Saturday, December 30, 2006 @ i was expecting this to happen
Updated again..
Well just reach home from hanging out at town just now.
Well earlier has hoping to get things right. However the hope always turns against me.
Thnkz for keeping me waiting.
@ bored
I'm bored..why does time pass so slow today?? haiz. I'm waiting to meet her. Hope everything will go smoothly. Been hoping and hoping that the day i could meet her again. And this is the day that my hope is higher than other days. Hope it won't turn out hopeless.
By the way I got a new tagboard. For you info.
Friday, December 29, 2006 @ The day i Was threaten!!
Hello. This week was a great week. And it starts from Monday night when I book in back to camp.
Got to noe many on MC. And my bunk only 7 came out of 10. Ok la. At first I thought there will be many on MC and left me and my friend in a bunk. The two of us. And one of my squad mate got a whole week of MC..was diagnosed with saw eyes...And I never and i mean NEVER take MC in my service unless really needed..took 1 day of MC only.
So was bored and when i learn how to play the boardgame RISK. Fun game. all about strategy and armies. Cool game..haha. Mostly spent my time sleeping in the day that i can't sleep at night. We skip flag-raising and the week lesson is all scenario based where the officer had to attend some cases that we think of and deal with the scene. And I became the assessor just because i'm a division man while i got nothing in my head about NPC lifestyle and the work process. Cos I'm just a office boy before in division. But cool la..haha. A office boy joining the life of NPCO. Anyway got free class 3 lisence too. haha. and its fully sponsored unless i fail the first TP.
Ok den something uncool happened. One of my bunk mate treatened me that he will bring me down and he will be the "Man". Reason behind it is that i disturb him and make joke that he will never find it funny. No joke abt him is funny to him. He feel humiliated getting laugh. And he really have a grudge towards me. He admitted to me and the rest of the bunk.
What trigger this moron was that he was having a fever and was looking really sick. But when its gambling time, somehow his fever managed to cool down and he won quite a lot. When the game is over and my Squad leader told the bunk that we going to flag-raising the next morning he said he won't be going cos his body tempreture rose. So my squad leader joke around saying "when gambling time you feeling better, when time to work you begin to fall sick" and he really got pissed off that he say that "its the truth and you are humiliating me" or smething like that in chinese. Then i said "kene sikit tak le, lebih baik aku main guitar" in
100% malay. He somehow noe i was refering to him and confess having against me since long time ago. He continued that he don't care if we in the same division but he going to bring me down and be the man. so I replied, "am i supposed to be scared??"
oh ya i haven't describe him yet. He's the sporty guy with muscles popping everywhere. He really the body builder type but play basketball. And he is the type where losing is not an option. And to tell you the truth, the whole bunk is against him bcos of his sore loser cannot take joke attitude. And thats the reason why i couldn't be bothered when he threaten me. Cos no one will be behind his back. And my ass is fully covered with the rest of my bunkies!! So to the idiotic moron, think again before you do anything stupid!!
OK enough of the fight. Today my squad was invited to a Xmas party in camp. Fun!! They invite this cross-dress guy and joke around. Haha. Really funny. Spray the snow foam to everyone, even the OC. The food was fantastic! The prawn that wrapped with wanton skin was my favourite. Yummy!!
Haha..kk thats all for now.
I mIss You!!
Saturday, December 23, 2006 @ And She kept me Waiting...
Hey all..
So wassup?? been waiting for another update??
K first of all I would like to wish all the christian pals Merry Christmas. Sure is colourful at town now with all the lightings and deco. And many doing their last minute shopping. If you are there becareful of pickpockets and guys walking around the crowd outraging your modesty. Some advice by a NS boy.
Ok been raining these fewdays and it surely dampens my energy level. Getting lazier every morning. No motivators at all. In camp we can even skip flag raising and go for breakfast late just because our sleep is much more important than singing in the wee hours. Also driving lessons only in the night time and by the time we reach our bunk it is 11 at night. After our supper i dive to 0bed around 1230 AM. Late huh?? But thank god there is only 2 more weeks to TP and if I pass, I'll be zooming across the island in these...hehe.

Mazda RX-8

Subaru Impreza WRX

Well today went tampines and went home with farhan. Planned to go out her but she got some family business to attend. Another day of not seeing her. Haiz. I Miss her..When will i ever see you again??
Oh ya btw i just realise that " haiz" is Hafiz without the F.
ok lame.
Oh ya before I forget..have a super LoOOOoooOooOooong weekend!!
Saturday, December 16, 2006 @ I'm lost..
Hi I'm here again.
This tym at Farhan's house. Alot had happen this few weeks. Yeah.
First of all I'm lonely again. I miss her. Didn't meet her for more than a month long. And she's having a holiday. Yeah. So sick. Sick of knowing that we can't meet for a month, now that she's away i'm sick of being lonely. And yeah I'm falling sick with flu and cough and sore throat. With a little bit sore-eyes.
2nd thingy..Driving lesson just started at Ubi. So fun, even had chasing a car. haha. well hopefully can pass the Test first time. If not i gotto fork out $315 for 3 more lesson and 2nd time test. And now i got only $10 bucks in my bank. Wanna noe why??
3rd thingy: I just bought another PSP. This time 2nd hand and Ver 1.5. Sold my psp to Farhan. Haha. The reason is that I wanna play homebrew games and since my old PSP is the TA-082 motherboard (those psp geekies might know) I can't really play homebrew. I know those modders out there had found the solutions to play homebrew with the new motherboard but to me its just troublesome.Anyway..SInce I can't meet her ever single day, my PSP will be my "scandal" HAHA.
4th thing, other than shop for PSP, I went shopping at Sims Drive. Swee Lee is having a sale. I bought my bass guitar strings and a guitar hanger for my bass. I pity my pass that stands beside my bed and prone to falling.
Oh well.. I hate emo songs although it is in my PSP now. Dammit...
Tuesday, December 12, 2006 @ time to be happy
Hello there..I'm in library in camp to update another post.
Today first time wake up at 530 and shower in the cold water just because of the new intake that enlisted just now. Got to do some duty and help out with the registration. And we even have time to "screen" their family members..if you know what i mean..hehe..And now here I am after the helping out in library updating and finding info for my PSP.
Oh well nothing much to update on. Just been listening to songs that farhan put inside my PSP. Well not bad la especially the malay songs. Even if there are some hip-hop songs that are irritating to my ears. One nice song is Kerana Dia Kamu by an indon band name Ungu. Love song dude. It's hard to find a great love song nowadays. And finally I found one. Well time to be happy and forget about emoing. Its really painful to emo. So its time to be happy.
Well this library is freaking cold and i think i better leave. got to go. bye2
Saturday, December 09, 2006 @ Finally
Yes been a long time I haven't been blogging..thankz to camp and an unfixed computer.
Ok So here goes. Life is boring..I miss the night life. I miss hanging out at Esplanade. I miss going out riding at night with my collegues. And MOST OF ALL. I MISS YOU DEAR!! yeah. I miss her so badly. And guess what I've haven't been seeing her for almost ONE MONTH!!. Dammit. When will i see her again?? I miss you.
Well I've been thinking of getting a bike license. Not for racing but for travelling purposes. yeah, cos travelling the whole singapore for work and for fun. Yeah I know the dangers of riding cos I almost got into an accident thanks to the taxi in CTE. But of course getting my class 3 is my first piority. and also get a car for the family. Off peak will do. Cheaper road tax and stuff. haha.
Well guess i got nothing much too say anymore. bye2