Monday, July 31, 2006 @ ok la
Well its the end of fast
Well i'm damn lazy to update this blog. Seems meaningless to me already. Who cares anyway. All I'm writting about is my damn love life that seems to be not here nor there. And who cares what I'm doing everyday. Basically my life is a routine. Wake up, go work,go home and sleep. During sleep time is when the dreams is kinda funny and weird. Can't believe its all about this particular girl. Haiz. Telling myself that i'm going GSF. Yeah. MXPX rox
Yawn. I'm sleepy now. Lala land is calling.
"forget this thing call Love,Its a waste of time....."
Monday, July 24, 2006 @ revolution of me....
I realise something. There's no point pretending what you want to be cos you'll end up being you. No point to change your image or watsoever just because you want to be accepted. If you're not appreaciated then so be it. No point crying every night and feeling depress about it.
Why am i talking all this crap?
I'm stuck listening to amber pacific right now. I'm listening to one of their track right now. Title Thoughts Before Me. With the intro goes like this, "Why so I take your hand,when you can't promise happy endings" It reminds me of my friend.
It amaze me on how these people can write cool lyrics. I'm kinda dumb when writting lyrics for my songs. Somebody please teach me!!!
I'm getting slack every single day. Been so lazy that all i want to do is sleep. My current dress code is tee shirt and jeans. Complete it with sandals.Wahaha. Only to work wat. At work change to half U. So no point dressing up. I don't even gel up my hair.
Oh ya. Did i told you that i finish up my pay to shop for sandals. Got myself the Brazillian design sandals at a good price and mind you it is
MADE in Brazil and not China
. Its only a week old. So now I got to bring lunch from home cos I got no more money left. And who says Boys hate shopping??!!
Tuesday, July 18, 2006 @ The Gig that happen 2 days ago
Hey all. The gig at IJ was okok la. not musch people also. So little that we delay the time so that the place is a bit more people. Toatl around 25 people and 2 are ladies. OK so here we are Selfish Showoff a punk rock band in a gig where other bands are mostly metal/scremo.

so i was outside the studio warming up with Saiful's guitar. Till they call to do some sound check. so we go up and jam a while. after we did the warm up we slack and watch other metal band play. They were loud!! Metal heads..

getting mentally prepared!!
ok so here we are rocking our socks off!!!

So after the gig we lepak outside the studio. Catch some breath and wind. Cos its super hot in there. I was sweating like there's no tomorrow. Haha.

After bored watching the metal band and got some air, we go down to esplanade to watch Baybeats. hehe. Cos somebody so bored that he begin to start smashing cars. So we think of going for baybeats to MOSH!!

And for the first time in his life, Azri Mosh!! His comment to this. "that was great!!" Haha. The security wasn't tight so we mosh our hearts out in electrico 2nd sound.
After moshing we go back home. The sunset ends everything!!

Sunday, July 16, 2006 @ WTFH!!!! is gig day and I can't secure a bass. My bass suddenly went haywire and have to send for service. Good riddence. I'm so phucking stress right now.
These couple of days been hanging out at Esplanade watching baybeats. All rockers were ther to embrance the occasion. cool. Tha bands were great. only a couple of them sux. Donno how they are invited to perform. Just their luck i guess. And I miss plain sunset performing at the Arena. Dammit. Thankz to those that want to go for dinner. And since there no mood already. So we just hang around.
Met some of my friends. Those Yishun Punkrockers and others. Meet new friends too. Some of other division officers. And I met Elah!! Kinda surprise so we chat a while and talk about our bros from SQD 52/05. The serious fact is that she miss us and she plan to do a reunion. Haha. Including the girls that broke the guys heart. Thats the hard part cos all the guys(including me) are already single. And I don't think i want to hang out with her anytime soon. Cos i feel that it seems we're already become strangers. Seems like you need your friend to find out about me. Seems that "best friends" is just another excuse. And the serious fact is that all promises were broken. And I mean ALL.
I'm tired and heartache. God,DammIt.
Thursday, July 13, 2006 @ sweet dream
hi everyone
Got some stuff to tell you guys before the main story.
First of all is the gig. First it was post pone to 16 July, what next? Change of venue. Its at IJ studio. the farking studio at paya lebar. No mood to perform liao. No ambience at all unlike at NP where it is in the open.
2nd. I'm bored at work. having mental block. seems like alot of work to do but i do little every time.
3rd. bay beats is this weekend. Wohoo. Going out to watch with some of my friends!!
4th. You won't see me in MSN lately cos I hate when my father come home late night and scold me for using the com. It was only 10 pm and most of my family already asleep. And come on He want to throw his temper on me for not doing what he suppose too? dumpweed. Come on. Give me a break. You fail to do what you need to do cos you don't put it enough effort. And you so easy put me into blame for nothing.
5th. Pay in yesterday. Must learn how to budget myself!
6th. I'm writting a new song and it lingers till in my dreams. Sweet dreams man. I woke up smiling. Who won't when all your hopes and wishes comes true. And that is the moment i'm could get close to her. Even if its just a dream, but it like a reality that i wish is stays forever. It funny to know how much that particular someone is so precious to you after everything fell apart. Just to let you know that I'll keep you in my heart forever.
7.My life is boring now. I wanna sleep and dream again!!
Saturday, July 08, 2006 @
Hafiz here again writing another entry.
About my prvious entry about girls who "boy-hop", I'm not saying all girls are like that. Only the selected few of them. I'm not stereotyping you girls alryt. Some of the girls are sweet and great. So it depend on each of you.
Well saturday is soccer day. So Farhan gave a wake up call to get ready. Play at the field behind Northland Primary School. My Primary school. Haha. Lots of memories there. Even if the school went through some construction and changes.
Ok soccer today is between the Junior team vs the senior team. Jr team is the blue team consist of me, farhan, haqim, aidil, haikel, izan, yusof, azri. The senior team is consist of the abang2. First half i kinda dizzy. donno why. maybe cos i didn't eat breakfast and i think cos of the blood i donate a few days back. so my blood level isn't normal and i didn't took the medicine.oops. So i was laying back even i play midfield. I try my best to fight the pain by just drinking more water. But they others notice my weird behaviour la. So i play easy game by playing counter attack. once the Senior team attack, I try to win the ball. once i got it, farhan haqim and aidil will open up to find space. I gave them a through ball and they do the finishing. And don't forget the one-two technique.haha. And i got tackled a few times. Now i noe how is it like to be tackled hard. The pain is like excruciating but i stand up and run back. endure. there is a bruise on my right feet.
During half time I and farhan play shooting. I become the goalie. Farhan shoot and i save the ball with my knee. However ther is a loud "crack" sound. My pants tore apart. Both Farhan and I roll on the grass. laugh out loud and rolling. Laugh till tears flow. And i don't bring extra shorts or pants. Earlier this morning before leaving the house, I confidently say to myself that they will give us the team jersey full set. from top to bottom. but they only give out the top. oh well
After soccer, went back to Azri house to play game, eat and lepak. Since Farhan, Din and I got no plans after that we went home. Haqim is going to the Dangdut thing at jurong east. I went home and guess who i met? Ilyani. She looks different now. haha. Reach home I sleep. than went online waiting for someone who promised me to go online and chat with me.
K wanna chat with her now. byez
Friday, July 07, 2006 @ Surprise!!
Do you ever got surprised from morning till now?? I mean something unexpected pop ups and makes you wondering why. Hmm.
This morning someone who I didn't chat with for so long as i try to get over her drop a message to say good morning. Felt as if there is something she wants from me but maybe she just afraid to ask. There's something fishy. You know la some people just act nice to get what they want. After all the sweet talk and the nice things people did to you and finally you gave them what they want, you'll just be dumped again and become strangers.
Lunch time went to Jurong Point and one of my friend met a girl. And I saw her before in MRT going to work. What makes me notice her in MRT is when she was having some problem with her i Pod nano. She looks so stress up configuring her i Pod. From Admiralty where she board the train till Choa Chu Kang where I alight she still look so frust. haha. I was just laughing in me. Didn't know she's my friend ex-collegue. But kinda holding back to get to know her cos she got a boy already.
I don't disturb girls who are already attach. Bcos i know how is it to feel like getting cheated, deceived and backstab. Anyway what my collegue said kinda true. Some gals just need a guy to be there. Like if the gal and boy are fighting, the gal will complain to another of her guy friends. Then when they broke up the gal will get emotionally attach to her friend that been listening to her complains. In short some gals like to "boy-hop" around and play with guys feeling.
Isn't this true??
Thursday, July 06, 2006 @ I did it
Hey there..
I'm at office writting this blog. My com at home got attitude so its difficult for me to blog. Since the pop up and stuff like that. yeah. I noe there is some prob. so i gonna change the setting when i'm free.
Guess wat?? I just donated my blood this morning. Haha. great experience especially hen seeing needles that will be insreted to you body and blood flowing out. got once the nurse inject this thingy that makes my artery or vein enlarge. I was like wow. haha. Actually the nurse was wondering howcome the bllod flows so slow. after adjusting the pressure a few couple of times, she den adjust the needle. and woosh the blood flow faster. haha.
Last nyt went home after work. Didn't lepak though cos no plan. Receive some reply from a couple of poly about the Oct intake. Kinda disappointed cos TP oct intake is for IT and engineering. SP got no oct intake. oh well. so i sat in my room thinking about the pros and cons whether to distrupt my NS or complete it first than study. After laying the pros and cons out, I decided to complete my NS first. wakaka.
K later in the evening got session. guitaring time.
See you peeps around!
Monday, July 03, 2006 @ bluey monday
Wat a bluey monday today...
Wanting to wake up early cos of some things at work and also looking at the poly chics. Motivation to wake up early ryt. but lyk usual i snooze off. Drag my feet at 7 in the morning to shower and stuff before going to work. Haiz.
In the MRT met with Alzrin, my squad mate, sometime met him. He also kinda late. oh well. Monday morning pe. After a great nyt with my friends chilling at my all time favourite hang out place, The Esplanade, dragging to work early in the morning is such a hard work. Oh well.
at work things went off slowly. Boss on course for a week but got to attach to the PNSmen side. haiz. Oh well. kate NS.
Well free food like usual since there is the briefing and stuff. I like. This is the period where free food will boost up my morale to work. Especially when all my pay is finish. haha. I'll work harder and smarter for free food!!
Now thinking of which poly i wanna go and whichpoly have the October intake. I was thinking of NYP and Rp cos they aare much nearer to home. so can woke up lae and go home early. However the course i prefer is those in SP,TP and NP. Which takes a whole hour of journey from home either by bus or train. Obviously not Taxi. Haiz.
It would be nice if i got my own public transport. no worries. but got to pass my TP first. and than think of a way to get a car.
I think I'm going to be late tomorrow for work. I start to heck care already. as long as i do my work and give what they want. I don't expect to get good returns anyway. As long as i get what i am entitled to will be fine.
And i'm off "poof"
Sunday, July 02, 2006 @ Time to Move on
Hi everybody. Its time for another issue of Hafiz o_O entry. HAHA
Well sorry for didn't update for so long. Been busy with work and personal stuff which I'll share with you guys later on.
Work was freaking busy with the preparation of batch of photo taking. Wah. Suddenly I'm like the main man doing such things and In charge of such stuff. I'm not use to ordering people to do my work. I would rather do my own piece of shit rather than someone who screw up everything. And I don't like to order people cos I'm Mr Nice Guy. Wahaha. SO true.. ;p
Well guess what. I'm distrupting my NS to study at Poly next year. Still don't know what course to take. Technology & Arts Management at RP? Biomedical Science at NP/RP/SP? Biomedical Engineering at NYP? Nursing at NYP/NP? Or some business mangement which available in all the Poly??
I got to think for the future man. I ain't going to repeat the mistake i did before.
Well today was kinda great cos I join the MILK RUN today. Now I know where is Zouk located. haha. JKJK. I noe some of you don't like me going clubbing for their own reason.
After running we watch some performance. Got a lot of Innova JC kids. Didn't see Ilah though. Don't think she went for the run too. Oh well.
Then we took pics and slck for a while. some of my friends jump into the S'pore River. haha. Too bad I'm bad I can't swim well. If not I would have jump in too.haha.
Ok so we're hungry and went to Plaza Singapura for dinner before window shopping. haha. before some wanna go home. So left me, Man and Deen. so we go to Esplanade to chill. Nice weather. The sea breeze and the cool night air. With the outdoor performance plaving jazz songs about love and stuff. Makes me miss her. Still remember her smile and laughter. which still makes me melt. haiz. But i got ot move on. Time don't stop while I'm recovering.
I got to be strong and adopt to outside my comfort zone.
Oh ya got a lot of good movies release now. Got one Hindi movie something like Superman which i'm going to watch soon. Heard they film it at SIngapore. haha. I'm beginning to watch Hindi Movies.
you peeps enjoy your Youth day alryt. And Happy Birthday Farhan!!!
!xohafiz OUT