Thursday, June 29, 2006 @ Was it a sweet dream or a nytmare??!!
I donno whether this is suppose to be a good sign or not. The dream I least expected suddenly pop up in my lala land.
THis is the dream.
I met up with a gal I went out with a few times before. Like coincident la. Den she stood right infront of me and say "Hey!! where have you been??!! Do you know that I've tried so hard to contact you??" And in the dream I was like, "Eh I tot you were the one who ignore my calls and smses??''I said that in my heart. Then she burst out crying and I was stunned!!! She said, "do you know that I miss you??!!" And her tears washes away her make up. I just stood there confused,lost and stunned before cheering her up.
Then My mum woke me up. I look at the time. It was 712 am. Shit I'm late for work!!!
Wednesday, June 28, 2006 @ I'm sorry
Sorry for not being update this blog for quite a while. Busy with work for and also jamming with the other selfish showoffs.
Gig in a few days time. Surely will be great. Last nyt jamming jamming kick offs really well. Taufiq having a bad throat so i sang most of the songs. The drums are getting better. Guitars are well prepared even if there was some miscommunication. And i'm addicted to bass. Wahooo. Surel it will be fun this Sat.
So if you're free please come down for the gig at Ngee Ann poly. It start at 2 pm. So be there ya!
Anyway this few days been busy with emotional hardships. I can't lie to myself. With lots of things in my mind. Lots of songs that really hurts. This one taken by Mest title Chelsea. " I thought you were the one but i was wrong cos you already left. And I hope that you miss me tonight" another one by Finch title letters to you,"I want you to know that I miss you, I miss you so" and song I heard on the radio. Not sure who the singer is or the title. Good bye my lover??
Sorry but I can't deny this. I'm still not getting over this. And i can get over her.
Sorry to disappoint you
Sorry to the empty and broken promises.
Sorry for every blood you drop.
Sorry for everything.
My bed is where i lie to witness the twinkiling stars that will drop my tears remembering memories of you and me.
Saturday, June 24, 2006 @ yawn*
A few more hours before going down to station for another night ops. Last nyt ops was lame.
I'm tired. Reach home around 545 am. and slept till 7,before my mum woke me up. She thinks i lied to her and watch the world cup instead. How can she thinks such things? Oh man..Wateva.
I missed soccer earlier this morning. They said got match. I woke up at 12pm. so too bad.
I'm getting my nap soon. getting ready for tonyt ops.
tag board by the side is not for show you know. so i want you to TAG!!!
Friday, June 23, 2006 @ Workaholic time!!!
Its time to start the kick my ass as to start getting back I lost. Its time to work double hard and double time. So tomorrow will ba a new roller coaster ride. Leave freeze so no use bragging. Lets start becoming a workoholic!!
The last time i was a workoholic was last year when i was working at 3 different place at one time. and even 2 different places in one day. Kecoh man. This time I'll be working 24 hours for 2 consecutive days. So I won't be online ya. Sorry.
Gig is in a week time. We get ourselves gear up for the gig. Had jamming just now and I think we're too serious to get things right that it turns ugly. Dammit. But I think we did fine especially the drums. ok la he start practicing but he was super duper moronic late. jam session was suppose to be at 8 but end up at 9. so Sunday session. and decide on the final three songs.
Before I guys and gals are invited to come along and support us. The place is at Ngee Ann poly. Time not yet confirm..hope to see you guys and gals, Jack and Joy there.
i intend to sell away my blue FBT jacket for $ 70. i'll post the pics soon alryt. Its M size. Unisex. looks cool on me. So it be cooler on you.
Do I sound as if I really need money that serious??
I DO!!
Tuesday, June 20, 2006 @ Macam Paham
Dont be surprised la when you read my blog la. As if I did something unexpected??. I'm still the same old Hafiz. Yeah. Muhammad Nur Hafiz B Alias. NRIC S88017045C. Haha..
Okay. Today work was mentally tiring. seriously. Had enough of work at 5.20 pm when i start MSNing. haha. Fun la. Haha. They advise me as long as don't get caught you'll be safe. Wakaka. everyone is a slacker in my office except my boss.
So I went home as planned until I met the Jackasses at Northpoint. Then lepak for a while with some othe Mats..and one of them start to talk about religion since he kinda argue with one of my sis who wore a tudung but attitude lyk Minah. Start his preaching and all. To me he was lyk talking as if he knows everything in the world and what God really wants. If he did know, isn't he suppose to be at home or at mosque to pray since its like 7 plus in the evening. talk as if he is the "world champion" I didn't bother with them though. Stuff my ears with my earpiece and listen to MP3 off my PSP.
Now I'm thinking of ways to survive. Left $20++ to survive for 3 weeks. Start packing lunch from home. that save some money already. With upcoming gig and jamming sessions,don't think can survive. Luckily Driving fee is safely secure as i gave $150 to my mum to keep it for me.
What other ways to get fast cash other than selling your ass?? I wanna go shopping!!!
Monday, June 19, 2006 @ worn out
SIANZZ to work..
After a great weekend last Sat.
Went Clubbing at MOS with PNS guys. HAha. Enjoy siol. Good thing is that i didn't touch anything i'm not suppose to touch. Phew.
Stay up all nyt dancing. Sweat like hell man. The crowd was HUGE!!.
After enough of clubbing, we went to Mcdonald to have some supper before hanging at the bank of Singapore river. It was like 4.30 in the morning. The river was cool and calm. Atmosphere was great. So we chill till the first train arrive.
Reach home at around 7 plus in the morning.
Was jus an ordinary day. Slack at home with my com. My family went out. So I was jus MSNing and chilling before sleeping. Haha.
Too tired to go for band Pract.
Can't wait to go home later to sleep.
Saturday, June 17, 2006 @ late nyt phony sessions
LAte nyt phony sessions, I miss dem. Where is all my late nyt SMS buddies??? Sms donno how to reply huh yiety?? tot you went holiday or something..luckily you tag my board!! At least i know you're still alive...
lately been going home late. bola,jam,work. thats all part of my life now. Taufiq and I and the 2 others are preparing for an upcoming gig at Ngee Ann poly. yeah. The first tym the band is going to perform in public. Wohooo. The band name? erm...don't ask...I hate the name. Stupid farhan with his stupid phrase taken from the soccer commentator. So wanna invite you to watch us. dowan to support also can. Just be my cameraman. Taking pics and video for me. CAaNN??
The list of songs we intend to play....
- Letters to you-Finch
- The rock show-Blink 182
- The Innocent-Good Charlotte,mest & Goldfinger
- Jaded-Mest
- Dammit-Blink 182
- Gone So young-Amber Pacific
So pick any 3 songs....
Tell you more of the details of the gig at a later date.
Lately my heart been skipping a beat every now and then. Beat faster than normal. even when I'm cool and relax. Why? Is it some kind of disease or something? or is it just my emotions? Hmm..
kk I wanna blog hop and crash everybody's tagboard...haha...
Wednesday, June 14, 2006 @ Reflections!!!!
Have you reflect on your secondary school life and see what have you acheive and what you hope you didn't do?? Been doing alot of catch up with some secondary school kids and too be honest with you they semm like they grow I donno..did I grow up?
Stil remember when I and taufiq were hanging out with Bad at LJS and she said that secoundary school couples have been split. Yah. including me!! well mark hoppus said, "well i guess this is growing up" in the song Dammit.. I say ,"Secondary school romance SUX!!" Syidah's blog also say about this. Well can't deny. What she said were true. Especially for me. About my Ex and stuff. Haha. LOVe is a wonderful thing I must say..but it hurt alot.
Or is it me??
Ya lah I know I'm pathetic with girls and relationship. My whole 18 years of living, i got only one girl. Was together for 3 years 1 month and who knows how many days. She left me under the stars on the hill. 2 weeks later I found out that she got a new guy. How you think I feel?? Fcuking shit I tell you. Well promises are broken. Got to heal the pain and start rolling with life now. my secret nobody will know. Who cares anyway. Not you for sure.
Today got driving. Almost got killed. Stupid van driver!! anyhow cut lane to turn to the left.
Boys are dumb, girls are liars.
Boys dont think about what girls are thinking
Girls always lie and expect the boys to know what they really want
Enuf said.
Luckily i'm a HAfiz!!
Monday, June 12, 2006 @ Donno what...
Donno what am i gonna do today...hmmm
Today free cos yesterday nyt while you guys are sleeping I and a group of guys are working! Undercover! with the gun right above the ankle. WooooW.
Yesterday went for gig at ij studio. Punk rock vs Metal. Check out the pics at Taufiq's blog. The link is at the right.
Argentina vs Ivory Coast. A wonderful match. Argentina is just damn lucky. Ivory Coast really work hard and play wonderfully. some refrees suck. Well to me Ivory coast deserve to win if not draw that match.
I wanna watch movie. Some of them go holiday la, some parents don't allow to go out la, some schooling.. Haiz
My teeth hurts donno why?!
My throat hurts thankz to strawberry sticks.
K go!!
Sunday, June 11, 2006 @ GOALL!!
Wat a wonderful start to the weekend with the start of the world Cup. Haha. Great with the opening match. germany Vs Coasta Rica. Great match with both playing attacking style. The first goal was wonderful!! Reaching the half time the TV was watching me instead. haha
Today watch the England match at McDonald with Farhan and my Bro, he leaving for Brunei tmrw mrng.
England won 1-0. Thnx to David Beckham free kick that the ball deflect the defender and tha ball end up behind the net.
And Mcd was chaotic. I mean with people outside watching the match. and celebrate the goal. Full of anticipation. did I spell that correctly? haha.
Saw Badz and her sis. Shouted at her and she some sort jumped. haha. After buying her ice-cream she cut in the crowd and beat me. haha. She willing to cut in the huge crowd just to beat me. Wakaka.
I thing I'm having some kind of a desease. My arms and shoulders sometimes shake uncontrollbly. Like i'm suffering from parkinson. Kinda scary. Wat i know the doc suspect me from some kinda disease when i was a new born but my father tot he was jus crapping and brought me home without further check up or follow up. And i'm the one like afraid i might die from cancer or some unknown deseases. I know my body well and to honest I'm somehow disabled. Even the one who is so close to me doesn't know abt it. Not even you ilah.
A secret that no one will understand.
Friday, June 09, 2006 @ Awesome!!
these past 2 days have been kinda great. Hmm. I was on MC on tues and on wed I'm on leave!. Haha. combo. Had driving practical in the morning. So ya. From woodlands I drove all the way to Ubi driving center with my instructor beside me telling me where to go. It took almost an hour to reach since i can't use the expressway. Gain alot of experience. Wohoo. Reach there got some problem with the payment. So in the end use my instructor ATM card instead. But i pay him back la.
So my test date will be in November 3rd at 1145 am. Didn't reach my target to get my license before Hari Raya. But Its okay. 5 months from now. So wish me luck ya!
In the evening hang out with Farah. Walk around Northpoint. Had fun especially at Popular. Hmm didn't know how a book can make us laugh!
ok thats all about Wed.
Thurs now.
Reach office boss ask me how am i cos he need more men for the Police annual dinner crew held at istana later that night. Istana was HUGE!!! and a beauty. Wow. I help set up the buffet tables and the food looks stunning. However the caterer crew is kinda blur with the setup and the policemen is the one doing it. Haiz. As i work in the F&B line before its kinda easy for me. All day do Saikang (dirty) work. But the crew from shatec are hot. Motivation ya. haha. regret didn't get her number. Damn!!
Did i mention that Istana is a real beauty?? Haha. Seriously. If only i could get a home like that. With the scenic view of the city. Wow. It would be my dream home. Its pure Awesome.
Tmrw payday. Already get myself do the finance for this month. $100 for both hp bills and Ez-link. $150 have to be given to my mum. left with $150 approx. Gonna get the 1G PSP card. The rest is for my stomach. Wahaha.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006 @ MC!!
My first MC for this year and also since NS. Fever,flu, cough, sore throat. Sianz. Rest but can't sit still at home. Since i donno wat to do other den MSN.
After seeing the doc met Farah. She ask me whether to join her for breakfast with her friends at Prata Place. I decline though saying I'll be late since the waiting time is damn long. But told her maybe we culd meet after the doc appointment and send her home.
So we meet la. She was drenched wet. Pity her. Send her home. The bus was freaking cold. Both of us shiver. Just wondering what does she really mean when she say she is cold?? Is ther anything in between the lines that i shld read or something? HMM??
Den when reach the stop we walk one hell of a round just bcos dowanna get wet. Haha. One big round before reaching. Fun la. Joke around with her. haha. Den we got seperated once reached her block. She wish me get well soon. aww.
Reach home eat lunch den eat medicine. rest awhile with MSN. Watch TV and when time reach 3.55pm i went down to dome meet taufiq for session. only the 2 of us. Saiful last minute working. Farhan buih. ckp skola habis kol 12. call kol 330 masih kat skola. so we just sat dere playing guitar and PSP. Khairul met us to pass the gig tix. slack a while before we off to LJS.
Waited for a seat before ordering. When i was in the Q to order,pop Badariah appear from nowhere.haha. Actually i was looking at the ticket counter and somehow saw the refelctions of Badz sitting beside Taufiq. I tot i was dreaming so i look again at the reflections. Its like real. so to confirm I look back and she is really dere. A pleasant surprise. When I get back to table its start kinda awkward when a cute girl from sec sch and you don't usualy hang out with come up to us a low profile kids. Haha. Luckily thing goes fine.
We talk about secondary sch life and time. Talk about the rest of the guys and gals of NSS graduated in yr 2004. Badz told us that she can't really go home cos she don't have keys. So we pity her and accompany her. Haha. memories of yesterday. So we waited until Badz younger sis arrive. Dey ate before going home. we teman dem also la. It was fun until my head start to hurt when the paracetamol wear off. Haiz. so I toned down abit.
reach home and took my medicine. Getting drowsy actually. Oh ya i upload a video of my little bro to you tube. the title is Little punkrocker. I upload it in my friendster check it out ya!! =]
Monday, June 05, 2006 @ I'm sick
I'm sick I'm sick I'm sick
Flu flu flu
stupid flu
throat itch
drink more water and fruits. I heard this advise alot. I still remember she telling me that.
She even visited me when I was down with fever suspected to be denggue. Lucky its not.
4 6477 968
type that in your handphone. you noe wat i'm talking abt.
Ilah thankz for everything when i fall sick.
Sunday, June 04, 2006 @ remembering history.
Haven't been updating since I was working for the safety of our nation at the IISS conference at Shangri-la hotel. Ya. Important duty beb. ahah.
Well finally i finish writing my song. It takes like 3 years to finish it. Yeah cos some parts i forget and the original is somehow missing. thanks to someone.Have you found it already?? So I re write it again. This time with more meaningful words. seriously. it come from the bottom of my heart. Makes me remember the beautiful history you and I did. "tears-rolling".
Did i told you that my elder brother is back from brunie? If not than he's back!. He is fat. haha. ya seriously. Guess he is having holiday at brunie instead of NS..hehe.
So today went to granny place. I know it would be boring so i eat and sleep. haha. When i woke up i listen to Angel and Airwaves album my sis bought a few days back. Nice emo song. Got one track somehow makes me remember of the last few words she told me that faithful night. And the track title is It hurts. The chorus part goes like this..
" It hurts when your bestfriend is not your girlfriend..."
"tears-rolling again".
I'm so sad nowadays. All bcos of you. The truth hurts. Painkillers does not work. I just have my guitar to listen to my misery.
To be honest
I miss you.
Thursday, June 01, 2006 @ painkillers
If there is any better ideas to start with this entry.
ITS JUNE!!!. Almost half a year had past. Wow!! A lot of things happen. Up and downs. A wild rollercoaster ride. Wanna know more you can read my past entries.
Soon my corporal rank will be on my shoulders. WAHAHA. Can act abit la. If on the ground people will atleast give a little acknowledgement. My pay also increase. Not alot la. NS only mah. Imagine if every takes NS so lightly. Will they really fight during a war or just play around? or worst still run and hide in cowardism.
Today went home kinda early cos i got to be deployed later in the evening. Have to be at HQ by 9 pm. So as I was going home just now I met SYARIF in the MRT. He after his 1st practical at BBDC. Cool. So as we took the ride home we talk about bikes, chicks, and NS. So we talk and talk until reach Yishun.
When we go out Syarif was like saying "eh chicks ah" I look and it was FARAH. She was waiting for her friends. Syarif didn't believe she was my friend and he said it would be embarassed if I got the wrong person. So I told him if it was the wrong person than get to know that person la. So i didn't met up with her. She's cute in the blue tee.
As we were laughing DIN called me. Syarif den said "ha now thats yr friend" so i salam din and saw Erin for the first time in person. Haha. Din went out with Erin I guess. So walk to bus interchanged when I and Syarif went apart. Went to the toilet and waited for bus. Den Din come along. Waited the bus with me. I ask him why didn't follow Erin? He said she's going shopping with her friend. haha. He said following her is boring especially shopping. And he's going Paradize to play DOTA. $1 per hour?! Its worth it man.
Pay will be in in 12 days time. Feel like going to club again. Long time didn't go. with loud music and lights. When trance and techno just makes you forget about what had been happening to you. When chicks are around and just feel like heaven.
Of course I won't spend on clubbing alone. Got to think of my driving and stuff. and also pain killers!! Need my daily dose of pain killers. My hp bill will be astronomical I tell ya. Guess I'm still in pain. Whenever I think about my past and what i'd been thru especially when i think about her, my heart still feel the pain even after 2 months of walking this road alone. Luckily i found painkiller. Wanna know who??

guess who??
KK i wanna sleep already. After eat and blog time to go for bed. Later tonyt working. I'm getting fatter by the moment. I mean my waistline. getting wider. The other part of my body still the same.