Monday, July 25, 2005 @ is the world falling down on me??
here goes....
Was teaching today at Quest. If you know where, thats good.If not, find out yourself. if cannot find, sent me a sms. okay? Ya my first day there.heard alot of stories about the to experience it first hand. haha.
the place was,dots. really. School still using black-boards and chalks.OMG!! the last schools to have these things as teaching aid huh?? bole mati.
The students there was fun. Talk with those i met before. Teach the woodwinds jrs. My first time. So have to teach one by one. go slow. In the end achieve to play 16 bars. wee
After lesson go to myself wet since its raining. Unexpectedly met hazlin. ya at bugis. chat for a while. den off to our own seperate ways.
collect my photocopy book and go nafa. glad to see some familiar faces to say hi.the gang is also there practicing hard. heard alot of these fine young musicians. I'm not anywhere near them. haiz.
Den go home.
travel the whole day by bus. can you believe that. Got to save for the future.anyway i got the bus no worries. =P
Sunday, July 24, 2005 @ updating
updating this come to me now no need to fight with my elder brother..hmm he should be sleeping by now..wonder wat he did today.surely made alot of frenz..hope he won't get bullied by the sargeants or other platoon mates who is bigger den him.
sayang jugak aku kat abang aku.haha.
Train today after a nap.. first aim to run 10 rounds in the end run 8 or 9 round.tak leh angkat. must do alot man. and i know that the push up i always do is not a standard one.crap.
after the sweaty day,hit the shower room at the stadium to have a shower.
Its the Young lions changing room too. You all know how the standard of the toilets in this particular stadium. If you donno den go and find which one i'm talking about. Wah.
can't believe that the soccer team which will be our National players representing our nation is having a bad condition toilet. At least they should be more conscious. When will the soccer standard in S'pore increase if they are giving them a low standard toilet.
I mean i spent not more than half of the day at the toilet. It suppose to be the cleanest place. and a wonderful place to drop your shit.
k lets stop about this toilet thingy
After the train we walk and walk and walk until reach safra. play pool for a while. Can believe she won be by that black 8 ball. haiz.It was a good game though. Surely she gain alot.haha.
den walk again till home.
@ got no time for you
hey..yeah been busy lately.everyday surely got some stuff to do. Wear me out at the end of the day. Announcement. My brother went to tekong alread. Wohoo!!!Got the room to myself for the next 2 weeks. Soon he will be a man. No more childish actions i hope.
CNL going to perform in the next few weeks. Have to practice.Not just that,i got to practice for myself.Dowanna disappoint myself and my teacher.Disappoint him a lot of time.
Soon back to teaching those Queenstown pri kids.Kinda miss them. Haha. Always mischeivious.
Gooi still owe me money.
K got to go. Hope i'll update later tonight.
peace out
Thursday, July 21, 2005 @ uncertain future
ya i'm having another dilemma about my future. Uncertain which road i'm taking.Its like I'm walking in circles. Donno wat to do what to take. Argh!! Dammit.
Talk with some seniors of mine and how they handle their life. One of them is in SAF Central Band. Ya. But now in NAFA stdying. Fully sponsored by the government. While he is in there he took some part time course and got himself both diploma and degree in marketing. He also conduct school band which the band got GWH frm a COP. He's good. One of my role model.
Should i continue the path i'm already in or should i just sidetrack and go for something new? can never escape from problems. Which will lead to stress which will lead to depression which will lead to poor health before i'm 6 feet under.just joking. hah.
Saturday, July 16, 2005 @ i think today was fun
Early morning meet ilah den go to stadium.Had my first physical training since i left school and she is my personal coach.hehe.penat. Mane 3 sets of 2 rounds and got a break of 5 mins in between sets to stretch. And must run below 5 mins. Kiwak aku mabuk sey. after that did some circuit training. Haha. Did push up and sit up and back extension and hip extension and leg lift.
After training went to eat before go home.
reach Home i took a shower and get ready to go concert at esplanade.Watching Wasbe's International Youth Wind Orchestra (IYWO) 2005. Was late though. Fucking road closure for NDP. I had to walk one fucking round to esplanade. And so I was late. But it was better late den never. The concert was G.R.E.A.T. Yay. Wasbe was a blast totally. Got boston brass quintet performing with dem. After the concert we met Adams Gorb. A fine and famous composer. I wanna be like him. hee.
After that went to the wasbe exhibition at suntec.Kinda interesting but got alot of Secondary School kids. I hate them. So childish.
Den walk around. Mark and his student missed Tokyo Kosei concert. kwang kwang kwang. wasted man. Jus because he got wrong info when it starts.
K i'm going off. going to eat at Jln Kayu. I'm feeling hungry already.
Friday, July 15, 2005 @ pasal hari ini
Half of about today you know. now the other half.
Today is Friday so every Friday is X-Box Day. The place after the Friday Prayers is to Farhan's place to play x-box. Ya. We played Halo 2 from 2.30 to 9p.m.How long was that?..7 straight hours of non stop action. haha. Well i still suck at the game. My second time playing the game. Still confuse with the controls. Haha. Well learnt as you play..
wisah tomorrow i will wake up early and go jogging. Alone i think. either that or go swimming. Also alone.
k bye
@ pasal semalam....
read the title up dere??...kalau paham bagos kalau tak ignore it (if you know thats good if not den forget about it)
ok here goes..
yesterday i was facing my phobia face to face. See the moving water at the Singapore river. Sitting at the tebing with Haqim was a learning expierence while waiting for Farhan who got NDP rehearsal. Mabok siol..
while waiting go to esplanade library looking at guitar tabs and Men's Health Magzine. K den we talk crap...
Before that went to Farhan's mum shop after work.Got to eat for free.haha
den travel to woodlands to find specs.
Now I'm with Haqim Waiting For Farhan again.GonnA eat.Yay! HAqim Blanje..wee
Wednesday, July 13, 2005 @ i miss you
these are the only three words that i could say. not enuf by just seeing you 3 hours per week. Well i'm not blaming you nor myself. everything have to be balanced ryt?
so i met her today. reject my farhans request to meet me just for her. sorry. well rotting at home just to wait for he right time to msg her asking her out. yeah we meet and talk and walk and do stuff like wat couples did.
love ya.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005 @ my future starts here
ya..i hope so...wait hope is for the hopeless..
well ystdy night got a bit of misunderstanding with syg. sorry really a jerky jackass.
well about the title today this is the story. After i completed my 16 lessons with fredi on euphonium,i will try out for audition for a spot in SAF or Police force band. Thats right kids. thinking of starting my career at the end of this year. Not even reaching 18 years old. these are the reason why.
- Well first of all I surely can't survive as a soloist in Singapore unless somebody wanna sponsor me. hee.
- the band scene in S'pore is beginning to open so it won't be time soon that it will reach to its peak. So at least in the force i can play and earn a living
- got full govt support.
- peform,perform and more perform
- No use study so high and get a diploma in smething and in the end just throw the cert one side
- My father advise me to.
ya..wanna be someone in uniform.
got to prepare for the unexpected too.and work really hard.
Monday, July 11, 2005 @ 15 more lessons
counting down my lesson. today had the first lesson with Fredi. Ya. Got into the room unprepared. Still cooling down. He arrive like 5 mins late. but thats okay. hee. den the lesson starts.Do breathing exercise on the bobo book until i got dizzy. tak le angkat. its like oxygen overdose. did long tones,slurs some new fingerings that i donno. and one more thing. mouthpiece work.buzzing to be easy. wah. got to practice till my embrochure is strong.
den slack with the gang. play some songs,relax and chill. den walk around town for dinner. carrying my eupho around too. haha. berat giler. eat at McD centerpoint. after that went Mc Cafe at Shaw House. talk about the band scene and terrorist. sam trying to be paranoid about the terror attacks and ga find places where it is easy to evacuate.
Think after thje 16 weeks I wanna try for an audition to SAF band or the Police band. Before that taking my ABRSM grade 5. Wanna ask Fredi whether he could help me.About the audition for the career, why should i wait for enlistment when i can apply for it straight right. But that will mean a new responsibility and life. Excited and got to prepare for the big unknown right. so got to start now.
Miss you dear. muacks. happy 29th right?.hee.
Sunday, July 10, 2005 @ spectee...
Today like norm every weekends need to say la. boss gonna raise my pay. I think by 2 cents.hope fully 10 cents more ah. Get more pay i'll be more than willing to stay and work longer. farhan still didn't get his pay raise and say that the company make him cry. Poor guy.
The three of us (me, farhan and haqim)deciced to buy thick plastic glasses and look like a nerd to work. haha. thinking of either orange or lime green. Haha. Surely gonna rock the store.haha
reach home and sleep all the way. Woke up at 1830 hours bathe and practice my eupho. dead la.Tmrw got lesson. haven't prepare anything yet.
Den my relative came to visit my granny. My cousin who tunang last week ask me whether i wanna perform for the wedding. But here the catch. Play nasyid songs or soft rock since alot of the invitations are 'strict people'. Donno ah. I see first how it goes.
k i'm done.
till tomorrow
Saturday, July 09, 2005 @ erhmm..
Yesterday night suddenly sore throat..getting cough too..
Ystdy spent the wole day at Farhan's house play game and all. After dinner we chat with his mum. She spill all her only son secret. Kuang kuang kuang..
Today work like norm...den go CNL..sight read 2 songs. The jubiloso overture by alfred reed and the advanture of know the comic tintin?..yea thats the one.
Fredi called me jus now.Lesson starting this coming monday.shoot. HJaven't been practicing. dead liao. No arban also. dead. No money too. okay now i'm 6 feet under. argh!!
took bus home.stuck in traffic. In the end took almost 2 hours to reach yishun from red hill. thats the longest ride i've been in s'pore by taking bus. I'm not going to take that bus anymore.
i'm out..
Thursday, July 07, 2005 @ Time To get skanking!!!
While everyone getting emo and screamo i"m here skanking all the way..yeah...i just love ska. those bright sounds from the trombones trumpets and sax,while the upstroke from the guitar and the running notes fom the bass set to make you dance. those bands are really gr8 man. Catch 22,Less than Jake,Streetlight Manifesto,Mad Caddies. Haha,so if you wanna get away from emo & screamo just listen to ska ryt...
Well this the pic of my eupho i just bought it..Look at how shiny it is..hehe.

Still need more time to season the instrument...still brassy and all that..since its is kept for 5-6 years collecting dust...must keep on doing it..
For my own good.
Wise words from Fredi "Always make your best sound possible"
Wednesday, July 06, 2005 @ yeah baby
those are the first few words i said to the auntie who OJE today at McD. Bring her daown to get her uniform. Ask her to change and be ready. Boss ask me to teach her lobby.crap. o0okay la..
Went to tampines and met my McD frenz. We went to meet up just to get my euphonium. MY euphonium. haha.Went around tampines mall to kill time in the mean time. Den withdraw money. Meet the person. Kinda happy about the that euphonium. shiny dude. let me tell you the story about the eupho i bought.
This person,WR,bought it for his personal use last 5-6 years ago.He was so active in band in his school. He bought and import from UK. However WR used less then 10 times. He then let it collect dust for the rest of the time until now.
K now i need to sve for the monthly installment plan which is a hundred bucks a month,$320 for my lesson, and a new mouthpiece.
k...i'm gone...bye
Tuesday, July 05, 2005 @ yawn*
Hi whoever reading this page. I'm back..
Last Sunday my cuzzie tunang.She looks so beautiful.Like an angel fell from the sky. The barang2 hantaran was like a chocolate paradise man. Lol. Met all my other cuzzie and was great meeting them again. Not everyday we see our cousins. A lot of stuff happen. Even my mum and my aunt wanna matchmake me with my cousin. Just bcos we listen mp3 together?..let she hear some band songs i got. She's a clarinetist from bedok north sec. Gold band. But she still a bit lost about band stuff. like me before. haha
Before that was working and celebrate Farhan's bdae. Haha. bought for him a slice of cake from swensen. Lucky didn't saboh him.Hehe
K I'm going to get my first euphonium soon. Even if its not the one i want but for the time being at least i could pratice my skill. I'm goanna get it soon. Wee
jus now work full 8 hours. I'm like a multi-station guy. First did kitchen den go down arrange storeoom ang stock up den come back did counter before go break. after break did kitchen again while the aunties did counter and supposedly the yougster do counter.Hehe.
Jus now uncle edmund call me. He is my section mate in cnlwe. He called to treat me lunch soon. Hehe. So honoured. wah. So kind of him.
I'm gonna chage the skin. Its just to dull for me. and i'm not emo.