Friday, September 29, 2006 @ Title: Thats me inside your head.
The title i pick from a song by NOFX called Linoleum
OK..Can't really blog with peace cos got alot of things happen just now and everybody is crowding around my table. And also updating my meal allowance form. Yeah. That most important form every month. If not I don't get to claim. Since I'm talking about work lets just talk some more.
Well was actually late but I'm so damn lucky. Guess because its Friday. As usual I left my house like anyday,but the bus is so freaking late. Look at my watch and its already 745 am. The watch just keep on ticking and soon the bus arrives. As expected was so full. So being cool and patient I waited for the next bus, which arrives soon after the 1st one. By the time reach MRT station, its already 800am. Damn. I was suppose to reach CCK by 8 and I'm still at Yishun. Haha. But being patient I waited, was soon rewarded when someone who i'll say the girl next door alight the same train as I am. Didn't realise that there are some tall girls living in Yishun.Haha. Back to story I finally reach Boon Lay at 830am. So walk briskly to the bus interchange and the bus arrives. Good timing. Reach office at 850am. And boss not even in. He arrives 20 minutes later. HAha.
Reach office first thing I did was check my email and also force order. see if there is any update on the force order. Cos i'm waiting for my promotion. Finally 2 stripes on my shoulder. Can't wait for pay increase. And my bills are mounting.HAiz. Got my computer to repair too. If not I can only blog and MSN at work.
Been sleeping kinda early this few days. I think because got to wake as early as 430am to eat. So didn't really call or sms anyone. Once I reach home, break fast and did the necessary, I head to my bed and with the guitar and play some songs till sleep. A lullaby to myself. haha. So when peeps start msg me at 10 or 11 i won't probably answer or reply cos I was dozing off. Even If i put my hp beside me the ring doesn't wake me up. I was looking forward for her to call me. Guess she is having alot of fun at camp that she forgot about me.
But when I enter dreamland, somebody totally unexpected appear. Haha. Kinda funny to see her. Not because she wear funny attire or did something funny. Its just that I never really expect her to be in my head. Kinda shock you noe.haha.
kk. got to pretend to work. hehe!
Thursday, September 28, 2006 @ Title:My boss is Out for lunch early!
Past 2 days I've been getting calls from someone who claim himself Andrew from Lifestyle donno what company. He told me that I won some prizes and I no need to purchase anything or pay anything. There is no catch at all. Hmm. I was like "are you sure??" The prize is not like $10 NTUC voucher. Its A trip for 2 to Hainan, China, Some discount for spa and resort, and some big deals. Really makes me feel suspicious. So I told him to call later at night. But I didn't pick it up. Haha.
What makes me suspicious is that he don't even know my name and particulars. And so far I did not enter any lucky draw or some quiz that offer that kind of prizes.
Till yesterday he call me again. So I answer the call. Then he reminded me about the prize and when can we meet to get the prize. So I said this to him, "Sorry, I think you can just donate it to someone who really needs it more than me."
His reply, "HUH?! why sir? you're the first person to say this".
My answer," I'm just not interested"
He keep bugging me with "Why??" So i repeat my answer.
Till he stop and slammed the phone and I was there waiting for him to say thank you. What kind of sales person is he? I mean he can take the prize for himself and go for a holiday right? or even better he could give it to his mum who had pain stakingly brought him up to where he is now. Yet he got no courtesy to say "Thank you".
I'm not that polite anyway, but please do remember your basic courtesy. Makes the day better for everyone.
Anyway I set a record for myself with my handphone bills. $106!!. A record for 4 years! haha. Thankz to late night calls. Haha. At least I enjoy talking to you guys and gals who need me.
And I'm missing her..damn. when will she miss call me??
Wednesday, September 27, 2006 @ Title: I'm Bored
In Office. Blogging again. So what do you think?..I'm super bored. I'm not slacking or being lazy. Its just that I don't get any work to do. Haiz. So i got nothing to do but taking pictures of myself. "Cam-whoring" and in the end I did some montage (is it what its call?) and some edit to these pictures and wa-la. the master piece. Haha. Talking about some cool art huh. Title of the piece: Hafiz,Distorted.

Hmm. Wonder if I could leave office early today. Cos I want to be at home to break fast. Been 2 days my break fast was oreo cookie. Damn sick man. Mon didn't reach home on time. Ysterday I was having driving lesson.And I only break fast at 7.35pm. Super late man. Haiz. Its all part of endurance. I think this is the best month in every year because you can kick away your bad habits and start doing the good ones. And Obviously I did!
Tuesday, September 26, 2006 @ Title: You Lift me Up
All hail the new Singapore Idol, Hady Mirza!! Expected it la. Since the Final Showdown he sang way much better than Johnathan. I like his interpretation of You Gave Me Wings. Nice song. Voted for him like 7 times..Oh heck,who's gonna pay my bills??!!
Hmm. Coincidently, she gave me wings last nyt. Talking with her on the phone had lifted me up. I was like so happy to hear her voice. Hmm. I was like so hyped that she said I'm crazy. Yeah. Thats me when I'm happy and hyped. We talk about guitars, songs, and even our names. Make jokes and laugh till our stomach cramp. haha. Had fun!. She's going camp today so I most probably won't see her this week. But surely call her every night. Unless she is enjoying her beauty sleep. Haha. In a way I won't miss her. Thats a good thing. =]
OKay. Now some self update. I'm sick of slingbags now. My shoulder beginning to cry for help. And in the end my shoulder is not even. However this bag of mine is my all time favourite. Fell in love at first sight. Wanted to buy that when I got my next pay when I was still working at McDonald's 2 years ago. But In the end I got it as a Birthday gift. Its the best gift I ever had. Thanks to Jalilah, my secondary school sweetheart. Maybe Its time for my bag to rest at home. Had been a faithful bad since i got it. Been every where with me. School, bands, gigs, beach, esplanade and even dates, and have seen my good and bad side. I must say the bag really looks good on me!.hehe.
Oh well I'm planning to get a new bag pack. Next pay la,top piority the dinosaur scale looking bag. haha.
My hair is damn long now. Got to gel it up to look neat yet cool. hopefully I won't get caught by some senior officers or worst still Commander. Need to cut by Tues as there will be a fall in on tues morning. Should i throw my leave?? ahha.
Well now i'm wearing my dad's watch. and its the Calsberg watch. You can redeem it when you collect as much beer bottles cap. I donno how he got the watch. Maybe from his friends. Dowan to think the negative side of it. Anyway the watch is nice. thats why i'm wearing it.
Okay I'm getting Batman Craze. I just bought the matress sheet and pillow sheet with the batman design. Haha. I living up my childhood dreams. He is my true Idol. How he endure his pain and suffering to bring justice and bad guys to where they belong. Cool. I wanna be a crime buster too. And I'm now a Policeman, NS of course. Next thing i'm buying is the Batman Belt buckle i saw at Bugis. haha. Its a cool fashion accessories too you noe. haha
Monday, September 25, 2006 @ Title: These 3 words
Hi dere.. Updating this blog. In office now. Boss not around. On course. Just heard the news from my collegue. If I know I come at around 10. Haha.
Well the 3 words are "I MISS YOU"
Last nyt couldn't sleep well cos i'm missing someone. Erm, Ask you guys/gals. If I remember someone does it mean that i miss that person?
Oh well don't ask me how or why i suddenly miss the person who was with me for 3 years cos i got no idea. I tried to shake it off but end up getting hay wired. Haha. Who cares.
And I'm going to miss somebody who is going to camp tomorrow and well be away until Friday. Haiz. Who will be my late night talking buddy for the week??
Well the fasting month is back and its the most significant month. Well hopefully i accomplish this task perfectly. Went to the Kampong Glam Bazaar with my parents. Well, tried to tell them not to waste time but we went anyway. Its kinda disappointing to see the bazaar. It's not the same like those in geylang for the past recent years.
OH well I'm going to slack today and tomorrow.
Thursday, September 21, 2006 @ Title: Thank you
Well wat day now after IMF is done. Still got to work. Haiz. So tiring. Well did a small celebration last night, we went to play some pool. Long time since i hit the cue ball. Was kinda lucky and had a great time.
Well I read my tagboard and receive some feedback. Thankz for the advice. Surely will heed it. And time will tell too. However I'm not really ready for such things in the moment, as the past still kinda haunts me. Anyway i'm not going to talk mostly about my relationships cos somebody told me, and i'm not going to say her name, that i'll always blog about my relationship and its kinda boring. Right Yaty??
Hmm. I feel like joining another band to perform. Kinda miss performing. CNL Band is having another long exam break. I donno which band to join but than my skill isn't that good also la. Like joining bands like Philyouth and SWS youth or even OMS youth might be a waste of time for them. SO my Euphy is left rotting in his casket, I mean hard case. haha. At home nothing to do so i play with my "two-face" guitar. Play some old school slow rock and also indon band. yeah. and in the mean time practising my aural skill??
Feel like taking up dance lesson from the community clubs. like very interesting to learn the latin moves and some ballroom dancing. haha. Well maybe when i got the free time ya. Or when i join poly soon. Thats when my fren told me. haha.
Ok Time for me to go for appreciation lunch. Time to eat!! Yummy!
Wednesday, September 20, 2006 @ Title: The Last Stretch
So busy at work but still got time to chill.
I was late today, Suppose to report at 8 in the morning and guess wat, I woke up at that time. Talking about getting rid of my panda eyes. I slept at 2 in the morning talking to a dear friend of mine. But still got to persevere and carry on with my duty in office. So yeah. Now I got to attend all calls that reporting sick or have MC. Dammit. Another person just call in to report sick. Wah lau..Total of 10 person already. Hmm. Manpower side surely got headache. haha
My pants are kinda tight right now. Wearing 2 size down than normal size. size 30 instead of 32. Squeezing my balls man. However, there is some good things. My butt looks curvier and my legs look longer. Sexy and Hot. haha. Still i feel so crampy down there and I'm wearing boxers supposedly to make it feel not so crampy.
I was reflecting my life yesterday and almost shed some tears. Haiz. This year is like a rollercoaster ride. Well, the thorn is still there. Especially when remembering about wat other people say about it. Anyway its only 3/4 of the year. Fasting month starting next week. Thrill about it. I won't be MSNing at night cos my com is kinda down, so please don't miss me k?? Cos I'll miss you too. Especially those MSN buddies. IF you guys/gals miss me just gimme a buzz on my hp ok?
Having a dilemma now. I can't figure out what's best for me. Option A, B, C, D or None of the above??
Tuesday, September 19, 2006 @ I had a wonderful day today
went for a date today. With someone. Had fun la. she like so shy and sweet yet again cute. Haha. oh man. watching barnyard with her. haha. a great movie. all about responsibility.
My day is just spending time with her and work. My mum is like nagging at home because i dont spend enough time at home. Well actually its my first time going out with her.
Oh well. went to toa payoh after the movie. sent her home and also enjoy the scenary at 30th story at her flat. so yeah.
oh well now i'm at work. nothing to do so just blogging. haha. well thats all for now i guess. going out to eat later. go pasir panjang to catch some NUS chicks.haha.
kk got to go!
Sunday, September 17, 2006 @ The Ungiven Gift...
Uh-huh...Thats right.
The gift is still with me..These days that i've been thinking wats a great gift to get for the first meeting...And after the first meeting the gift is still with me. Sad. But I'm going to give it to her. No matter what happens.
Thankz Hani for giving me ideas for the gift. Lucky didn't get for her flowers. If not it will be rotting in my room now.
After the concert went home alone.
What a "beautiful sunday' when you got to spend time in office. Yup Kids. WORKING. I should be at home sleeping.
Anyway caught some movie jus now. John Tucker Must Die. Funny piece of work. Yeah. Gals who got cheated by guys before should watch. All about revenge and true love. So ya. Catch it soon!!
for now i wanna go lepak!
Saturday, September 16, 2006 @ Hello i'm at work again..
Hi everyone....well thankz for those who tagged..even if those who donno wat to tag.
Yeah i'm at work. People say I'm always working. Well for this IMF yeah. Cos the safety of the nation is our top most piority. haha. Some kind of dedicated officers huh.
Well i'm getting shift lag. Haaha. Can't imagine i'm doing shift work.
It was fun hangging out with Rohani earlier today. Went window shopping to get a gift for someone but end up with nothing. Haiz. Upset la but it was fun. She's still so sweet and soft spoken yet fun to be with. haha.
I'm sleepy now but boss gimme work to do. haiz
K can't wait for tomorrow concert. Somebody fell sick. Gave her a call whether she's alryt. Yeah she was getting better. No more fever. thats a good sign. I know, I'm so sweet and caring. haha. Well if not me who else ryt??
K later is X-box ing time in office. Can't wait to burn some rubber!!
Tuesday, September 12, 2006 @ Down..
Yeah kids I'm so down today...
No mood at all. Damn. Why must it happen this way?
Everything isn't right. From the moment I woke up till now.
I'll tell you why.
After showering I check my phone if there anyone call or smsed me. So yeah got a miss call and 1 unread message. I did not call back my friend back as he'll be asking where am I and wanna go lunch together while I'm at home snoozing. When I read the message I received earlier, I just went numb. From someone I beggining to fall. Just and extract of it, "Thnxz dear, I love you. blablabla". Its a wrongly send msg to the obviously wrong guy. What a way to start up my day.
Just when I 'm falling into her, now I'm just falling away. Away from her arms.
After trying to forget about it and strumming to my guitar and listening to songs for the emotionally retarded (its not a band, just a term to describe me) I try to fix my computer network. So I uninstall the whole modem thingy, the hardware and software. After hours of doing it, I found out that the CD for the modem is missing. WTH!! How to install the freaking modem. It getting up to my nerve when my cute little bro make alot of noises and running. Grr. So F *beep*ed up. In the end I gave up and head for the showers. Getting ready for work.
So on the way to work my ex classmate message me and told me tomorrow outing cancel cos she working. Haiz. Wth again. Guess she can't really plan well. Come on la the work schedule did not relese an hour ago. Haiz. Well maybe a lsat minute thingy. Telling myself got to think of the positive side of it.
Now at work. Its 2210hrs or 10.10
PM and my boss still here in office. Just when I want to be free and easy. He got me to work. DAMMIT!!! I hope he fall sick!! Anyway I'm transfering out too. So yeah. Goodbye SIR!!! I'm so mean..wakaka. A devil in disguise!!
Monday, September 11, 2006 @ I'm picking up pieces of the broken heart
Does those words above make sense??.. hmm..
Ok here is today entries.
Yesterday was suppose to be my sleeping day. I was suppose to make noise snoring. Cos last week was busy and I was performing at a concert saturday evening. Yeah. So I told everybody that I'll be snoozing and don't bother askin me out.
My mum ask the family out..Went to Geylang to eat before proceeding to Singapore Expo Hall for shopping. Yeah. Got to drag my 2 long heavy legs. Slept/stonned the whole journey. Haiz. But in the end i got myself 2 sweaters. Yeah. haha. Now i owe my mum $35 for the sweaters. Its ok cos tomorrow is
PAYDAY!!! cool..I'm going shopping again on Weds with my ex-classmate. Well I need to find something as a gift to someone. yeah. I'm still thinking of the gift. People recommend flowers and candies. but i found it so common. Oh well. Got to do some research.
Oh ya. Sat evening concert was a blast. I mean for me la. Its my first concert after 2 years not performing. Was kinda nervous and yeah we cock it up..wohoo..haha..
Latest news to tell you guys and gals.
This afternoon some bugger wanna get to know me. I was like huh?? C'mon la i dont like girls to be so bold enough to get to know a guy like me. I wasn't interested though. So i told her that I'm happy with who i am and wif now. Furthermore I told her to msg me back later at night cos I'm busy. She should get the hint. If not I'm telling you know that I'M NOT INTERESTED. God please help me..
Ok a few minutes ago, I receive an email from one of my supervisor. And guess wat? I'm going for a Operation Vocation course. Yesh..A dream come true!! Gonna feel the experience of a real Police Officer. Gonna opt for NPCO. and getting into Woodlands NPC is just nice. Yeah. Nearer to my home. hehe. Even if its a good thing but time constraint. 2 days work 2 days off. and maybe I can't spend some time for you guys and gals. But I'm still happy. =D
Oh ya. Before I forgot. I know this is the Exams period. Just wanna advise you guys and gals to be healthy and don't stress up too much alryt. Most of you are falling sick. Drink more waters and fruits. Don't forget to eat your meals. OK??!!
Saturday, September 09, 2006 @ A Make Over
Yes come to the right Blog..A make over..since somebody told me she can't read my blog..for some reason or another.
I'm in office now. Sat morning. Was an hour late. Haha.
Later tonight is the concert. Hmm. Guess wat. I donno how to get there. ACS Barker Campus. And I donno wat time to reach there.
I'm Doom.
I'm still Sleepy. Slept late last night. Was chatting with someone on the Phone. Haha. Was fun la.
I'll sleep the whole day tomorrow.
kk. Got to go back to work if wanna go home early.
p/s. To NaQz...da le tag ke belom???!!!
Friday, September 08, 2006 @ Taxing
Hey there..
Wassup doc?
k lame.
its kinda rare for me to blog in the middle of the wee hours ryt..yeah..cos in fact i'm in
Office ok shouldn't be bragging so much. Haiz. Last minute work. Damn. Why do I always push it to last minute things. In returns did a lot of Blundder...Ok so past few weeks been kinda hectic. In both office and life. Band concert in 2 days time and i still skip the practices..TYpical..But i seem to get back the enjoyment of music. So cool. Haha. And What more than knowing someone who also have passion in Music..haha..
Overall I'm getting back my life i used to be. Cos i found my motivational SOng.. PUNK cOver of I Believe I Can Fly..yeah..
The Moral of the story is...everything start from you alone..not your gal not your friend...
And I'm Loving it!!!
Sunday, September 03, 2006 @ September is here
hello kids
September is here. So i'm already awake. sorry for not updating this blog. Well life was kinda okay as usual.
Teacher's day was ok..the performance like erm...ok?? i'm not being sarcastic but it seems that the performer is partying on the stage while the rest of the student's are jus watching. Kinda unfair huh..For me...i just watch and hang around with my ex 4EB. Not with Malay guys. I'm not avoiding them or something. Its just that I'm not so close with them unlike my classmates. One of them even ask me why am i not hanging around with them?. Well cos I'm not close with them. My form teacher said I still look the same. haha. Well if I wore my School Uniform do I still look like sec 4?? HAha. She ask me where is my other half..oh well even if i look the same after 2 years, things do change after all.
After the show and socialising, Went to someone else primary school with the self-proclaim "the one and only lovely sister" Farah. The school concert is more to a gig. A band perform rock songs that i donno the kids heard them before. Haha. Cos they are like talking and running around. Haha. primary Sch kids.
yesterday after soccer went to Azri's place to chill. Den use his com to check some stuff and download some songs. mostly punkrock. Some old school songs too like No use for a name and lots more. Download a song from Amber Pacific title "the last time". the first time i heard that song i remember of that faithful night. Where the chorus ends with "this is the last time i kiss your lips again".
Hmm. i made frenz with someone new last week. Actually didn't expect it at all. She view my friendster profile and she know some of my friends. In the end i took the initiative to get to know her.
Ok Seems that I beggining to get to know a lot of girls but to tell you, I'm not ready for another realationship. Let just wait for time to tell.