Monday, July 30, 2007 @ SKANK
Feeling down and hurt...
Music will cheer me up...
Lets skank with SKA!!!
Thursday, July 26, 2007 @ I've made up my mind....
First thing first...
Some choices that have to be made.. And I already made up my mind...
Thanks to the people I spent with today. I save you from drowning in sadness and after getting what you wanted, there you go laughing at me. Don't forget Iwas there to pick you up. I was there giving you advised and showing you. I'm almost your guardian angel but you just like any other people. You laughed at me, and taking me for granted. Yeah. I hope you do fine without me. Best friends?? yeah best friends. I'll be the first person you look for when you need help. Even your family know where to find you. Thank you for laughing at me. Thats the appreciation I really need.
And to someone else. I thought you promise me to be there when I'm down. The promise which I still hold on to even if it is like years ago. But where were you? You not even there for me. Not even on my proudest day or even the day i feel lyk I'm a useless son of a gun. Its even hard to have a normal conversation with you yet alone becoming my best friend. Don't give me excuses that you are busy with your life. Caused even if I'm busy with life and don't have time for myself, yet i still think about you.
I guess it is human nature. When they need you they come crawling to you, when your service is not needed, they just throw you aside. Thank you to these people call friends.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007 @ Guardian Angel
Sometimes I just wish a Guardian Angel is beside me and show me the light to the long and winding road ahead. But that only a wish, but a great thing is I got good friends around me.
I was given the task to help talk to my friend to change to save the relationship between both two. Dowan to mention names. Hmm I hope I got him to realise that sometimes its there is a limit to everything in life. Must not act rashly and think before saying such things. I hope they get back together... Cos they deserve more then this.
Hmm working in the Force enables me not to be biased on one side. Its like a family dispute but instead of husband and wife its my friends. And fair enough I gave both parties a talk and it is up to them whether they want to save it. cos as a friend, I could only talk and advised. There nothing much I could do.
Anyway was talking with my friend last nyt and we kinda about Ruby. Memories of her still fresh in me. Kinda sad though and it made me miss her so bad. My friend told me that once ruby approached her and ask about me and how I'm doing. That really surprised me, cos in my mind I thought she totally forgets about me. And she was also blushing when asking about me.
Someone close to her told me she felt guilty leaving me, and therefore don't want to get close to me. Now her collegue told me she always feel down and stress at work. And she is also studying part time. She would only smile and bubbly when she is off duty and getting ready to go back home. And she would blush when asking about me. I totally miss her..
Should I get in touch with her?? But will she answer my call or sms?? How am I suppose to show her that I support her in whatever she is doing??..
What should I do?? What should I do?? What should I do?? What should I do?? What should I do?? What should I do?? What should I do?? What should I do?? What should I do?? What should I do?? What should I do?? What should I do?? What should I do?? What should I do?? What should I do?? What should I do?? What should I do?? What should I do?? What should I do?? What should I do?? What should I do?? What should I do?? What should I do?? What should I do?? What should I do?? What should I do?? What should I do?? What should I do?? What should I do??
I'm lost.....
Monday, July 23, 2007 @ Swollen
I got myself injured when playing soccer with Jack S...I sprain my eft ankle and now it is swollen like the size of a tennis ball. OUCH!! thanks to my luck..I was making a sliding tackle when I heard a "crack" sound...I was like "WTF!!" and then i felt the pain and i shout like i broke a bone..haha..I roll on the wet field and get myself kinda dirty..
When to TTSH to get check up, scared that it might be some fractured or something..but he say it is a normal sprain and gave me 3 days light duty, when I wish for a 3 days of MC..haha..
but this is the worst sprain I ever got. Usually if I sprain my ankle, I could still play and run.But this time I can't even walk properly...
And today I got myself late to work. Oops. Haha. Not because of my injury but Because I overslept..I think because of the medicine I took.
Hmm..should I throw MC tmrw???
Sunday, July 22, 2007 @ ALMOST!!
I almost been buried today 6 feet under today. I almost meet death TWICE in a row. yeah. Not once but TWICE!! Stupid driver..
The first one was at woodlands ring road. I was in the car patrolling whom my partner was driving..The road is a bend when suddenly a taxi from the next lane, which goes the opposite direction, went to my vehicle's lane. And almost a head on collision. Luckily my partner jam break. If not would end up flying out of the car as I wasn't wearing seat belt.
The 2nd one at the same night, the vehicle at the next lane suddenly cut into my vehicle's lane.Also immediate jam break..and again I wasn't wearing my seatbelts. After these two incident, both me and my partner remind each other to wear seat belts..
SO please do wear your seat belt...
enough of almost bumping into death,
Today went home and get some sleep after a hard work. Got after sleeping went out to meet the PNS guys. Meet up and had satay at Lau Pau Sat...yeah...
Oh ya..before that I was at centrepoint.. I finally had the courage to say "Hi" to ruby..she turn and was kinda surprised to see me. But I just smile and walk away. Went up to see some clothes, then when walking down, saw her again with her boo..The truth hurts..yeah..but with the PNS boys around, especially Irman, I laugh my head off with his jokes and sarcasticism. HAHA..
But too bad could not stay long with them, the car i took have to be back early, So after sending some of them home, I went home but have to drop by the petrol kiosk to pump some petrol. And it took me almost 20 mins to open and close the petrol lid.. troublesome la. I donno of the procedure of opening and closing it. Opening it was a luck after many tries, closing it I got a help from the pump attendant. It shows how dumb I am with car maintenance...Oh man...
Oh ya, I took the mandai road home and the area, both left and right are forest. Suddenly I remember the movie Jangan Pandang Belakang, where the ghost appeared sitting at the back I dare not look at the rear mirror..I know, I'm such a whimp..
K got to go, tmrw playing soccer with peeps and Jack S...
Wednesday, July 18, 2007 @ oh pleassseeee......
Today, not an exciting day. Kinda sux actually, but still a cool day to end it.
Morning wake up go bath and brush teeth. do the necessary..
Afternoon meet Farhan. Brought his friends around Yishun to find pirated games. too bad can't find. then slack at his house. Played the guitar and watching TV. Then Farhan went out to meet Dila after her work. He want to apologized to her. Hope it went alryt bro.
Den went home. Text Rohani whether she want to meet to talk over starbucks. So yeah Met her around 1930hrs. Then she had other plans, So we ended up at the park behind the mosque. Bring her there. A great place to look at stars. But too bad the sky was cloudy. Not much to see. But we had a great time talking. Talking over stuff and problems that we face almost every single day.
But weird things happen. She got freak out when a dog walk pass her, there was a snake, a small python in the middle of the pathway, and she met her X at the bus stop nearby. 3 weird things in a row. And her X thought that I and with her. And he felt guilty to talk to me cos of one stupid insident. Too bad la. Anyway I don't hold grudges. But I don't talk to him. So its ok. I don't care. haha...
Anyway it was great talking to her. Haha. Had fun la. Sometimes kinda lonely and that is when a friend is in need. She is one good friend. Really!
I want to share something to all of you. This feeling of missing her. Lets call her Ruby.A few days back, my friend, lets call her Didi, was talking about ruby and how they became friends. During their conversation, Ruby found out that Didi and me are friends and ruby ask her about me. Didi and Ruby is working at the same place, fyi. So Ruby was asking Didi about me and how am I doing. Got to know she still care about me, or at least remember me. Knowing all this, my feelings toward Ruby came again. I miss her. Memories will just be there. Sad to say this, but I still have feelings towards Ruby. But I cannot except the fact that she is finding out about me through my friends.
Why not ask me straight?. Why must be secretive?. Why not reply to text msg? Why Ruby why??
You promised me to be my best friend and help me out, instead you let me down even more. Don't feel guilty k Ruby.. I dowan this beautiful relationship to end just like that. Please be my friend.
Sometime I feel regret letting Ruby go. But people say if you love someone, let them go. If they come back to you then you are meant to be with each other forever. If not, treasure those fond memories as they are the colours of your beautiful life. (OK I made up the last part)..
This is a lyric of a song by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. Song call Damn Regret.
Verse 1The moon is shining bright
The mood is feeling right
I’ll kiss you on your neck
People will stare but we won’t care
We’re high above the ground
We’re nowhere to be found
Empowered by adrenaline
Feel I've been born again
Pre-chorusAgain, I am repeating myself
And I know it is TIME for you
To sit and pretend
chorusDamn regret, I’ll try to forget
Don’t worry about me
‘Cos I’m refined
Cast my line
To see what’s behind
Did you think you persuaded me to let you go?
Verse2I’m wishing you were here
My weakness is my fear
Alone I am myself
No reason, left for me to care
Distracted by the sound
I hear footsteps all around
Empowered by adrenaline
Feel I've been born again
Pre-chorusAgain, I am repeating myself
And I know it is time for you
To sit and pretend
chorusDamn regret, I'll try to forget
Don’t worry about me
‘Cos I’m refined
Cast my line
To see what’s behind
Did you think you persuaded me to let you go?
bridgeYou’re the only one I turn to
When I feel like no-one’s there
And when I’m lonely in my darkest hour
You give me the power To sit and pretend
chorusDamn regret, I’ll try to forget
Don’t worry about me ‘Cos I’m refined
Cast my line
To see what’s behind
Did you think you persuaded me to let you go?
outroDid you think I forget?
Did you think I surrender myself to persuade you to let me go?
Did you think I forget?
Did you think I surrender myself to persuade you to let me go?
Tuesday, July 17, 2007 @ wohoo
Its Hafiz in the house..
Its been a long time since I've been blogging.. My com got crash and burn. Now its all fix and ready to rock and roll. Haha..
So been doing alot of stuff to stop myself from going online and blogging or DotA-ing. Been to Zouk and went jogging. Yeah baby..
Haha..I went to zouk after my morning shift and guess what, It was packed!. And its only 12 in the morning. Haha, Was kinda late cos I went back home to changed first. My first time in zouk was fabulous. Really. The drinks was free, The girls keep on coming, the music keep on rocking. I went with a few bunch of police officers. Haha. Went there to enjoy myself and want to know what zouk is all about. Haha. Cool place la. Its cheaper then MoS and the crowd is phucking awesome. Haha. Want to go there again....wee..
Oh ya.. Now I've starting my healthy lifestyle again. Went for jog every 2nd off. If not I'll ne running home after my first shift. Jogging is fun. Best tau, feel the wind and scenary and sweat it out. Relieve you from all your dipshit in you. Furthermore, you burn calories. Haha. Want to look great, go for a run. And it is great if you run with a friend. You won't feel bored or tired at all. And you might catch a great sunset together...

Anyway, why do some people feel paranoid and afraid that some bad things happen to their relationship when people are talking about them? Its not as if we are talking rubbish or even gossipping about the untrue. Its not a speculation at all. If both parties trust each other, they should not let words that travel from ear to ear, either untrue or not, to affect their relationship. Some advise, communication helps....
Thursday, July 05, 2007 @ Happy Bdae
Hey ya
Just some update in life now.
It was Farhan bdae on the 3rd of July. To that bro of mine..HAPPY BDAE. Luckily I managed to find a present on time. Haha. Thnkz to Rohani for accompany me searching for it high and low and also made you drop the idea of watching Transformers.
And we had some little small party. I had to rush back from work. Luckily it was a great day at work. It was so easy. Haha. So the party was a small one under the block with Yiety bought a small cake for us to share. A small gathering for a special friend. Here are the photos.
Other then that, nothing much to update. As usual, working. Work was fine. Nothing much happen. Just that I was sent to Bukit Panjang and Choa Chu Kang. And I did R5. which is from 3 pm to 3 am which is a new timing as usually it was from 11 am to 11 pm. Was shagged when I reach home. And I keep sleeping, woke up, DotA, eat and sleep again. The routine was the same. Until now. My body is getting used to the unusual timing. I'm beat right now.
I got a song of mine and I'm thinking whether I should record it or not. Song was written like 4 years ago for somebody special. Should I record it??? Anyway, I always have inspirations to write songs thankz to someone special.
Monday, July 02, 2007 @ Youth Day...Hurray??
So ladies and gentleman, boys and girls. Today is youthday. Am, I still considered youth by nature?? While I'm like working adults already??
Well I really miss being a youth. Haha. Going out late at night and spend all my money on arcade and games. Haha. Hang out with friends and go town every single day when we are free. Meet some new girls and talk on the phone or MSN all night long. Play Dota PSP, X-box or PS2. Hey, We used to have X-box day every friday. Now its just a memory.
Well sometimes youth are the best period to learn new stuff and gain experienced. Shows you what is good and bad, hands on. Haha. and with friends that will always be there for you, they are the ones who see you laugh, cry, and get our mood twisted and turn. They are also the one that see how you changed and grow. Its the same as you watch them grow. Like me. I used to have a GF while all my other friends just listen to my problems and woes. Now, they have their own GF and I'm the one listening to their problems and woes. Haha. The world is round. And what goes around comes around.
Youth is also a very important part of growing up. Not only puberty and O level and for some N level. It also a period to mould your future. It is this period where our future depends on your decision making and actions. I have seen people who changed dramitically after mixing with diffrent kind of people and do things that will make a bad impression on them and also some have their future uncertained with their criminals record and poor attitude towards life.
BUT don't you to treat this people like society trash. They have a part to play in this society. If not for them the world we live in will never be the same. So even you have bad impression on them due to their appearence and whatever records they are holding, for some reason or another, you have to be grateful towards them. And that what makes this world a beautiful place to live in.
I am also grateful to them. Because without them, the world is a peaceful place and there is no need for Police officer, infact the whole uniform organization, to be here working and keeping our society safe.
So to all the youth out there, Happy Youth day and do make your decision wisely.=)
Sunday, July 01, 2007 @ Back to Basic
Christina Aguilera concert is HAWT!!
Yeah babeh..and she is damn hot on stage too. Haha. It was fabulous. She have power and strength and the perseverence to produce a big voice every song she sang. And with the hot dance moves. With the "big band" concept of songs. Cool. And the crowd was great too. They start dancing and shouting her name. Oh wow. Great show people.. And the sound system is banging powerful. Almost lost my hearing. And with Christina's loud and powerful voice, I can't really catch what she was singing.

The stage before the curtain rose.
Well at first I was thinking wheter the person on stage is her cos she was wearing a top hat and cover her face. As I sat so far away from the stage, I have to rely on the big screen to see her face. Haha. And she look gorgeous .Overall a great show to be at. Since she is a hot international superstar. Who would miss such concert if you got the tix for free? hehe.
Christina, from the place where I was seated.

After the show..To those who do not know yet, this is Badariah, a.k.a Bad..
who else but not the concert goers
So ya after the concert ends, I and Bad walking along the National stadium before, BANG!! fireworks filled the night sky. Haha. Was a pretty sight. Pardon for the photos qualities. Handphone camera is not a good camera. Haha.


After all that, we want to go home. Bad suggest that we take a cab home since she was rushing for time. But we wait, and called and wait. No cabwould send us home. Called their cab hotlines but the one who picked the call up is an automated operator and songs and they keep saying "All our operators are unavailable, Please hold on to the line. Our service operators will get to you shortly" How short is "shortly" waited for a total of 3 hours. Luckily Bad called his father who was nearby to fetch us home. Phew. And the ride, Need For Speed style. Haha. I was behind with my heart stomping hard. Haha.
If only Mum allow me to rent a car...
Tired now. Need to sleep. Waking up at 7 later for soccer. Nytz.
P/s: Bad, thnks for accompanying me to watch Christina. Was fun hanging out with you and trying to get a cab. Sorry if your mum nagged at you. Cheers!! =)