the main lesson behind these 2 years. You can handle it well you can handle your life better. So yeah.
Anyway have fun!!!
@ Personal Best!
Hello peeps and now its officially 0034AM and its 12 Sept 2007. And what day is it?? Its Operational Ready Date. A free man. Wohoo. But have to wait another 10 hours before getting my little Pink Card call Identification Card A.K.A I.C. Haha.
Oh well I had a blast earlier on. Had Team Bonding and its a restaurant at Down Town East called Sakura International Restaurant. Free Food. Love it to the max. Especially when meeting the Bad Boys Bravo. Had a blast man. I laugh my heads off. Really. They told me about Muahaha that had been going on. Sending sms to people that they are gay and also put fire extinguisher in a personal bag that was left unattended. Haha. Funny la geng. The dinner was marvelous. Haha. With free flow of top class cruisine. The best meal so far.
After that went to play bowling at Orchid Country Club. Did a personel best of 112. First time sey. And I have not been playing like ages. haha. Another fun moment. With them I really laugh out loud and rolling. hhaha. I Miss them already.
Team Bravo Woodlands NPC is OWNING. Haha..
Now have to look forward and think of how to be on time for my first day at work at NUH since I have been sleeping very late. haha.

The beautiful dinner!!

The lights that protect the Neighbourhood

The Woodlands NPC Mascot.

121st Woodlands Team Bravo Special Constable. ORD ooohhhh!!!
Monday, September 10, 2007 @ Here is the labrador Adventure Pics
Here is the link to the Labrador Pics.
There is so many of them so I dowan to waste time and space. So the link is as follows then that it also include other album. The old and legendary and some that I will never delete.
So enjoy..
Sunday, September 09, 2007 @ scratches and wounds
Hey all. This few days are like my unluckiest days.. Sian. Almost a road accident a few days back and now I got scatches, a deep wound, and a torn pair of jeans.. How more worst can it get??
Today morning got soccer. A match at commonwealth field. Got to play keeper since no one can play keeper. I was not mentally prepared for it. Hah. But it was super boring being one. I was like the spectators only that I watch under the sun, have to pick up the ball. And shout my ass off. I even do commentary. Hah. We won 6-1. And the one that conceed my goal was in 2nd half penalty. I went the right way and touch the ball but I was to low to get it. Overall a good match and that is when I got minor scratches on my knees and elbows.
So going home, went to farhan's place. It was fine until, "Eh WTF!!". I fell into one of the drain, just to respect the joss stick that was placed along the drain. Took a longer route but my legs got miscommunicate with my brain so it took not enough step and I slip and fell. Resulting in lesceration and scratches. Not so painful as i thought it would be though.
So after waiting for Farhan to get ready to go to the hospital, I went home and get some tissues and bandage to cover my wound. Blood like keep flowing non stop. Get ready and went to meet the Dins. Khairudin and Rasyidin. We went to labrador park. Haha. It was fun. Meeting them and catching up with them. Haha.. Went there for sight seeing and play with the canon and other artefects. Take pictures and explore the place. Since we are all first time there. Haha. After that we have our lunner( lunch and dinner) and proceed back home.
The pics will be uploaded soon!
Saturday, September 08, 2007 @ PNS Retreat 2007
I just came back home from PNS retreat at HTNS Pasir Ris Chalet. And this was how it went.
Went down to Choa Chu Kang to meet up with Asri and Irman. I was there kinda early so I went down to LJS to eat. after eating I realise that it was raining. So I expect that they would be late. So I walk around and went to the Library to read. Heh. I begin to love reading again. Until they reach and then we proceed down to vivocity to meet up with Fadzlin.
Reach there, ask one of the staff and he told us that he had left about 15 Mins ago. So I asked Irman whether he informed Fadz that we are meeting him, and he like "eh, I forgot to inform him" Haha. so went to 7-11 and get something to drink before proceeding to the chalet.
Reach there, we eat, mixed around with the new guys and mingle around. Then have an appreciation for SSI Karim as he is leaving caused he is going to retire next month. 30 years in the force. woo. After that play soccer outside until we are all drench in sweat. And then we talk and talk and mingle. Told them stories about NPC cases I attend to. Until we got so bored and the regulars went to sleep. Us SCs still wide awake and bored. That is when I decided to take the Police Van and bring them to DownTown East.
So I talk cock with the regular that is holding the key. Talk like 20 to 30 mins and finally he agreed but with a supervision of an ex regular. haha. So ok..Once we out of the damn ulu place, the ex regular say he wanted to drop off and won't be joining us. Told us to take care and have fun. Haha. So it was SC nyt. Went to DTE and eat at McD and walk around.
After that drove to the famous Red House. All of us like never see it before. I saw it once but not at night and the last one I went there was like 4 years back. Then we really got no plan, so I told them Ok we going for proactive patrolling to deter housebreaking by night and enhanced police presence. Since all of them want to screen people. But we got no one to spotcheck.
So I drove in carparks and told them to look out for misty vehicles caused couple are having "fun" inside. First 2 carparks no sign. until the last one. And it is at the last lot. So I told them "subject spotted". drove slowly and then stop behind the car. They see what they see and they are like "eh they are doing ah" haha. they like first time. then I told them ok later footpatrol. Haha. They are like so happy. haha. Office hour never see these things. Haha. They commented I spot it really well. I replied "This is what you learn in Woodlands". Haha.
Then after that they all so tired that they sleep. Me, Irman, Fadz, Asri and Ridhwan stay up and talk outside. Until we got so bored again that we go out to get some food. Went down to Tampines and to eat at McD again and at around 0530hrs I said farewell to them and took a bus home.
Oh ya. I almost involve in an accident. I was a pillion on my friend's motorcycle. In PIE suddenly a van wants to cut in. My friend quickly jam break and his side mirror hits the van's side mirror. If he wasn't quick enough I think I'll be bleeding now. Oh ya hearing people's death due to motorbike accident really scares me. Especially about how the body ends up with multiple broken bones and the careless driver that wanted to run away after hitting the deceased. And after a few near accidents that I was involve really makes me think twice about getting bike license.
Thursday, September 06, 2007 @ forgiven
The only thing about me is that I am a kind person and forgive people for their mistake. The reason is that I also do make mistake and made people feel bad or guilt. Got to say this what goes around comes around. Life is fair. Oh yes kids they are fair. So to the person, no need to feel guilty anymore ya. Caused that was an old issue. Don't bother thinking or feel guilty abt it. Sorry I didn't went down town to chill. haha.
Okay. I got the job at NUH. The place is like a library but all documents. The interview with the NUH personnel made me kinda worried abt the job caused its fast paced and very specific. Your job is to file and do the approprite paper work. you might think its easy. But guess what, there is a criteria. Everyday you must hit a 5 cm of filing and no mistake. If you put the wrong papers in the wrong file, you are DOOM!!. Caused you have to re-file it and search for the appropriate paper like a needle in a haystake. A very tedious job. But I'm looking forward for it. Caused in a new environment and pple. And some eye candies, (I hope)
okay....these few days, I got a hard time sleeping. Its like I will sleep at 5 in the morning. I need to adapt to a office hour sleeping plan now. Not shift work anymore. haiz..
This getai thingy is getting on my nerve. its like 11 pm in the night and it still not stopping. FYI their permit only last until 1030 pm. If other racial activities, they already had complain even before reaching 10.
I'm feeling hungry. And my younger brother woke up due to the noise I wanna chat with him..haha.
Monday, September 03, 2007 @ The wait pays off.
Finally upon waiting and waiting for a call, I finally got a call by Recruit Express for one of my resume. The one I applied for as a Medical Record Officer, Admin assistance. Haha. Told me to come down to their office for an interview.
So I went down and had a short interview with recruit Express. The one that handel my case informed me further about the job.
ok side track, her name is Alyssa and she is pretty. I was like wow. When I reach there and fill up the form, she asked me who I'm looking for and I kinda stuttered and told to her "I'm looking for Alice". She was like thinking for a while and then she said Alyssa is it?? Oh that's me" haha. So embarassing. hehe.
Ok back to the story, Its at NUH and the job is to do admin and retrieve medical records and arranging them like a librarian. Haha. Ok la. Better then some shitty job. Its a temp job and Its office hour. So cool. Alternate Saturday off and sunday and public holiday off. Unlike shift work. There is no such thing as public holiday or weekends. There is only off and leave. but the pay kinda low la. its $6/hr. So while in the MRT i was counting the total money per month and the saving and the deduction I have to make. Still its ok la since its a Temp job.
So after the interview I went down to esplanade to kill time. Haha. Finally went there. But it was raining. So I didn't chill at the usual hotspot. Thought of getting a cup of coffee and read the book. Haha. Its ok la. Maybe next time.
Reach home and its abt 4.40. Then I got a call from Recruit express that I had been shortlisted for the job. And they email me the stuff. wohoo. Got job interview. Tomorrow at 3. Hopefully I won't be late. Cos its at Bouena Vista. Alyssa also was surprised I don't mind travelling. Haha. Its ok, As long the money is Halal. haha.
Wish me all the best for tomorrow!!
Sunday, September 02, 2007 @ The waiting starts now...
hello are you? I hope you are fine. Hopefully better then me..
I miss that place so bad. The ambience there is my favourite. The River of Life, the music, the people..haiz. So disappointed that I didn't went there this weekend. aww. Haha
Anyway today was a great day after all. Had X-Box day. haha. At farhan's house. My gaming skill improve. Haha. Play Halo2, Fifa 06 and conker. Its so fun when 4 people playing together. Haha.
Now I got to wait for the result of my resume send out to those HR Departments. They are from: PageOne Grp (a bookstore like borders @vivo), Esplanade Ltd (I love the place), Night Safari (cos I can't sleep at night) and also Sentosa Luge (the best ride in Sentosa so far). The rest are other admin job. So now I'm waiting for their favourable response. haha are some pics taken when the Jack S going for soccer. But got to find out there is no soccer. and they didn't inform us.
jeng jeng jeng...

Waiting for??

swing swing!!
More pictures were taken using Farhan's DigiCam at his house. The pics not with me to upload. But there are some cool pics. I didn't know I have such talents. haha. Once I got it I'll upload yea..
Now I'm just enjoying the music from a legendary metal band, Iron Maiden..haha. Its head bangging time!!
Saturday, September 01, 2007 @ The start of sending Resume.
Its September 1st!!
Hey yo peeps.11 more days to collect my pinkie!! Yahoo!! Can't wait to move on with my life. hee. Its gonna be great. WEEE
I just send out a few resume to those future companies I might get work from. haha. Hope to get a reply soon from them and a good reply though.
Anyway. I didn't went down to NSS for Teachers' Day Celebration. Felt guilty. sorry..
So I wanna wish all teachers out there, especially those who had mould me to where I am now a HAPPY TEACHERS' DAY. To the best English and Form teacher, Mdm How. The most sarcastic and always hurt my feelings during bio class, Mrs Thomas. The most terrified Chemistry teacher, Mr Neo. The Most understandable and morale booster for A maths Mrs Vanan. and alot more. Sorry for not being there to celebrate this proud day with you. To me the most proudest Day is during my O Lvl result. You all made me believe that I can acheive the best out of myself. Thank you teachers!! I owe you big time!!