Sunday, April 29, 2007 @ thks fr th mmr
Now listening to the new singles by F.O.B, Fall Out Boy for short, "thks fr th mmr". Nice song. A song for yr ex!
These off days just went hang around with my friends. Da lame tak kluar ngan dorang. Tapi happy ah. gerek. Bebual mcm2. Haha.
Wah Skrg Alzrin da ade singles baru. Haha. sape Alzrin? My squad mate la. Nice song. Even I'm addicted to it. Haha. Well he gave me the software to dld for recording. So ape lagi I go dld la. Then I need mics. I don't have. Maybe 'm getting one soon. Baru Le start recording my own singles. Haha.
Oh no. My money is depleting. left 40 bux to survive till pay day. My gosh.
You know now, I really appreciate friendships. Especially those who come and stick with you. when time goes bad they are there for you. I would like to thankz those who had been there for me and with me. Thnkz. Without you I merely a nobody. You know who you are. Even after I curse and swear on you, I was angry with you. Forgive me.
You save me from me!
Saturday, April 28, 2007 @ torn eyes
Tired2..just reach home from work. Yayness I did romeo 5 today. Tomorrow and sunday can enjoy. Cool. Already made some plans with some old friends to meet up. Yay! But I also forget about sound technician training. Like lazy to work there. Suddenly I forget about my contract with them. Oops =x
Haha. They also haven't confirm. So difficult. haiz. As long as it is not last minute I'll be fine.
Working was ok la. Had to do with someone that call me big talker, so today I don't talk much. Help him also he comment. Bla3. Want to tekan me. but like any other me outside, Hafiz just remain calm and compose. Words by them are unable to be processed in my left ear, so they exit out from my right ear. hahah
Typical me.
Thursday, April 26, 2007 @ Not to find Juliet
Ok I had enough of this comments by pple..
Somebody: Hafiz, you should find yourself a girlfriend.
Hafiz: why??
Somebody: Cause i see you look sad and sadistic. Like to go for work and getting yourself busy =(
Hafiz: =S
Somebody: so your girlfriend can help you out and cheer you up =)
Hafiz: You are fcuking wrong brudder!! =@
Reason behind it:
The reason why I dowan to get a girlfriend is that, whats the point of having one?
First of all, you shower all your love to her. Then you spent time with her. Stop meeting your "I'll be there" pals for her. You spent $$ on her wants and needs. Your life is revolves around her. Without her you would probably be dead. Made promises. and it goes on and on and on.
In the end what happens??
She break your heart. Things start falling apart. She lost her feelings on you and eyeing on other guys. Both of you broke up. You life now is darker and you feel no point to live anymore since she is not around.
And everything you did for her just go down the DRAIN...Thats right kids, THE DRAIN
But you might say that you had sex with her. And thats the best part. Well sorry guys. I don't believe in having pre-maritual sex. Cos its not good for your future. And I'm a man of religious faith. I don't do this kind of things. And even so you had sex with her every single time you meet her. After breaking up who do you fcuk? Your pillow??
Ever had this kind of experienced?? If not better get yourself prepared.
Anyway I gained alot from not having girlfriends. I got no commitment except work. My bill drop significantly by 60%. I got more money to spent on myself and enjoy retail therapy. Spend alot more time with friends doing moronic things together. No need to concern about her other then yourself and your family.
And life still goes on. I don't need Juliet for now. All I need is my good pals that will be there for me. Somebody like YOU!!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007 @ Attitude
OK first of all...I pass My IPPT!!! Woho0o0o..My 2nd Step to ORD is done. Have a clearer head. Left is my ORD medical check up, and as long my work is ok I'll be off clean.
Now i'm living in a "so what?!" attitude. Thanks to Tyra Banks talk show on channel 5. haha. now I dont care what people say about me,my looks, my attire. The important thing is that I live in peace. Settle my own debts and problems. Like i said in my previous entry, "I don't give a fcuk you fcuking me" =D
Tuesday, April 24, 2007 @ I dga f!
i dont give a fcuk you fcuking me! =)
Getting screwed from yr direct supervisor is not the greatest experienced one may get, but if you can handel it well and be professional about it, You learn not to give a fcuk.haha. Bak kate pepatah, "masuk telinga kiri kluar telinga kanan". Maybe you could try this when geting screwed, SMILE =D. then telling them thank you!. hahaha. Yr superior will have nothing else to say. Unless yr supervisor is like mine who would say, "don't you feel regretful or remorse??" Do I look and sound as if I do?? NOPE!
Neway I'm getting out of yr sight in a few months time. SO I Don't CARE!
kk..enuf of office politics...
I'm dead..tmrw IPPT. havent been training for it. Got gym at the work place is just a room that I pass everyday to and from work. Lazee~ So just be mentally prepared to FAIL..haha. I can't do pull-ups. My arms are the weakest. Haha.. As long I pass then its good. Dowan the incentives anyway. Just wanna ORD!! can't wait to just hang the uniform and leave it collecting dust.
I'm hungry...
Saturday, April 21, 2007 @ Letters to you
Thnkz for dropping by to say hi..
My gosh you look prettier everytime i look at yr DP.
I miss ya..
This song for you

Letters to you (acoustic)
Human Beings...a spiecies that always blaming others,other then themselves. Condeming mistakes of other person and never admit to their mistake.
I admit that I am one of them. One of the stupidoronic fools that walks this place call Earth.
So should I forgive those who are shooting their heartache comments across the air like nobody business?? If they have time to comment on such stuff, do they reflect on what they did in the past? And if they didwhy didn't they never changed a bit? If they think they are clever and better then someone who is 10 years younger and with little experienced compared to him, why don't he teached instead of comparing and giving sarcastic remarks that will plunged down the morality.
Sometimes life is not fair. But do you believe in karma? Do you believe in "What goes around comes around"? Do you believe in "you lose some, you gain some"?
All we need to do now is to reflect on ourselves.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007 @ lapar
i'm hungry....
anyway few nyts having little sleep. blame myself cos i'm online all nyt. haha. feeling so lethargic at work. *yawns*
got to get my panda eyes remove. FAST!
anyway i've been watching videos of Punk goes Acoustic. Letters to you by finch is AWESOME. haha. Other then that is memory by sugarcult and Cute without the E by taking back sunday. songs are so melolicious....
wish i could make one. but for now i got to sleep sleep sleep but before that i'm going to eat eat eat...lepas makan tido bsk bangun berak..hahahah..
Sunday, April 15, 2007 @ 2 free movie tix
I got 2 free movie tix..anybody interested???
Friday, April 13, 2007 @ weird2
kinda weird2 day...
I almost die last nyt. I got choke when i was dreaming of smething. Try a few times to get it out from my throat, and luckily after a few tries i got it out. I was like "I dowanna die!" not in that manner though.
Went out chilling at esplanade to watch a couple of local bands performing. and was sitting by the bay when i heard someone calling my name. Was like "fiz". a soft spoken female voice. I look behind and all i saw was the Singapore river. I heard on my left ear and the person on my left was farhan and he was engross playing my PSP.
Today friday the 13. I just realise. ahah..anyway wasn't an unlucky day for me. Had fun. to some you are just too bad!!
@ you lose some you gain some
Well today is PAYDAY!!
And in an instance my money left enough to survive. haha
ok today's topic is you gain some and you lose some.
Well seen things lately that is good and bad. all have its pros and cons depending on which angle you look at it. And everything in this world got its consequence. So think before you act.
So i was out to get myself a bass amp. got it at $88/- at penin. kinda good deal. ok after that hang out wit the JA,jackass for short. enjoying the nyt emo-ing. haha
kinda sleepy now so i cant really blog.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007 @ Cool
This wireless modem my mum bought for the family is one cool stuff. haha. Its fast and no need to open up the software and click connect. Its like auto activate. Haha. Macam jakon gitu. haha
anyway today had claimed off. Rotting at home was the plan. So morning( morning ke??) woke up and clean my room. Tidy up my room from all the rubbish that us everywhere. pick up the smelly clothes that is lying all around and place it at the laundry of course. Was a cool peaceful day. Afternoon brought my lil brother swimming. so it was me and him. brothers bonding haha.
Reach home and about to rest until my TL called me to hand in my SAR. Walau..wat a great timing. Dowanna argue with him as my Certificate Of Service is in his hand. Tot of just going there and submit in the forms BUT (there always a but) he wants me to put up a pen-picture of myself. A pen-picture is something like a testimonial. And that was suppose to be his job. And wat good thing to write a bout myself? How can I be in a position to praise myself just because I told him that I might and i stress again
MIGHT be a potential Police officer as a career. I just planning to chow from the office at 930 pm but bcos of this i was dragged until 1030 pm. Damn.
chow..waiting for pay day now!!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007 @ Scared for life
I'm so lost.........
Guess i'll just be your friend. Your friend when you need help, when you need assurance, when your life is falling apart. But what happen when you're happy and flying high? where do you put me? somewhere near the recycling bin?
Have you ever thought of me and my feelings like i thought of you? Do you know how much i have fallen for you? Do you know how much i miss you? Evertym i look at yr picture i realise how hard i have fallen for you. Hearing your voice is like hearing an angel.
thank anyway.
Sunday, April 08, 2007 @ Well done officers..
Hello there all,
Well work is always tiring but its the nature of the job. And the excitement is when there is action. haha. These few days pple like to run from police. But in the end they still got caught. Haha. Well Done officers!!
Friday, April 06, 2007 @ Hey
Was a GoodFriday to you all..but a fuckedup friday for me...
Woke up late, my shoe was full with mud and Woodlands was trashed with criminals. Damn!!
But was good that got to go off early. Reach home at about 9 plus. Earliest so far. haha. Anywae was digging on photos and i found this

Some classic photo. haha. Was taken during Forte 3, 2004.
miss those times i had with band..hahaha..well this coming 16 they gg for SYF. Goodluck to you guys!!
Thursday, April 05, 2007 @
How all? been great???
Hah..nothing to blog about la. Work was toe still hurt from playing beach soccer at sentosa.
Anyway got to admit that my driving skill sucks especially parking.. Dammit la..after 3 months of not driving. Getting worst sial...haha. well every mistake is a learning experienced. Haha. I think i now how drifting works. I did it once. Haha. Scared the hell out of my partner. Luckily there wasn't any vehicle on the road. And i did it without using the handbreak. Stupid. Luckily the car did not tumble and roll.
Phew..ok to go already..chow~
Monday, April 02, 2007 @ again
i'm feeling so lonely inside
For no apparant reason i miss you
but there is no way that we will ever be together again
its like you a star and i'm here
i'm looking at you admiring you
but i will never be with you
@ APRIL!!!
Its April. WAT!! April already??!! That is so fast! felt just like yesterday i had been waiting eagerly for my day of birth and now its APRIL!!
well afew days back was great. haha. 1st off i went jamming at aljunied with my NPCO squad mates and his friends. Honestly hancur bederai..Our co-ordination was just SUCKS!!!haha. but we played 2 hours so we don't feel so bad. haha. Well maybe the song was difficult. thats why we sux. Maybe we should some easier songs first. Well first time playing with them and they too long time didn't play together. So thats the reason why
after that we watch movie, Teenage Mutant Ninja turtle. a great movie teaches you about family ties and team work. Hah. Nice shows. Recommend for the kids especially. Simple story line.
2nd off went Sentosa. Haha. Play beach soccer and get wet in the sea. Went with some of the team members. Kat sane cuci mata ah...looking at the bikini babes. Haha. But will the hunks beside them made my morale down. Yelah dorang badan berg2 aku badan sekepng mcm gala. Hafiz Hafiz. Must start going to the gym already. OK.
Lepas gi sentosa we go makan at seoul garden. Makan nye makan nye makan mcm tak kenyang2. was about to make myself coke float until they all start to leave the table to chow. so bopian just drink my coke. Tak sempat nak rase Ice-cream. Skarang aku mengidam ice-cream. Wanting to buy ice-cream when going home,but not enough money. sad sad.
k thats all