Tuesday, January 31, 2006 @ I'm sorry
OKay guess the past couple of blog is jus me letting go of everything in my heart. I want to apologized to you, dear. Sorry. I'm irrational and unworthy for a problem which i laughed at years back. Guess its simply said than done. Sorry ayng.
Thnkz to a few good buddies who were by my side when i need them earlier today.Thanks to Farhan Sairi and Yaty. There are one hell of a friend. Thnkz guys(including gals) for making me think and realised my goofyness and stupidity.
To Syg, I jus miss your love.
Monday, January 30, 2006 @ heart pain deep deep
I shouldn't have ask you out today. Its so fucking irritating when good times turn bad. How often do we go out and have great time this year?. Try to coount. If you say countless you are so fucking wrong. When will things go the way it used to? If now is the time to change this is surely not the way.
I thought today will be the breaking moment to end our long time didn't meet days. But it turns out wrong. Way wrong. ITs not part of the plan and this shouldn't go this way. First thing you had make my feelings down. Again that stupid long face of yours. How many times you want me to tell you to stop showing that face?? And we don't talk until we are about to go home.
I'm lost. I'm broken. I'm confused.
I just need your love
Sunday, January 29, 2006 @ Signs of hairline crack in my heart
This is a message for Ilah. Whoever other den her reading this should just read and forget!!
Hey syg. How are you doing so far? Guess you are so busy with school work and training in school huh. Since you in JC2 now, surely the pressure is high right. I understand. And nowadays you tend to fall sick. Kesian you. *cuddles* Guess you also have no time for yourself and not to mention mine too.
Syg, I'm writting this bcos i miss you so much. Miss your touch and kisses. Bcos of your busy schedule we don't even meet every weekend like we used to anymore.
You tend to sleep when you reach home after school. And the dozen SMSes i sent, you only replied once when you woke up in the middle of the night when i'm sleeping.
Whenever you ask me to call you,Without wasting my time I would dial using my Hp to call you to hear your soothing voice,but all i hear is an angry/annoying voice at the other end.I blame on myself bcos of my wrecked HP.and sometimes you just keep quiet and the conversation hanging. If thats the case its better not to ask me to call you.
Whenever we meet there will always be that moody/irritated face. IS it bcos of me? Am i Irritating for you already?When will i see that beautiful smile of yours again?
The month of JAn how many times did we really spent quality time together?
All this while I'm tolerating and swallow all the pride i have in me. Be positive and think appropriately like adults. Now i'm just sitting here thinking of the beautiful times we had. the times where the days are too short and the nights has no ends. To tell you the truth,my tears are rolling down writing this letter for you.
Thursday, January 19, 2006 @ i donno la...
Okay guys i donno wat to say today...
Being professional?
Being creative?
taking initiative?
Taking responsibilities?
Missing someone?
Lost and confuse?
Highlights today...
1.early morning pack lunch to work. No money to buy food alrdy
2.Took half day leave to visit my younger brother who was hospitalised. Got a new virus getting those kids. But now he alrdy discharged.
3.Missing her. So near yet so far. haiz.and I'm still waiting
4.Get the guitar's 1st string in place.
5.Tired and shagged
6.Going to wait for her until i fall asleep
7. Yaty's company is great. At least can tell problems and talk anything under the sun.
I wanna slp now!!!
So long and goodnight
Sunday, January 15, 2006 @ new beds...
hello guys..
hi dear..MUacks
today is my 2nd day of project Groom My Room. Haha. That stupid Kids show. Young and full of dreams. aha. the beds i ordered 2 weeks ago arrived. its a bunk bed and it feels lyk the tym i was in TRACOM or Police Academy. Haha.
Oh man I miss 52/o5..

A bunch of Morons marching down PA with attitude. Haha. Ni Delta punya..
Now Everyone is separated to their own vocation course and division. SAd. Hope to see you guys everyday..
Well today was okay. Beside the bed that arrive,touch up the paints on the walls and went down to Northpoint.
Oh ya Farah just sent me the song i sang at crew outing last year. Haha
Funny. The music and lyrics are spontaneous. Crappy but I Love It! haha. Gonna put that song in my MP3 player after getting it back from Ilah. Oh ya talking abt uploading, I forgot about uploading So7 songs to CPU. Now its too late to do so. Nvm. Tmrw den.
INdoN rock band is great man. got So7 and Peterpan and many many more. rock gerek. finally found Mungkin NAnti chords. From a webby my fren from division recommend. thankz dude. I know you gg to ORD soon. Gonna miss ya.
Miss Ya all!!!
Friday, January 13, 2006 @ yello
Hi boys and girls...
This few days been tired with work that when i reached home i washed up and straight go to bed.
ystrdy got course at waterloo street. Met new guys from other division. the course is a group effectiveness thing. More to communications skill and knowing your working style. I know now that I a Controller. Haha. Fun Facts.
After the course walk arnd town with Ilah before gg home.
Today was another wind blowing to my face. Haha. well did nothing until was activated to escort some accused from the Sub-court back to station. It was an eye opener. When reach station,Another Police officer brought back a 13 years old kid in his uniform. The case was actually inhalent abuse. Even the one doing the lock up duty got pissed off and scold him.
Okay i know my Vocation now. I'll be doing Staff Assistant. Office work man. wohoo. its 8 to 6 everyday. Time off for Sat and Sun and public holidays. So can go part time study and stuff.Haha
Oh ya i been surfing and stumble across this video. Its somehow curse not to say God's name for an evil act.
http://www.filecabi.net/video/allahwrong.htmlIslamic extremist terrorising the world is not ISlam and will never be Islam. To hell they will be for eternity.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006 @ money problem...
First of all i would like to wish every MUslim a sElaMat HarI RayA AidIL EdHA. Yup2..So hOw Was the sacrificing of the sheep goes? hope none got loose and running at the roadside.
Okay today was a normal day despite the festive occasion. My Family went to Pontian,Johore,to visit our relatives there. While me spent the whole day at my Grandparents house. Reason is that my Passport is dead and I didn't get an exit permit. KwanG KwAnG kwAng...
Now I had a problem. same old money problem. What should I do?
- Still got $500 for Euphonium.
- $1900 for my Granny.
- $150 for MiMi.
- Plan to stdy Part tym A level which would cost $300 per year for two years excluding the exam fee. total $600 excluding exam
- Plan to take class 2B license which might cost around $500 total.
- my Monthly bills which is likely to be $50 every month.
- And my Ez-link and food
- Ps2 and TV for my room
HAiz..Got to sort up by top piority. Think Of signing on As A police Officer. So I will Miss my Poly life. But it could be my chance to save up and settle everything. Or I will take part time study until i got my diploma or higher.
Any suggestion or donors to donate to me??
I'm waiting......
Monday, January 09, 2006 @ Reflect reflect
TOday All I did was eat sleep and play game.Since my PS ahad revive from the dead the whole afternoon was stuck playing it. Even if the game was stupid and lame. Anybody still got their RPG game for PS? I'm hungry for RPG. Especially Final Fantasy. Now playing Chrono Trigger. The Graphic is like old skool graphic. haha.
Okay den went to meet Farhan Sairi at McD. He was working. So while waiting for him,I ate and reflect about the social life. About the guys and girls who went 'hanyut'. While eating,saw a chix who smoke and had a tatoo on her left arm. Haiz. Since I am anti malay chix who smokes and had tatoos. Why?? Even some are really smoking hot.
Den I remember about a malay song call minah tudung. and the guy really critisized those ladies who wear tudung and did awful things. Why? Is there a problem that girls who wear tudung with dyed hair? They also have their live to life. Imagine of someone who wear tudung and smokes in public. cAn you except that? If your answer is No ask yourself why your answer is that way.
Is it because of uncommon for a lady in tudung to smoke?
Or a lady in tudung should portray a decent and islamic lady?
If that is so why guys or men in their praying clothes able to smoke freely in public? Shouldn't they also portray a good islamic men that follow the golden rules of islam??
Anyway why am i writting all this??
I'm wired and wierd.
Oh God save me from being insane.
Slamat Hari Raya Aildiladha..
Saturday, January 07, 2006 @ Got kicked to Juliet
I got kicked to JUliet..why???
I also donno la. Tot kene Foxtrot but end up to Juliet. Bdk bukan police tak faham bole tanye eh..
Any way asl kat juliet? but the place is so effing cool..haha..tmrw i need to be dere by 7 in the mrng. Suay..
MY Playstation was revived today.
after donno how many years didnt ouch the console to collect dust. and it revived.tHnkz to my little bro who keep on knocking the console. haha
@ Got kicked to Juliet
I got kicked to JUliet..why???
I also donno la. Tot kene Foxtrot but end up to Juliet. Bdk bukan police tak faham bole tanye eh..
Any way asl kat juliet? but the place is so effing cool..haha..tmrw i need to be dere by 7 in the mrng. Suay..
MY Playstation was revived today.
after donno how many years didnt ouch the console to collect dust. and it revived.tHnkz to my little bro who keep on knocking the console. haha
Thursday, January 05, 2006 @ P.O.P Ohhh!!
Okay..ladies and Gentlemen, I already a full pledge police officer.
Okay la POP awas a drag actually. It was raining and the parade was called off. So we had a ceremony at the swimming pool. Was fun though. Met with the Wirda,Aisha and Ela. Some with their parents and girlfriend. we socialized and took photos.
Got one part where Rafi's gal almost fell to the pool when taking our pics. She was standing at the edge and leaning back. Luckily She didn't fell.
Rizal twin brother came in his army uniform. They look alike and both of them are in uniforms both look smart.
Took alot of photos but I did not bring my camera. Dammit.
Oh ya got my posting already. I'm posted to J division. Jurong area. another dammit.. I pray I got to F division but end up in J. takpe la. Doing Admin stuff. heard its office hours. hope it is true. So that I could take my part time A level. and even take bike or car license.
Oh ya. I would like to take the opportunity to thankz all my elder bros in squad 52/05 for every thing they taught me direct and indirectly.All the good the bad and the ugly. Thank you all. and see ya arnd
Tuesday, January 03, 2006 @ besok p.O.p oh!!
Today very tiring..MAha penat. Okay still having rehearsal for the POP parade. And tmrw is the day. very tired. I can even slp during the parade.Weird huh..
Okay besok P.O.P but my boot is in bad condition. I forgot to buy Kiwi to polish my shoe..I'm In deep shit. haiz...Went down to find and buy one but every store dont have it. and some alrdy close.
I'm tired...
Wanna sleep soon...
Oh ya..I almost forgot..
Some of you especially the guys have seen or even have a video dld into their phone about some groups of guys pulling down tube tops of unexpecting ladies to expose their vulnerable part of their body. Such an outrage and especially to the ladies. To all ladies,Please be extra careful when wearing tube tops and low neck lines. your modesty may be in danger.
my gal is cute..
Monday, January 02, 2006 @ beginning of twenty 06
the beginning of twenty o6.
When to Mcd to meet my Farhan Sairi and Aizudin. Get some box to clear up my room. preparing for the new beds. Den lepak kat rumah Farhan sekejap b4 going home. the whole family was dere. haha
Den Went to CGH. visit my grandmother. she was hospitalised and got a cut on her head. got some stitches. kesian dier.
Went home and here I am typing a memorable blog. Chat wif taufiq for a while. and finding institute that offer part tym A lvl. haha. And I found at ITE. hmm. didn't noe they also offer such things. kewl. its $75 per subjects for 2 yrs. hmm. Think once i turn 18 i'm gg to enrol to the course and apply for regular police. and going to miss my poly life. HAiz
Or should I enter Poly once my deal for full tym NS is over and get a diploma? and further study to degree if I have the opportunity?
Need your opinions!!!