Thursday, August 30, 2007 @ Qwerty
I don't have any topics for today. So its randomly in line. Just like qwerty. Its random letters but they are in line on your keyboard. Haha.
Ok yesterday got career fair. Kinda boring la. But meet up with the old buddies and stuff. But I don't find much buddy as most of my squadmate had already ORD. So just stick around with them and mostly all by myself. See all the private sector out there and the pay they are giving out. Anyway I don't bother much cos I'm gg back to school. Yeah Babeh..School. How I miss School...
Anyway..Now I'm window shopping for school accessories. Yup like bags and shoes and even watch. I think I got alot of clothes now. So I do not bother abt them. Haha. But now I got to find work and save up to get a laptop. Cos RP needs a laptop and I have to buy them from school. Sianz. haha..
I'm so hyped up abt the road ahead. Just like Aravind leaving for the states, I got my plan to go too. So I hope to see you around. I wanna read a book. You guys might be thinking since when I read books. Haha. When I'm collecting dust and sleeps all day and night at home and my brain got rotten. haha. So decided to go to the library and get something to read. Yup yup. got 40 odd chapters to read up. Its a thriller story, abt a private investigator. I'm so into solving mysteries and police case. I think its in my blood. haha.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007 @ A common Phrase
Ignorance is Bliss
a very common phrase I seen..I not sure what is the meaning though. So I check it out at Wikepedia. Yeah, A cool place to learn Vocab..haha
it says that "Ignorance is Bliss" is an album by a punk rock group called face to face. Haha. I dont even heard them before. So I read further and it can be break up into smaller and understandable meaning.
"Ignorance is a lack of
knowledge. Ignorance is sometimes misinterpreted as a
synonym of
stupidity, and is as thus often taken as an insult.
In many cases ignorance is seen as a pleasant alternative to harsh reality."
where else Bliss means perfect
happiness and it is used as a noun. It also means Joy in old english.
Upon further reading I found out that the phrase is from a poem by Thomas Gray.
"Where ignorance is
bliss, 'tis folly to be
[1]So what does it really mean? Lack of knowledged brings joy and perfect happiness?? To me it doesn't make any sense. How can you be happy when you are nothing but a fool?haha. think about it. Without Knowledged how can you bring joy and happiness to yourself. Unless you don't want to know the reason why. Haha.
Well you think abt it..
Monday, August 27, 2007 @ Driv3 away Escape`
I want to escape from this four walls I'm facing.
So bored at home with nothing to do accept for collecting dust. Now my nose itch and throat hurts. My ankle starts to scream in pain from yesterday run at Yishun Park. Looks like my ankle have not recovered fully. What I'm afraid is that it might be a fractured or some kind.
A few nights ago, I was out fetching my family members and then treat them for supper at Jln Kayu. Yeah. I feel kinda unfair when I could treat myself and friends but not my family members. Since this is the last pay I got from NS, so I better treat them.
And now my dad don't stress me out. He compliment me for improving and not being afraid. Unlike my mother who said that I was neglecting my safety and very brave in making sudden turns. Hey I'm not that bad actually. Only that my Mum is a bit worried. Haha. There is even a time when my sis got motion sickness by the way I drive. Hehe. But driving in the night is really relaxing. How I wish I could drive every night and relax my very occupied mind.
3 more weeks to ORD. Should I send in my resume out to companies now? Is it too early? Got a few places in mind to submit in my resume. We see how it goes....
For now I just wish I'm not dusty...
Saturday, August 25, 2007 @ Here the pics
Hre is the pics for the previous entry!!

The Magnificient Chilli Crab!!

The chilli crab aftermath

The Trio that made it happen

Newton Circus Hawker centre

Darlie, Colgate and choose

Colgate really shines

Kids..this sign states "danger" repeat after me DANGER



2 MRT commuters going nuts

2 obidient MRT commuters standing behind the yellow line waiting for the MRT.

Someone stole my golds in my nose!!
@ Heyy ohh
It was fun when you hang out with old skool friends.
went out with my ex-classmates. And we talk and eat and talk and eat.. la..was suppose to go to woodlands..but someone got so stress and we decided to go and eat. she was planning to go drunk. Instead we devour chilli crabs!! will be up soon..
Have fun!!
I'm so bored with holidays..if any you got plans please call me...
Thursday, August 23, 2007 @ Decision made
Ok after consultating many people I've made my decision.
I'm gonna find a Full time job in the mean time and when poly starts, I will work after my school ends.
Yes it is hard. I've done that before and I will do it again.
I, Hafiz Alias, will be a workaholic. I will help my family in any ways possible and still get what I always dream of. And I still have my 5 years plan in my mind.
I would like to thanks all the bro and sis that help me out, C & Z to take my mind off things. Thank you!!
So pardon me if you dont see me around. Not that I'm dead but a Sacrifice I have to make. Hope you guys understand.
See you around!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007 @ I donno what I should do!
I just have no idea what I should do.......
My family financial health is kinda sick. should I be stingy and stick on my plans and do whatever it takes to be where I wanna be or should I just start a career and help out and not doing what I dream off.
How can I help my family and still acheive my dream??
this sucks.
And why are people around me talking abt marriage and stuff. I'm only 19. I got a long way to go.
This sucks even more.
Good Nyt everybody. I got to save the electricity. Love Earth.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007 @ Oh no....
Its going to end soon!!
This is my last time I'm going to get paid for NS. There goes my monthly salary..haiz...
Now have to find another job. Another job until school starts next year..Next year April. Haiz...Its already difficult to find a job nowadays. (Actually there is alot la but some people are just choosy)
well I took one whole night to do a resume. And I done it from scratch. But its more like a application form instead of a resume. Haha. Oh well its ok. This is the first time I;m doing this and I did not go to the resume course like what my other NS counterparts did. So i'm kinda handicapped. Shit..
Hope to find a job soon. Hope hope hope....
For now lets just enjoy the holiday...
Friday, August 10, 2007 @ Memoirs
Hey everyone...sorry for not being discilpline enough to blog. Just like this blog, I've been kinda rotting...
First of all.. Happy National Day. Our country have grown from a small port to a global arena. Our history is kinda cool. Where else in this world can we find multi-racial, multi-religion working hand in hand to where we are now.. Even if some of the Sg laws and orders are kinda retard to someone's opinion, this place is still peaceful and harmonious..
Ok enough of being so patriotic as I am, While you peeps are enjoying yourself at marina bay or at the parade watching the fireworks and then parytying all night long, I've been busy keeping our safe country safe. Now in ORD mood already though. So happy working huh. Actually my NS life is full of experience and colours. I experienced both office hours and NPC life. And with great and fun collegues, my NS life sure is fun. I left 4 more working days and I'm on ORD leave..Whee..ahaha..
And because it is my few days left, I got soapy and wet before going home. saboh...and the other 2 of my collegue who is in the same batch as me got off as they run after the debriefing. So for today I'm the main attraction. Haha..wanna noe what happen??
First I was detained and was brought to the toilet. In the toilet my hands were tied and face mask was put on. everybody surrounding me. Then soap starts to flow from my head down..and water sprayed. Not long after, my face was mopped and brush were scrub on me. I was having and clean up with mop and brush and with my clothes on..then the face mask start to got wet and I can't breath. Luckily the safety officer notice and took off the mask..relieved... then the scrubbing and mobbing continue for another minute or so and then it stop. Fun sia.. haha.. Its not a everyday thing that I got wet and in this case clean. haha. But after that I got no spare clothes to go home so i wore my jacket and the wet pants home. Haha.
after that the fun start when turn by turn the regulars got wet. Haha..
I donno about those guys but for me, my NS life is "Wicked Sick" great!!
oh yah..I got this dream. I went ou with this mysterious girl. and Had a blasting time with her. I wonder who is she..
Monday, August 06, 2007 @ Arab street..
Once upon a time in Arab street, where the sun is up and the weather is fine, lives a shop owner with his brother.
They open their shop early in the morning.
Thus business was bad because of of the competition among the other shops and also the town area which is nearby.
However he kept his perserverence and always pray to the Al-mighty.

Soon he realise that more and more customers came to his shop to purchase his good quality cloth.

With his good customer service and his younger brother who always helps out,

customers are very happy and they come again

and again

and again. Until his brother managed to build a mosque near to his shop.

The brothers had always been thankful to the Al-mighty for giving him faith to be successful.
The End
This is a totally fictionious story. Does not have any links with anyone, who is alive or had already pass away, or anything. This story is not the history of the Sultan Mosque.
Elder brother: Asri, my real elder brother
Younger brother: Syahmi, my real younger brother
Customer: Nafisah and Mum, my younger sister and my mum respectively.
Muhammad Nur Hafiz Alias

Muhammad Nur Hafiz Alias

Muhammad Nur Hafiz Alias

Muhammad Nur Hafiz Alias
Saturday, August 04, 2007 @ Now i Understand...
Hafiz is in the house again!!
Haha..not been busy but but been a little down and lonely. So I don't have the mood to update it. Anyway..Life have to go on...
These period of being down helps me to appreciate beauty. Yeah. Now I know what is beauty in the eye of the beholder really means. And now I now my preference.
It all start when I was going to meet my friends at woodlands. As I was walking down the underpass, I saw some familiar face. A young lady that used to be the same school as me but a year younger. I do not know her though. I kinda bumped into her lately. I saw her and there she was walking pass me. Donno whether she notice me or not. But yeah. She is beautiful. And its like stuck in my mind. Its something like love at first sight. Now I really understand.
but too bad she's attach and I don't bother to get to know her better. =P
anyway.....a few more working days and I'm off for a holiday...wee...I LOVE ME!!
here are some photos taken.... enjoy!

working hand in hand with dolls to protect life and property in our beloved country!!