Saturday, August 26, 2006 @ Fun
Having a super long weekend is super fun. Especially when everything is plan out. Haha
Now I'm too tired too blog.
Simply said...I Had Fun Today!
Thursday, August 24, 2006 @ Mistaken Identity
I was on an ambush ops last night for the cable stealing at the KTM railway track. And all we thought its long night with no luck in our side.
I with my partner was sitting at the bus stop and just wait. Till the radio is asking for backup since they saw a suspicious person running when he saw one of them. And then all of us was activated. We ran towards the railway track and stood by our position. Got to know the suspect is hiding in the bushes. Which makes our job even complicated. So my OIC activated the SOC and K9 to do the searching and tracking for us. Just when they thought the police was useless. Wahaha. And when they arrived I and my partner jus be watching at the bushes if the suspect escapes. So we wait and "wash my eyes" until the SOC guy shouted..
People started running and chasing. I pick up my equipment bag and dash off to the other side of the road when the suspect ran down the moonsoon drain. I was like in the movies dashing across the road with high speed cars zooming down. Its already like the movie Bad Boys. Seriously. So instead of going down the drain, I ran beside the drain flashing my torchlight assist those down there. With my ear piece still stuck to my ears and my PSP in my side pocket, with my arms above my left ankle and my other equipment (e.g handcuffs and nightstick) in my other pocket. Dammit. It was like i was carrying full gear already. No choice but to run all the way down. If you know your Bukit Timah well, I was running from Salvation Army all the way to Assumption English School/ Vocational Institute (V.I) How far is that? My partner and I was running and concerntrating at the drain until we heard at the radio that the suspect is in the drain opposite Assumption English School. So no choice but to dash there.
Reaching there we search the drain, and I saw the School's security guard flashing his torch at the hole in the drain. So I ask him if he saw anyone. He said the guy climb up the hole and went inside the school. My partner and I go inside la running and looking like we're playing hide and seek. As we went searching slow we saw a guy that was looking suspicious and running so we gave chase. Unfortunatly I slip and fell while trying to go upslope. So no choice go the long way. Got to catch up with my partner and he was like lost sight of him. So cautiously we search slowly and asking the boys there if they saw anything. But there say no. When all i thought my effort was wasted, my partner still believe that the suspect was still around the vicinity. So we began searching slowly until more resources came. We search at the corners and toilets. As we turn to walk I say something at the corner of my eyes which led to the storeroom underneath the staircase. To my surprise there was an Indian nationality sitting there looking afraid and without his clothes on except his shorts. I was so shock that i shouted. Dammit. Thats when the other officers came. Thought that I apprehend the suspect but other officers said its not the guy. WTF!!! But the indian guy is suspect to be an Illegal Immigrant. At least something than nothing at all. After the indian guy got detained, my partner told me to walk away so that we no need to put up statement. The tedious part. HAha.
So we go down the School to the entrance where a FRC was waiting and cordoning the school. They ask if they caught the person,yeah we did but its not the person. Mistaken Identity. My partner was kinda reflect and told us that we were lucky as the indian bugger did not turn violent and hit us when we were checking the toilet. Phew.
Even if it was a case of mistaken identity, overall it was my first ops with actions. and my first time apprehend someone. A great experience not like in office. Office work is boring and stressful. On ground is full of actions and danger. Its true, I got a police blood in me. Hehe.
Monday, August 21, 2006 @ taking a deep breath
Perfect time to write an entry. Since I'm alone in office.
So damn tired since yesterday had the whole day occupied with my personal life. With friends that filled with laughter. Morning went sentosa. Afternoon go bukit merah for band Pract. Night went to esplanade to chill.
Sentosa was fun after the real run. Hit to Palawan Beach for some swim and beach soccer. and also some babes watching. Haha. Really enjoyed my time there. Its a long time since I swim in the sea. Feel like going there again. maybe next week. See how.
Night like usual chill at esplanade. Sunday night is the most best time to chill there since there isn't many people around. And just gazing at the stars and the calmness of the sea.
I was just looking around my friendster and decided to check up on a friend. Wonder how she been doing and drop her a testimonial. If you receive it than you are the one. At first just wanna wish her best wishes for her upcoming exams, but in the end i end up with tears rolling down my face. Guess i still have feelings towards her. After hundered of days moving on,i just can't help but how lucky I was when i was with her. Appreciate every single moment with her till the very last. Though it hurts knowing she won't be here by my side anymore, I got to move on. Maybe I won't get someone like her, but who knows. I keep asking myself this, "why am i still emotionally attach to her even after all this time?" Well i donno. Simply because she brought me to a world that i never knew its existence. Quoted from my cousin "you'll never forget your first love". And its true. I'll never forget her. Let this tears i cry be my witness. For now I'll just cover it up with unimportant stuff.
If you are reading this, my only wish is that you could give me a call.
I Confess I'm still an emotional fool...
Saturday, August 19, 2006 @ Pre-occupied
LAtelyI've been really pre-occupied. With work and personal committment.
Its a neverending story. And I can't even take leave on monday. Dammit. JUst bcos there is a meeting and have to set it up. What??!! Oh what the hell. Why he can't haave somebody else to cover me. I'm not the only one that knows how to operate projectors and computer. I'm not the only Staff assistant in the office. There are like 10 more staff assistance and they all have their own things to do??1!Why can't they spend like 5 freaking minutes to set up the meeting place?? C'mon man. Be resaonable la..I got my leave to clear. Not including extra hours. The phucking "ah-kong" is alrdy paying me a whopping $1/hr. Dammit. And he with his wonderful ideas to have things done in his impossible way..since when i'm a Imposssible mission agent like Ethn Hunt in MI3??
Personal Committment.
Driving instructor is a fatt ass pig. Stupid teacher. He postpone 3 weeks of my lesson..Donno why. I think I've lost my touch. haiz. .Thinking if i cld borrow someones car to drive around the carpark behind my block. do some circuit work. It would be nice. I haven't even learn how to park a car. And my TP is in 3 mnths time. Dammit. I need to extend my PDL also. Wlao.
Been busy with CNL band as they have upcoming concert. Haven't been practicing but i'll try my best to side read the score perfectly on that day.
Been meeting my squad mates lately too. Some of them dress up like Mat-reps. Including me. To me Mat reps is just another concewpt like punks and Bboys. Mat reps are the local ambassidor for the stupid concept nonsense. And wassup with pple esp malay girls becoming so goth? With thick eye-liners and black outfit. Trying to become Helena huh? Guess wat. Helena is dead. Don't show that you got alot of problems and life is a pain and suffering. If you feel that way, Just kill yourself. You are just creating problems. Dammit. If you girls out there who wear those horrific costumes and becoming goth or emo..can i request for a total make over? Tone down on dark make-ups and thick eye-liners. Please wear more colours other than black and red. I'll swear to you that you look much more beautiful than Helena. And some problems will surely gone for good. No matter how thick yr make-up is,I can still see your beautiness in you.
Sape kate gadis melayu tak menawan?
Sunday, August 13, 2006 @ by the river bank
Had a great day with the Jakz (farhan and din)
Early morning
play soccer.. someone invite us to join their team as they don have players and they have a match with their friends. so we go down and play behind Northbrooks sec. Talk about soccer field. Thats the most irritating field ever in Yishun. with alot of pot-holes and uneven grass. Who do the maintaineance man??!! I almost sprain my left ankle again. Third time consecutively this month. Dammit. And it still hurts. Got to know that we were against guys from Al-Irsyad. Hmm. Is that yr school Liya?? and we are down man short. but who cares the game still goes on. By half-time we were 2-0 down. While half time got another match going on so we feel lazy and pack up. So JJ tell those that invite us that we postpone the match to another day. haha. So we can bring down our so call "star-player" since many of them are down with exams and 'O' level. And the only "star-karat" players there are The Jakz (me, farhan and din) After that went home. change and shower.
meet the same jakz at Mcd cos i'm buying new game for my PSP. yeah. got myself Fifa street 2. I know its an outdated game. but who cares. took me half an hour to pick the game. haha. Talk about being fussy and undecisive. haha. So i'm going shopping soon. haha.since pay is already in! Then go play daytona at funland. haha. Finally i got the hang of drifting. using manual car. haha. For yr info i'm not a gamer but a driver. haha. now just have to wait for the day of TP. I'm going to nail it and get the license man. So wish me luck ya!! After 10 mins of driving session we split. Farhan and Din going town for work. I'm heading home to play some street soccer on my PSP.
That Night
Went to watch fireworks. So meet the 2 Jakz first and than we find the most nicest view. and we found it. Its at the opposite side of the S'pore River. Where there is construction side. There are alot of people too. And there we were at the most scenic view I've been so far for 18 yrs I live. I was sitting at the bank of the river and let my legs hannging. Below my legs are the deep blue river. Was Scary at first cos I've got a phobia with deep seas. yeah my only fear.Shh. Keep this to yourself k! Got to know Liya was stuck at the crowded bridge. Haha. the fireworks display was awesome. If only someone special was with me witnessing the display would be perfect night. But its ok. The Jakz are special too. Cos they are my best frenz!! After the show we head to Lau Pa Sat and have a wonderful satay dinner!! Yummy!! Its been a long time since I ate satay. So yeah. I treat them for the meal since it was payday. Meet up with Farhan's family before they sent me home.
In short. I still have a great buddies and a wounderful day!
Friday, August 11, 2006 @ stupidity of my own heart...
Is it stupid of me to really trust someone for what they say? Should I believe that everyone of these people are man of their own words? Should i hold their words till the day i die even if it is not a promise?
If you don't mean what you say can you please stop saying and hinting that things will go out fine.
I always make myself believe that what you say will be true. But in the end its just a waste of time and effort. In the end I'm the one suffering. I'm the one having those heartache.
I still remember that eveningyou told me that we'll sart a newafter that movie and dinner we wenta big massive bomb you threwYou told me it's just youyou can't help but telling the truthso lets us just be best friendsand still do those things we love to doBest friends we were however it was short livewe never do those things we donot once maybe foreveri'm here keep on believingbelieve those words you told metelling myself that it will be better soonfor only time will tellits just another time bomb you putdeep down inside of mewaiting for the time to hit the switchto blow me into piecesthose words was never meant to be trueand yet you say it and make me believe itjust to keep my heart burning?Lets become strangersand burn our photosdeleting our memoriesthat once so deeply treasuredI think I've said enough. Ain't a rip off!!
Thursday, August 10, 2006 @ Feel GooD!
First of all the title doesn't have anything to do with the entry i'm gg to write.
OK National day eve I went out after work to esplanade to wach the fireworks. First met some of Farhan Jackz frenz. Den we walk down to esplanade. As usual the place is full of kaisu people already have their camera and sitting spot as early as 4 pm in the afternoon. Talk about Singaporeans. haha. So I end up sitting with Farhan's Jackz Family. They are like my step family already. Haha. I was thinking of getting free dinner. Kehehe. Ok then the waited till the firework started. WOW!!
And Wassup with the hip-hop stage behind the place i'm sitting. Sing and stuff. Oh man. What a misery for me. Sorry to all Hip hoppers and rappers, you guys are just not my type of mocha frappacino. And all you guys sing about is love and sex and shit. No wonder there is a rise in malay community having premarital sex and abortions. Dumpweed no brains idiots!!
Thank god i'm single now!!
Anyway i realise that someone is kinda sweet. even she is the shy type i finally saw her inner beauty. OMG. *Dilemma*
NATIONAL DAY spend the whole day sleeping and converting and uploading video to my PSP! No Porn for sure! And its great to know the capability of yr PSP. haha. At least i'wont be bored listenin to mp3. cos there is VIDEO!!! but the converting process is phucking slow. Guess i'm going to reformat my com. but all my pics will be lost. Picture of you and me, picture of us, our memories... got to upload it to my photobucket den. Another long and slow process.
Ok i'm hungry now.. I'm out!!
Monday, August 07, 2006 @ Smile =D
Smile till you drop dead. This is what i learn while going home from work. Saw this cute girl probably in lower secondary and she was smiling away like nobody business. Even when she bumb on other people she still smile. She got one nice smile. And I realise that a smile can really makes someone's day complete. So I start smiling while walking to the bus interchange until i reach home. The feeling is the same as giving donations to those in need.
Smile even if you'll look like this

People always comment that I look tired. Hmm. Okay. I don't have the reason for that. Maybe I'm bored or hungry or nobody makes my day. Or I'm really tired and need to sleep. Actually the main reason is that I've lost the person who makes me smile all day long. I lost my only inspiration and motivation.
So somebody please make me smile again.
Sunday, August 06, 2006 @ What a day..
Today is the day that i want to forget for these 10 reasons below:
- Feeling moody
- shouted at my mum
- getting the monday blues
- my computer cannot read my PSP
- this is my 4th time writting entry for today
- haven't see that someone online.
- Spend my last dollar on apple pie
- sleepy
- got sermons for using the com for one pathetic hour since my com is already lag.
- Went out without even telling my mum
I know..i'm being bad to my mum today.
Now i wanna take a shower and sleep...
Thursday, August 03, 2006 @ Tear me apart!!!
Can you believe it?? Its Aug dammit!!
These few days been quite busy with reality that I forgot about virtuality. I mean online...Was checking into some friendster profile just now and some pple changed within a week!!! Thats super fast. Got this particular friend of mine told me she was finding work and now she's already working at the company she wants! Cool. Free drinks?? hehe
You guys and gals enjoy your life. People like me are following routine. Boring one too. Like there isn't any life. Cos got no money to spend. Ish. Oh well. No money no honey. Anyway I decided to go GSF. Donno wat it means? Ask somebody who knows. Somebody who listens to MXPX. Yeah. But it won't be forever. Till I meet that angel in disguise. I'll wait. No hurries.
Oh yA!!
Taufiq beginning to write songs!!. Wohoo. Original. Now we like thinking what to write for the lyrics. Soon it'll be done. And I'm Loving It!!! Farhan got us a spot in an upcoming gig. But it won't be soon la. He said that it is a large scale gig involving well known malay artist. And its going to be held outside Mediacorp studio.Donno whether its true or not. hmm. But surely Selfish Showoffs isn't ready to play malay song. I got one original malay song and the guitarist dowan to play. NVM. I'm playing it alone. Wrote that song for 3 years. My best so far.
I forgot to charge my PSP. Haiz.