Friday, March 31, 2006 @ shaged
Wat a today. Totally shag. Yeah. Thank God its Friday..
My com is fagging slow. So faggot. must be bcos of adwares and spywares. Idiot. Gonna get rid of them soon. My MSN got some prob. always lost connection. damn. I started to cough. For no reason. I'm so shag that I fell aslp in bus. Never in my life i fall aslp in bus while reading a book and ears pluged to the PSP. Luckily I don't have motion sickness in bus. Unlike some people. haha.
So shag at work. So kinda lepak while doing the returns and stuff. Hmm..I volunteer myself to go for work this sun mrng..yeah..problem now..i got no transport there..Somebody help!!
Reach home kinda shag. So i pick up my guitar, play some chods and start to figure out some words for the song. In the end i got a piece of music written. wohoo..its been a long time since i write music. its great to be back..And thsis the lyurics for the song title
"selama kita bersama"
Aku tak perlu lagi
titisan nagismu lagi
Aku tak perlu lagi
dengar kata-kata penerangan mu lagi
aku hampir hanyut
dipukul ombak derita
aku serah kan semua
kepada Ilahi
Selama kita bersama
Takkan kulupa semua
Selama kita bercinta
kau lah yang terindah
Terima kasih
atas segalanya
akan ku hargai
semua tentang kita
Sekali lagi
ku ingin mengucap
seribu ampun
Kaulah yang ku sanjung
Thursday, March 30, 2006 @ Coping up with my life
ITs hard to cope up with life back from scratch. Its hard without any support or encouragement. Its so hard without you.
I beginning to hate my work. Everyday sit in office starringat the computer screen for hours. Pple say its good life. But to me its not. Its so damn boring. Sitting under florencent lamp and freezing cold air conn. bull shit la..I would rather be out under the sun. I love the shine of the sun. Much better than the lights in office.
I thought i had overcome the lost but here I am still thinking abt her. Frankly everytime i look at her friendster profile, my heart will start to bleed again. She damn beautiful. and she slips off my hand just like that.
Haiz. I need counselling.
And I wish I got hospitalized again. So that I no need to go to work and get sympathy from others.
I need a psychologist or a counsellor...
Saturday, March 25, 2006 @ MajOr ChanGES IN my LiFE!!! some changes in my life lately.
So a change life means a change blog skin ryt?
I'f you heard like stories about me and her splitting up..and you are unsure of it..well den i'm telling you that all the rumours about me and her is true. YUp its so *uc*ing true. And i still can't believe it.
Well its hard coping up with life. To you i might look okay but in me i'm not. I'm so f*c*ing messed up. Donno whether to pick up all the broken pieces of my heart or just leave it dere and bleed till it rot. hiaz....
Another major thing happen is that i started to hang out with the jackass and play soccer.Healthy lifestyle dude..haha..and a way to release stress. And most importantly not to start smoking. A promise I made to Ms X and wanna keep that promise till the day i die even if we are not meant to be with each other for the rest of my life..
Life is going to be harder and tougher for me.....
Thursday, March 16, 2006 @
It been a hard long emotional ride this week.
Had retreat at pasir ris chalet. Great time spending time with the colleague. fun ah. Play soccer and stuff.BBQ..yummy. I'm like a rat that ate the cooked food.wahaha. At nyt went to east coast play bowling and enjoy ourselves. We are like owls. But East Coast is still bright and noisy even in the wee hours. However i caught the sunrise.At 730 hrs i went out of my chalet alone and sit by the seaside to catch it. it was beautiful.

Isn't it beautiful?

Thats me o_0
Tuesday, March 07, 2006 @ I'm 18 woHOoooOO!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi gang..
Firstly would like to thankz those who wish me happy B'dae and those who gave me a bdae bash. Thankz to the PNS guys and the Jackasses. You guys rock. haha
Wat I did on MY B dae
When ICA building at LAvender to get my passport extend. Next collect my certificate for group effectiveness at waterloo street. Den eat at Tekka MArket. Eat the bloody big thosai. haha.Brunch. Den go to SSDC. Apply for the basic theory test. Its on the 27 march 3.15pm. My first step for my class 3 license. Next stop. Marsiling. Go buy some groceries. Yeah. Den Went home.
After resting for 30 mins i went out again. This tym met Farhan before heading to his home. Relax there and wait till Din come. We went to watch soccer at Jln besar Stadium. Haha. The Pitch is carpeted. Cool. Its Young Lions Vs Niigata Alberiex. yeah. My first soccer game in this year aand with THE JACKASS TEAM. YE lah Jackass pon tak sporting. Tak semangat to support. Haha.The Japanese team quite good also ah.
tts all for now.
Thursday, March 02, 2006 @ a week away
Hey gang..
Firstly wanna apologised for the long time MIA. Not that i want to but my com is infested with adwares that keep poping up every time and in the i got fed up i just shut it down. Buang current je.(waste of time only).
Last sunday went to play soccer with Farhan.Met new friends too. Haha. Ways to improve my social circles. Friendster may not be reliable. Unless looking for girls.Haha.
Yah. MOst of my time is spent with Farhan. Eh can become my gay partner..Nah! I'm attached and he got his "bintang di surga"(star in heaven). He is one great friend. Not jus his house is big and family is warm,but he is really a good motivater. He really makes me think the other side of life. He always been. Yesterday met him after work. Walk around Jurong POint before going home. We talk about my problems. Letting go of everything in me. I almost let my tears roll down. BElieve it or not.
We talk about my problem from boon lay and i got the point when reach Yishun. Sometimes I dont wanna lose the war. My bloody ego!! HmpH!
- Make me realise 2 things. If things go wrong or you are dying out of flame, You have to make the first move ensuring that the flame doesn't die.
- If things Still goes wrong and you feel so stress about it all you have to do is stop everything and start praying. Because only HIM can guide you along.
Thanks Bro..kau lah sahabat ku!!
Oh ya..My 18 Bdae is coming..get your things ready to saboh me.haha. its this monday if you guys forget k. Come to my house with eggs and flour.we can cook some bdae cakes.haha