Friday, June 29, 2007 @ Autobots, Roll out..
Transformers the Movie.
DAMN GREAT SHOW. If you love mind boggling visual effects and great sound, You got to love Transformers. Its a cool action movie with a mix of humour. It really makes the show the best so far. And the characters are cute and hawt..haha. Even the robots are cute characters. And the best part is Sam, the hero, got a Chervolet Camara, a good hot sports car for just $4 000 and it turns to robot, which is the bumble bee. Sweet. I wanna get that kind of car too. Haha.
Overall I give 8 popcorns out of 10. Transformers. Go catch it before they roll out.
Me and BumbleBee
Thursday, June 28, 2007 @ For my own good!
Yes..I'm changing my stupid password for good!
No more writting your name everytime logging in to my personal account. No more thinking about you. No more you in my life. To me you are just another stranger. So If you are reading this don't be surprised if I don't even say Hi to you.
If quit thinking about you and us now. I know I should have done this long time ago. But its ok. It is never to late.
@ Pleaded Guilty
The court case I attend today was nerve wreking. However was glad that the defence councillor managed to psycho the accused to plead guilty. So good that I do not need to make my way to the stand give my witness points.
Anyway I receive another call by Nokia that I won a Nokia headset. Hmm. It give me some kind of doubt that I won the nokia headset and also Christina Aguilera concert tix. We see how la. By Sat I don't get the tix I would just say I've been punk'd. Hopefully not. Beyonce is really looking forward for the show. And what shall I say to her??
So after the time wasting at Sub-court early morning thus I went back home and have my lunch before I meet Farhan and Din. The usuals huh. But this time I was accompanied by Din's GF and her friends. So we went to find a place to sit and then the smoking starts. But I didn't take any puffs. And these YPs are in their school uniform. I got a feeling that we will be busted and I was right. HSA personnel ambushed us and ask for particulars. Luckily I'm fast enough to take out my driving license and not my NS I.C. If not I'm surely been busted for abetment or something. Shit la. I dowan my future to be spoilt just because a bunch of underaged school kids are smoking infront of me. And I'm not even smoking la. Damn. And luckily I got through it. Those kids got fined $30. Haha. Serve you kids right!
After that I and Farhan went to town. Did some window shopping. and we walk the street like 2 times. Haha. From orchard down to Dhobby ghaut and back to orchard before landed to centrepoint to fetch Dila up and we went back to Dhobby Ghaut for dinner. Haha. Dila was kinda stress with how the seniors at her work place treated her. She cried. So we cool her down and in the end she went back to a happy goober. Haha. Oh ya. going out with farhan will never be a boring day. Seriously. Laugh until my jaw hurts. He created a celebration dance we dance along the streets in public. We got this promo packs of Nivea for Men refreshing Gel thingy and I used It. Haha. He said I look fairer. Haha.
This is my fairer look..

Going out with my best friends are the most best things I had ever done. Especially if your friends are like mine.

and Din

Monday, June 25, 2007 @ Wearing off
Everybody is wearing off, everyone is making silly mistakes and everyone is tired. Long day at work, school or even play makes you wear off. But what is important is that you must always have the positive attititude in what you do, even if it is a sucky job you have to do. And at the end of the day, you reflect back and tell yourself that you survive another day of war, another day of misery and another day of heartache. Make it a happy misery. haha. Its like emo punk lyrics meets upbeat ska. You'll be dancing and skanking in a sad song

So was out on patrol again. Like usual meet a lot kind of people. A 17 year old who looks like 19 to me, another 17 years old who wanted to be hero and hit himself on the window pane because of the father. In fact alot la. And public relation is not my forte. So I'm bad in talking and interviewing. But work wise on the desk its ok.
Listening to the bangra and hindi song really makes me almost have motion sickness during my patrol with Navin. But I counter it with my songs. If not I think I'll be into bangra beats. HAha.
Oh ya. I just created myself a new mid-term goal. And I'm serious about this. my goal is in 6 years time, I would like to own a car. Haha. So I'm really into this goal and ask my mum whether she is interested. Let me see where will I be in 6 years time.
- 2008-start of poly
- 2009-2nd year of poly
- 2010-3rd year of poly
- 2011-graduation. start of career or furthring my studies
- 2012-2nd year of career or 2nd yr at Uni
- 2013-3rd year of career or 3rd year at Uni
And then my new car arrives. Haha.
In 6 years I have to save up to $10,000 to cover my car cost. Which includes road tax,COE, insurance, and other needs.
Lets do some maths.
6 years = 72 months.
So $10000 in 72 months would be...
10000 /72=138.88888...
Equivalent to $140 per month.
Ok la. Not that bad la. still can survive. Haha. But first..I still got to settle my debts with grandmother. Oops
Saturday, June 23, 2007 @ sweet!!
haha..yeah I'm back from work and I'm soooooooo tired. Night shift was bad attending 11 messages. Until i'm so shagged to take photos of insident. Bad huh. Like there is no morale in me to do work. But I always think the positive. Work must be hapy and laugh and smile. That will make your time flies so fast..and at the end of the day, you say its a fine day after all. Haha.
Anyway, Its kinda sweet for the past few days. Its great as shift one was only half day and in the afternoon I went to DPP office. Its was kinda scary at first but it's not that bad afterall. haha. Now Its scary to go court and give the evidence t the Judge. It will be a good experience. So far My NS life is an eye opener. Really.
So at least one thing is done.
And later Ill be going for the major deployment. It will be another night working. Argh. My tiredness haven't go away, yet I will be going to work. Yawnness
So lets see what next in my schedule.
- WEF deloyment which will be tonight
- Court Hearing on the 27/6/07
- Christina Aguilera Concert on 30/6/07
- Team Ops. Date and time to be confirm.
- NDP deployment. Date and time to be confirm.
Its my last stretch of PNSF life and yet there are many work have to be done. But after the NDP. I would throw all my leave form. Hahaha
Oh ya Christina Aguilera Concert is next week. Can't wait. HAha. Know what. I received a call last 2 days saying that I won a pair of tix to Christina's concert in S'pore. HAha. Coolness. And I'm going with Bey0nce. Haha. Can't wait.
Ok so I'm getting some rest before going to work later tonight. Chow.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007 @
Oh well..wat a busy schedule lying infront of me...
tomorrow work. Then in the afternoon I got to meet the DPP. Don't ask me what is it stands for. Cos I forget. If I'm not its stands for Deputy Public Prosecutor. Some court case I'm involve with. Just because husband and wife fighting. And now it had become a Police case and the judge have to decide. See la. Husband and wife fighting get people like me involve. Haiz. Advised all of you lovely peeps to find the perfect spouse for yourself so that you will not get into trouble. Save all your money and love. Remember,tying a knot is not easy. Its all about love and happiness.
So choose your partner wisely.
Ok back to my heavy schedule. My off days will be burn with more work. This time I got deployed with some international forum that will be held in S'pore soon. And the attire is damn cool. Not like the usual uniform. This time is smart. Yeah babeh. Smart loong sleeve shirt with tie. Haha. But I think my deployment wll be static. It means just stand there and look out for something suspicious. Boring la. But nevermind. At least can claim hours. So got extra off days. Wee. Haha.
And so National day is drawing nearer. I didn't heard anything from the organiser to get my NDP tix. But I will still be there to protect life and property. Haiz. Another working time. But its ok la. Can see2 look2. haha. See the fireworks that will spill the sky of marina bay. And look at patriotic people that will filled the city with the national colours. haha.
Protecting life and property is never easy. We really have to dedicate our time. And luckily I'm serving this for the Nation. Hahaa. Donno if I should make this as my career. haha. Well anyway. I got to attain my highest studying qualification first. Unless I have to protect my family's life and property. haha.
Hope I got time for Beyonce. Haha
Sunday, June 17, 2007 @ Wohooo
Keeping my fingers cross!! And Beyonce put aside a day to watch Fantastic 4 with me!!
Could this be my first date this year?? Haha..okok..don't be too happy yet Hafiz. Lesson from the past shows that girls can cancel their appointments last minute. uh-huh. So don't be too grateful yet. Haha. Anyway I don't considered it a date la. It's just that I never watch movie with beyonce before. And besides, she's just a friend
So another good day at work. Got three messages only. arrested one guy and managed to sleep during my official ease session. But bad cos have to eat inside the car. Luckily I bought Mcdonalds. If not..I donno when I will eat my food. Cos I got attend to a robbery case. The foreigners here are so daring enough to rob in broad daylight.
Oh man I got selected to go to the donno wat forum and have to wear smart attire. as in long sleeve, dark pants and black shoe. With a tie. Hmm. I only have red and blue tie. I pick the blue one. The shirt light coloured. Hmm I don't have any. Macam mane eh? I dowan to wear white. You know la. See through and easily get dirty. I see how la. But its kinda cool la, smartly attired. Haha. but have to report at 1am at J HQ. hmm..macam mane ni?
Anyway I just keep my fingers cross for this Thursday...
Saturday, June 16, 2007 @ test test
@ *Cross fingers*
So so so so tired...Was a long day..
Morning play soccer..The usual saturday morning soccer. Fun la with me scorring the most goals..hahaha. At least some work out to burn some calories and keeping myself fit. I do not need a body so muscular. As long I'm fit and healthy that is fine. Haha.. Hmm. Maybe I'll go running after work tomorrow.
After the soccer I went down to East Coast Park. Ade band outing and seniors were invited. Ok saw some of the juniors there. Only 4 seniors came including myself. Hmm. Tak pe. So it was good to re-connect to your old friends. Haha. Fun la especially when the Eupho section went out to walk by the sea and talk. Its just me, Matin and Hartini. All kind of nonsence ade. Haha. Thats why they say Tuba and Eupho section are the fun section in band. Haha. The merepek-ness never fade away. And I learn a new way to go to East Coast thnks to this two kids. Haha. Its a pity that the rest of the section wasn't there. If not it would be perfecto.

the trio
Anyway, Ilah's sister was also there. Hmm. She doesn't look exactly like her sister, but there is some features that are almost the same. Like her eyes. But in fact to me she looks exactly like Beyonce in some side. I'm I missing Beyonce already? I don't have a crush on her. But she is just a good friend to talk with. Not like other girls who don't behave like one. She's so sweet. Hehe. maybe I should ask her out watch Fantastic 4. Since she recommended it to me. Haha. And I hope she would. *Cross fingers*
Thursday, June 14, 2007 @ NewPaper Cutting
This is the Newspaper report.

This is the zoom up picture..

Yup thats me alryt..hahaa..fierce huh??
@ NewPaper
Haha...ystd was the best day of woodlands NPC I think..
For the first time as far as my collegued would remember, this is the least message attended with a total of 9 message. Haha. gerek. Walk around and do proactive patrols. Look at girls haha. and cars..Fun la. Haha

Nice Mazda RX-8 huh..I loove the colour
And one case I attend was at Admiralty where the bus driver found dead in the bus. Haha. It was another long case. And even the press was there from the Newpaper. Haha. Irritating take picture and I was there to block the view of the photographer. Haha. Malas nak tangkap handsome..
And guess wat, the story came out at today Newpaper with me carrying the deceased. Haha..I'll upload the news some other time.
Here are some other pics taken. Enjoy
Somewhere in the heart of Lim Chu Kang..river full of Lotus flower
Lookin up for something sir??
MRT ride home
Tuesday, June 12, 2007 @ DownDownDownDown..It gets me so..
MC today..So I didn't go inservice. Oops =x haha. so Early morning see the doc. Get MC for free. Wee. I also didn't eat the medicine. Haha. The doctor say take the medicine 3 times each day after meal. But I didn't take any proper meal. Let me see what I ate today
- Bread with Nutella
- bread with nutella
- bread with nutella
- red bean bun
- and buah kuihni
So is that a proper meal??
So was suppose to hang out ngan budak jackass and Yaty. But Yaty buhbllee.Haha. Cakap je nak letak tepi tebing sebelah umah kau. And Farhan was late as usual after sending Dila. He's such a gentleman. Haha. Just like me in the old times. Haha. Now don't bother asking me to send you home unless I willingly wants to =p. Learning from the past really makes me realise how stupid I am. Haha. But its OK.
So as usual lepak kat Farhan's crib and on the way there met with beyonce. She meeting someone who she claim as 'friend'. ahaha. Pakaian lepak. But the friend was waiting at the side while I was talking to her. Haha. But to think about it the friend makes me feel kinda down. Die manenye handsome. Lagi handsome aizuddin. Haha.
So in the end lepakz kat rumah yang dah buat macam umah sendiri. Haha.
I've been hearing comments that hot girls guys are mostly nerds..haha..If some reason why. Any answers ladys? My answer is kinda straight forward. Cos they want to hack guys properties. Haha. Cos they are too nerd and kind to give anything to these girls.(answers based on experienced and studies conducted by ME) Whats your answer?
Its been a long time I went out for a date..haha..
Monday, June 11, 2007 @ kaypo pple, some false information, some smart thief but in the end still being stupid.
I'm so freaking tired. Ystd shift was so HECTIC!!yeah. tiring la. Some kaypo pple, some false information, some smart thief but in the end still being stupid. Now I realise malay phrases are true. "Pandai2 tupai melompat, jatuh juga ke tanah". Translation, As clever squirrel jump from branch to branch, it will eventually fall to the ground. Haha. It means that no matter how smart a thief is he will always fall to justice. Because of this kind of people, I can't eat my dinner in peace. Its all about dedication.
Kaypo pple say someone want to jump off the building. Everybody was there to settle things. In the end it was just another misunderstanding and its between mother and son. Stuck at scene for about 1 hour. Haha. Some outsiders I think was youering on someone when he heard someone shouting and hitting something on the window grill. Keep observing and saw him open the grill window. So the cikopek thought he want to jump down. Then call for Police. I talk to the cikopek also can see he like shivering like afraid or something.
False information is another irritating bunch of people. These reckless people report such things to the Police and in the end instead of helping us, it make us look like a bunch of monkeys. One caller say the person took a bus, another caller say he walk up the escalator. So which is which?? To me the person had already escape. So we just do what we can.
Next topic was the Stupid thief. He was smart enough to look for his prey before acting. But in the end it was so dump enough to jump from the 2nd floor and eventually hurt himself. We were lucky enough that there were some passerby that help. It took me around 15 mins to reach the place, but my other resource was somewhere nearby. So with teamwork and some luck the idiot was placed under arrest. Kwang kwang kwang. But since he injured his left ankle from the fall, it make him difficult to walk. He was hopping instead. And in the end, he step on my shoe. Damn. I polish it before start of shift and now its coverd with mud. Damn!

And stuck at the scene for 5 hours.

No breaks no nuts and in the end I'm just shagged.

Forking in the force is really about dedicating. And after that much of dedication and hardwork, slacking is the best remedy.
Friday, June 08, 2007 @ Drivedrive
Can anybody tell me why driving is a tiring thing even if it was a laid back thing to do??
Was fun driving went out to mum want to buy some fish for the whole month. So I as a driver drove her day and accompany her. I didn't know that they are still young girls went down to pasar Geylang to accompany their mum. And some of them are eye candys *woo* Haha..

Syahmi hate the wet marketSo we were eating lunch and my sis call, said that my aunt pay us and granny a visit. Alamak. So went back home and time was only 1300hrs. still got 2 more hours before returning the car. So reach home and its about 1330hrs. Hmm. Not sure whether enough time for prayers. Reach the mosque and they already half-way in their prayers and I'm on the phone with TL. Haiyoo. This TL is like a perfectionist. He was asking me whether I was late for the last shift.I'm not. Its just that I drew my arms late as the armourer was engaged with a long winded complt that do not wish to accept that her case was a civil case. And does he have a life? Its your 2nd off and you're in office?? So in the end didn't go for the prayers. DamN.
So i waited until the prayers was done and call farhan to meet up. Went meet him and I drove him elsewhere. He wanna try driving and so he drove from Yishun Dam one round and back home. Good for someone without a liscense. I was scared as the car does not belong to me and its under the trust of my mother to return it. What if anything happen. Who's to blame? OF COurse Its Gonna be ME..
Then went to Farhan's mum shop and sit for a while, drink Watever, and say hi to everyone. In the end have to fetch Farhan sisters home. Haha. Ok la..another 2 lives under my care. And then went to return the Car. Fuh. Fun la. And that irritating Farhan still bugging me to let him drive. I wonder how Dila handle him?? haha. then went home and doze off..haha.
Now I'm hungry....
Thursday, June 07, 2007 @ Jade ring
Nice to be typing again in this blog. Day was boring I suppose until I met my best friend..
Woke up and I was playing Football Manager until in the evening. Yeah, Another season end and I won the European Championship Cup equivalent to UEFA Champions league. So was playing until i got bored of it and sms Farhan. Ask whether wanna hang out. He said he still at school and we'll meet after his school.
So we hang out,I saw some pple from NSS but i dont thnk they know me. Who cares...
Went to his house and was like usual, i was greeted warmly. And fazlyn, Farhan youngest sister, bought me a brown jade ring. Wow. Tak expect she would remember me when she was at china. haha. So touched. haha. This is the ring. and it only fits my index finger. The rest too small. the ring will just slipped off..

Her mom was whispering to me, "Now she gave you a Jade ring, She'll be waiting for a diamond ring from you" haha. She was teasing me to marry her??!! hahaha. Funny la mummy. Haha. I ate and ate and then fall asleep. woke up at 10 just to go home. and this is how i look..
Tuesday, June 05, 2007 @ Those were the days
Been kinda long time I last blog. 2 weeks?
Well I kinda too tired to blog la. Work and bed are my two only venues now. Go work. After work go home and sleep. Well the com is my only source of entertainment..haha. Who needs a cinema when you can watch movie thru net? Who needs cable TV to watch soccer when you can watch it thru the net? Who needs CDs when you can dld from net? Oops did I say DLD?? hehe
Oh well
Life these days like no life already. If you know what I mean. PSP is my only friend who is so close and dear to me. Especially with wireless broadband at home. Plenty of things I can do.
And MSN is the only place I could get in touch with friends. A real friend I mean. People like you!
Well the Lunch at soul Garden was great. I would like to thank everyone who made it. It was fun seeing you guys. And you peeps still rox my sox! haha. Thnkz for coming. Those who didn't come maybe next tym ya! Yan Long already ask me to organise another class gathering during Teachers Day. Haha.
Rohani..stop bugging me abt Beyonce can?? Lets just keep it to yourself. Haha. Da tau tu diam la..Haha.
K nak sleep. Cos beyonce not online..nytz